Thursday, March 26, 2020

DDT Pro Wrestling (Japan) Video From 2020.3.20

Harley Race's World League Wrestling - Thursday Night Showdown | Episode 78

World League Wrestling has moved its weekly television program from Tuesday nights to Thursday nights and tonight is the first airing of Thursday Night Showdown!

On tonight's episode of WLW, CT Harrison and Art Sky call the action between the following matches:

ZC Hendricks vs. Sean Patrick
Jayden Dominic Rose vs. Camaro Jackson

Next week, Jack Gamble faces off against Stephan Newton and Moses "The Deliverer" takes on Austin Cravens - "The Attraction".

Mat Memory- Huracan Castillo VS Dick Murdoch 1991 (WWC)

Noble vs Martigan vs Barnett Triple Threat Mid America Title Match Supreme Wrestling's Final Friday January 2020

A triple threat match for the Mid America Heavyweight Title features champion "The Architect of Torment" Angus Barnett w/ LEGION defending against Nic Noble and "Forever Damned" Van Martigan at Supreme Wrestling's Final Friday for January 2020.

Gaston LaRue vs Chuck McRoberts 2020 King of Supreme Second Round Match (Supreme Wrestling)

"Mr. By the Book" Gaston LaRue w/ Nic Noble takes on "Wildthing" Chuck McRoberts in a second round match in the 2020 King of Supreme Tournament.

Video of Teddy Hart Verbal Altercation.. He gets told to "Get Stepping", LMAO!

Arn Anderson Talks WWE Burying Sting In His WrestleMania Match With Triple H

WrestleMania 31 was home to the long anticipated WWE debut of Sting, who faced Triple H in a match that became WWE vs. WCW. The match ended up being a disappointment for most and featured NWO vs. DX with Triple H pinning Sting in his WWE debut.

When asked about Sting and his debut at WrestleMania 31, Arn Anderson noted that Sting's WWE debut came way too late.

"Well, I thought it was 15 years too late," Anderson said. "I'm the guy who thinks Undertaker should still be riding the wave of his undefeated streak. You only get one crack at some stuff and Sting being the last hold out would've been nice if Sting would've came across when WCW was done and be pushed like the star that he was."

"It was meant to beat you over the head with: 'We are WWE, we won the war. Here's your big star, well he ain't a big star here tonight.'

During the match, DX came out to help out Triple H while the NWO assisted Sting. This was strange too many people because for anyone who knew anything about WCW, the NWO's biggest rival was Sting during their peak.

Anderson talked about the awkward move to bring out these two factions and how funny it was to notice all the guys involved had more of a connection to Triple H than Sting.

"Everyone on both run ins had a relationship with Hunter in some capacity," Anderson said. "Sting is the only WCW guy, his biggest nemesis the entire look of the show for however long was Sting vs. The NWO. Why would they come down on his behalf?"

Talking about the decision to pin Sting clean in his long awaited WWE debut has been a topic of discussion since the moment WWE made this decision. Anderson talked about WWE's move to pin Sting clean in his debut.

"If you decide you aren't using Sting in any other capacity, Hunter is going to be there, you know that next year and the year after that," Anderson said. "Okay, you go Hunter's way, Hunter is going to win the match. That's what it is if you're not going to use Sting anymore. But if you want to get that Sting - Undertaker match and you want to get another match out of him and possibly get several television appearances out of him, what would be wrong with putting Sting over with his finish?"

After the match, Sting and Triple H would shake hands. This also confused Anderson because the finish of the match involved Triple H using a sledgehammer to Sting's head. Anderson also talked about whose idea the match was and noted that Triple H could never override Vince when it comes to the decisions on a match.

"After all that bullsh**, run in, abuse, hit me in the face with a sledgehammer, I'm just going to shake your hand and walk out," Anderson said. "It's another one of those deals with WWE beating you over the head with 'This is a work, guys it's just entertainment, it doesn't mean s--t, match is over now, we'll go back to being just entertainers.' I don't think the audience needs that, I don't think they want it.

"I know that Hunter will never be able to override Vince's idea no matter how good his is that he has," Anderson stated. "If Vince has an idea, the harder you push against him, the harder he pushes back and he just happens to have a lot more weight behind his push. Why would you kick out of Shawn Michaels superkick on top of Triple H's pedigree and all the other finishes you piled and piled on top of each other? You're not building anybody, you're killing everything off."

"I don't understand why guys of this era don't understand your finish is the one thing you should have sacred. Once you hit your finish on the guy, he's beat, that's why it's your finish. If you didn't have confidence in it, because it didn't have a proven record, why is it the move that you chose to win the match? It's real simple, go with what your best stuff is to try and win a match. Hunter got out of Sting's finish, Sting got out of however many finishes and after getting hit in the face with a sledgehammer, he was up a minute later shaking the guys hand. It just s--ts on everything."

The idea of WCW vs. WWE was something that was sold during the match. The commentary team continuously put that over while putting over the WWE guy and burying the WCW star. Anderson talked about the continuous comments regarding Sting not being able to live up to the hype in this moment and how they buried Sting repeatedly.

"I'm sure they were being fed that," Anderson said. "To just go on and on and on and on putting Triple H over and dumping on Sting and the comparison being this guy's a pro and you're sandlot, you're little league, this guys an all pro in the NFL and you're on peewee league. That was the premise of it all. Other than building the match, as the match was building, it was like tunnel vision. 'Okay dip s--t, we finally got you on board now we're going to just bury you,' and that's pretty much what happened. The comparisons were just brutal, and they weren't doing anything to build the character of Sting and I've never been a fan of that. You don't say old, you don't say too small, you don't say fat, find something in your opponent that makes him special, so when he beats you, he really beats you. Otherwise, a little guy beats you or an old guy beats you or a fat guy beats you, it's just common sense."

"The reality is this: It was the last nail that Vince could nail into the coffin and say okay it's done, we're the superior company. They said they were going to put us out of business, they led for all those weeks but in the end, here's your last remaining guy and he was your biggest star and we just crushed him before your very eyes at the biggest event of the year. It is now officially done. It's like WCW never existed now, that's what would've been going through his mind. It's the last vestige of WCW and we just squashed him."

Here We Go Again-- Teddy Hart Arrested Again Today (Updated w/ Video)

Teddy Hart was arrested again in Richmond, Virginia. which would be Hart's third arrest this year.

Hart was arrested last month on February 12th in Richmond, Virginia. The 40-year old was booked on three charges of possession, possession of a Schedule III controlled substance and possession with intent to sell and distribute. In a now-deleted video, Hart said that he was pulled over by police due to an issue with his license plate not matching the registration for the car he was driving in. Hart said that he was arrested after the police found steroids and marijuana in the car.

Hart was arrested again earlier this month on March 4th for violating his house arrest.

Hart has had his share of legal issues throughout the years. He was arrested in December of 2014 by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on multiple sexual assault charges involving two women, which were dropped in June of 2016. He was most recently arrested on January 1, 2017 after attempting to evade arrest after being pulled over for a hazardous traffic violation in Arlington, Texas. Those charges were also eventually dropped.

The 40-year old Hart was at the home of indie performer Ace Montana earlier today. Montana claims that Hart physically assaulted Maria Manic. Montana alleges that he then pulled a gun at Hart. Montana posted the video below of Hart leaving the scene, with Hart denying that he assaulted Manic.

"I literally had to pull my gun on #Teddyhart ?? and throw him out of my friends house," Montana wrote on Facebook. "This piece of s--t literally choked out and physically assaulted Maria Manic and would not let her get help. she texted me I'm in danger never ever did I think I would meet a piece of s--t like this guy who has now been arrested with a felony against him. I don't think this guy knew how close to death he was. #f--kyouteddyheart

"This video is me kick him out before the cops came and arrested him???."

This is Hart's third arrested this year. Hart was arrested last month on February 12th in Richmond, Virginia and was booked on three charges of possession, possession of a Schedule III controlled substance and possession with intent to sell and distribute. He was arrested again earlier this month for violating his house arrest.

Video of altercation is here.. Where Teddy gets verbally punked. is here.

Hart has a court date set for tomorrow morning at 8:45.


WWE referee Steve Armstrong disclosed that his father, WWE Hall of Famer Bob Armstrong, who was one of the all-time best babyfaces in the Southeast and a major player in Smoky Mountain Wrestling, has been diagnosed with cancer but has chosen not to undergo treatment.  Armstrong, always renowned for his strength, remains incredibly strong, as Armstrong showed on social media:

Three different Wrestle-1 (Japan) Videos.

2017年9月2日横浜文化体育館プロレスLOVE in YOKOHAMA


2018年9月2日横浜文化体育館 『プロレスLOVE in YOKOHAMA』

Mat Memory- Gino Medina vs Ayden Cristiano (Referee BOOKER T) Reality Of Wrestling

Gino Medina vs Ayden Cristiano for the Row Championship with special guest referee Booker T.

Eric Bischoff shoots on Hulk Hogan losing to Arn Anderson clean

Mat Memory- AJPW 2000 Giant Series Vol. 1

All Japan Pro-Wrestling
2000 Giant Series
Volume 1
New Triple Crown Champion Decisive Tournament

Opening Ceremonies
First Round Matches:
Shiro Koshinaka vs. Johnny Smith (10/14)
Toshiaki Kawada vs. Steve Williams (10/14)
Recap: Jinsei Shinzaki vs. Stan Hansen (10/16)

Recap: Genichiro Tenryu vs. Mike Barton (10/18)
Plus semi-finals and finals

Mat Memory- Terry Gordy and Kabuki vs Killer Kahn and Riki Chishu. 1985

Mat Memory- RESISTANCE Pro Wrestling: HARRY SMITH (c) vs RHYNO "Steel Cage Match" w/Special Guest Referee RAVEN

11-30-12 The 1st ever RESISTANCE Pro Heavyweight Champion HARRY SMITH must defend his Title against RHYNO inside of a STEEL CAGE with special Guest Referee RAVEN!

Mat Memory- RESISTANCE Pro TV HD 08/18/15 - Crazy Mary Dobson vs. Jessicka Havok!

This match took place on Saturday August 1st, 2015 at DEATH PROOF in Willowbrook, IL.

Mat Memory- Harry Smith (British Bulldog Jr. w/ Sign Guy Dudley) vs. ACH

ROH/CHIKARA/EVOLVE star Jordan Myles vs. WWE star Davey Boy Smith Jr. (w/ ECW manager Lou D'Angeli).

Mat Memory- IWA (PR)- Ricky Banderas VS Tommy Dreamer + Traición del Siglo 2001

(The Not So 'Retired' ) DJZ - All Of The Lights | AAW Films

A glimpse into DJZ's AAW career as he discusses his favorite memories, and favorite moments within AAW.


Here's the video for anyone who missed it.

Had I saw this live? I would've grabbed the remote and changed the channel.. And no, not to go watch NXT either.. To watch anything else.. Or I would've went to watch some decent indie stuff on YouTube.. This felt so much like something straight out of the WWE creative department.. It gave me the very same headache I get when I watch WWE programming..

But yet this is the very same AEW that claimed they were gonna be the alternative to WWE.. Watching this crap I fail to see where the alternative is. And this isn't the first time they've taken shit straight out of the WWE programming book either. I pointed that out in this story right here.

Some things change some things stay the same, like AEW claiming to be different than WWE but doing the exact same shit, WWE does. Makes you go, HHMMM.