Saturday, March 30, 2019

Mat Memory- AWA War in the Windy City 1989/06/29

Part 1..
AWA Championship Wrestling War in the Windy City Part I Taped June 23rd, 1989 Odeon Sports & Expo Center Villa Park, IL "The California Jammer" Tommy Jammer vs. "The Illustrious" Jonnie Stewart Scott Norton vs. Tom Burton in an Arm Wrestling Challenge Match Paul Diamond interview Paul Diamond vs. Akio Sato Diamond interview Mat Classic with Nori Helm: Joyce Grable & Wendi Richter vs. Judy Martin & Velvet McIntyre (Super Sunday - 4/24/83) Feature on the Destruction Crew 'The Olympic Strongman" Ken Patera & Scott "Flash" Norton vs. The Destruction Crew Patera & Norton interview Wayne Bloom & Johnny Valiant interview

Part 2..

AWA Championship Wrestling War in the Windy City Part II Taped June 23rd, 1989 Odeon Sports & Expo Center Villa Park, IL WWA Heavyweight Champion Mike George vs. Rockin' Randy in a non-title match Scott Norton vs. "Mean" Mike Enos (w/Wayne Bloom) in an Arm Wrestling Challenge Match Larry Zbyszko interview Tina Moretti interview AWA World Ladies Champion Wendi Richter vs. Candi Divine Ken Patera interview Mat Classic with Nori Helm: Jerry Blackwell vs. King Kong Brody (10/21/84) Nick Bockwinkel interview AWA World Heavyweight Champion "The Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko vs. Greg Gagne

Shane Strickland Promo (The Wrestling Revolver)

Mat Memory- Great Wrestling from the Olympic TV (late 1979)

1) Ari Romero/Al Madril vs “Bad News” Allen Coage/Victor Rivera 2) Chavo Guerrero vs Big Ben 3) Tom Pritchard vs Golden Boy vs Professor Ito vs Great Goliath ($5,000 battle royal, glove on a pole) 4) Al Madril vs The Assassin

Mat Memory- Great Wrestling from the Olympic TV (July 1980)

1) Tom Pritchard/Al Madril vs The Hood/Ron Starr 2) Professor Ito vs John Tolos 3) John Davidson vs Al Madril 4) Rick Davidson vs Walter Johnson 5) Saka Moana vs Ron Starr

Mat Memory- Wrestling From Olympic Auditorium 1982 83

Mat Memory- Wrestling From The Olympic Auditorium 80s

Mat Memory- Los Angeles Wrestling from the Olympic Arena 1980

Seiji Sakaguchi and Riki Choshu, the Guerrero Brothers, and much much more.

Defiant Wrestling (UK)- New World Champion Rory Coyle Ushers In A New Era (Defiant Loaded #16)

Pro Wrestling League ( Australia) - Rise Of The Rapscallion

Pro Wrestling League Presents Rise Of The Rapscallion! From the Nerang PCYC On February 23rd 2019 Fatal Four Way Match Rufio Vs Jesse Love Vs EC Diamond Vs Tim Kade Rip Reilly Vs Spaceman Dacey Jesse Daniels Vs Adonis Street Revolution Vs Headstrong Jaxon Cross Vs Jade Diamond Pro Wrestling League Championship Triple Threat Match (c) Mick Moretti Vs Gino Gambino Vs Jake Nova

The Absolute Truth About Pro Wrestling (Full feature-length documentary, Part 1)

You know that wresting is fake, right?” That’s the first thing any wrestling fan hears when sharing a passion for the mat wars with someone who just doesn’t get it. In 2004, filmmaker Mark Ezovski set out to address this question once and for all. In “The Absolute Truth About Pro Wrestling,” two-time WWE tag team champ and Hall of Famer “Luscious” Johnny Valiant, fetish wrestler, dominatrix and pro wrestler “Empress Asia” Sky Hosoya and “Professor” Larry Brisco—a Ph.D-wielding wrestler with an appreciation for the Old School—expose the business and show you just how real life in the squared circle can be. "The Absolute Truth" has been called "a visual love poem to pro wrestling" and "the best documentary ever made about wrestling."

DDT (Japan)- Oishi vs Takeshita vs HARA vs Paulie 2019.3.23

Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw)- RISE vs. Schadenfreude at wXw 16 Carat Gold Revenge (Hype Video)

EVOLVE Mini-Doc: Obsession?

When Anthony Henry double stomped Darby Allin through a table at EVOLVE 122 the WWN Faithful were shocked! Was this a random act of violence? We learned a little more in the EVOLVE 122 Recap but were taken aback by Anthony’s attire and actions at EVOLVE 124. This EVOLVE Mini-Doc by Kenny Johnson shows Anthony Henry’s actions may be even more deep seated. After getting himself disqualified at EVOLVE 124, Henry will face Allin again at EVOLVE 125 and there must be a winner!

Appalachian Mountain Wrestling- AMW-TV Episode 134: March 30, 2019

On AMW-TV 134: The All American vs. Shawn Cruz Special footage from UCW in Greensburg, Ky involving Kyle Maggard and Big Rig Jake Brake with Lemonjuice McGee Weekend of Champions Announcement TV Main Event Stan Lee vs. Sigmon Commentary by Nathan Lyttle

Here's Precisely WHY... Impact Booked Allie To Die Was Dumb As Fuck

You have the above pic which shows what I said yesterday about how stupid it was, period. As well as how Callis is booking the very silliness he said he was gonna get rid of.

And here's the most blatant reason that proves what I said to be correct.

At last night's RISE Legendary event, Kylie Rae defeated Mercedes Martinez for the Phoenix of RISE Championship.
After the match she was challenged by Zoe Lucas and attacked by another group of wrestlers. Brandi Rhodes, Britt Baker, and Nyla Rose would come out to make the save for Rae. The group would also be joined in the ring by fellow AEW wrestlers, Allie (aka Cherry Bomb) and Penelope Ford, to close out the show.

Here's the video.

Some things are just so easy to prove and nice to be proven right. Can't Kill off a talent and not think she's gonna show up the next night somewhere else, LOL. Especially in this day and age, it doesn't work or even come close to convincing anymore.

Get A Load Of This Stupid Shit From Impact Wrestling (Can't make this lame crap up, Callis wrote it)