Monday, September 3, 2018

No Logic AGAIN When It Comes To WWE And Their "Creative Ideas' (rolls eyes)

WWE announced that WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley (currently in the middle of his 20 Years of Hell one man show tour) will return to Monday Night Raw next week in New Orleans, LA to celebrate the anniversary of his 1998 Hell in A Cell bout against the Undertaker.  This appears to be part of WWE's build towards the 10/6 Super Show-Down match that has been announced as the final in-ring encounter between The Undertaker and Triple H. WWE did not address Foley's 2017 storyline firing as the Raw General Manager and it appears that storyline point will likely be overlooked and forgotten.

Add to that Kevin Owens "quits" but comes back a week later? HUH? Can someone, SOME ONE, hell ANYONE get hired there as a logic editor with some balls so that way they can go to Vince McMahon and say "hey, this makes no sense, how about you have your creative Dept. make it more logical". Of course that'll never happen because WWE doesn't believe in logical booking, not do they seem to give a shit about it. But yet they want their fans to just 'go along' with their illogical bullshit booking. 

And people wonder why, I don't this shit anymore. There's two examples right there why. The creative there is so creatively challenged it's past the point of ridiculousness, and quite frankly.. Really fucking pathetic.

Explaining My Beef With Dave Scherer At PWInsider, And Why He's An idiot.

I've had more than a few people either email me or message me on FB why I have this beef with Columnist Dave Scherer at PWInsider. If you knew what I knew then you might understand why what's there is there. So What I'm going to do is explain it. I'm also goiung to put some other things that are claimed to task as well. Take note though, that I know Scherer will see this but he won't have the balls to acknowledge it freely. You'll have to be one of his “VIP Members” At PWInsider who have to 'pay' to hear what he thinks (why anyone would want to do that, is fucking idiotic, but yes, people do pay).

Someone I know had emailed me and asked if he could suggest me to Scherer as being part of the PWInsider staff as a contributor based on how I focus a lot on indy wrestling. My answer was 'sure, give it a shot but I bey he'll find a reason to say no”. Needless to say, I was right. His reply was more or less because what I write wouldn't 'monetize' his webpage, though he does have others who post Indy wrestling things freely on their PWInsiderxtra web page. Makes you wonde rif those people have to 'pay' in order to have their results posted since this was Scherer's logic about monetizing”.

A few emails into it Scherer says (and I posted the email here as proof because proof is, a mother fucker :) ) “I could care less what that guys says, he has tried to make a name for himself by slandering legitimate reporters, I just ignore him”. HHMMM If that was true then the other screen shots of an email convo he and I had that are posted, would've never existed.. Again, proof is a mother fucker and needless to say, Putting his foot in his mouth is something Scherer has proven to be quite good at doing. Also claiming the guy who emailed him was me was also another dumb decision he made as you see by the ACTUAL email convo I posted here.

But let's take what he said to task, shall we? Because again, either he's clueless, ignorant or doesn't know any better when he says shit without thinking. I 'tried to make a name for myself'.. Well, this is where I get to with pleasure, put him in his place on that claim.

According to the Wikipedia page that's dedicated to him he..Founded his dirt sheet The Wrestling Lariat in 1995.. I remember writing my first column for a little monthly dirt sheet out of Mississippi named “Pro Wrestling Monthly” back in 1993, by 1994 I was writing regularly for that one, Another one called Global Pro Wrestling News based in Alabama, as well as The Wrestling Edge Monthly newsletter which was based in New York City. Here's a link to where I wrote about HOW, I became a sheet writer that I did on an old Angelfire web page I once used. You click that, and this one here... and you'll see that I had or HAVE already made a name for myself with what I wrote. The latter link was based on heat I had with the late Dennis Caroluzzo, and his NWA in new Jersey over what they got busted for. Question someone like IWF promoter in New Jersey Tommy Fierro and he'll remember this since he took part in it and got checked, along with Caroluzzo and others for what they did in 'retaliation' of me writing the truth on Caroluzzo's NWA.

And let's not forget I also contributed articles to Wrestling Then and Now, another monthly newsletter back in the day as well. Proof you ask? Proof you get right here with this, and this, which is the experience of locally promoting my first show in Rochester, NH for WWA New England. These come from where? The old Wrestling Then and Now web page on Angelfire. Add to this three articles I contributed to Wrestling World magazine (one on Sylvano Sousa's Atlantic Wrestling Federation in NH/Mass. One on WWA New England and a third one on the Eastern Wrestling Alliance when they were based in Maine) and I do say that Scherer's claim of me 'trying to make a name for myself' has been shot to shit. Like I said, proof.. IS, a mother fucker and that's an awful lot of proof to put Scherer in his place.

I also to this day write for Dann Lennard's “Feed The Gorilla' fanzine that's based in Australia. I just recently did another article for that that will be published in a few weeks. Been writing for Dann's various fanzines since 1994, so there's that as well Scherer, How's it feel to really look stupid at this moment?

Here's another claim about Scherer from this Wikipedia page. “Scherer played an important role in making ECW noticed in the early 90's thru tape trading”. Excuse me a second while I start laughing, hahahahahahahhahaa.. Funny, it wasn't Scherer who got me interested in ECW tapes, it was actually two different people I was trading tapes with who taped the tv shows themselves.. Guy named “Steve” in New York and a guy named “Mark” who lived in Old Saybrook, CT. and got ECW both on Sportschannel Philly and the MSG Network on his cable system.. Plus add in the fact that RF VIDEO had $1200 full page ads in Pro Wrestling Illustrated every month claiming to be the 'official distributor' of ECW tapes (and one of the links I shared, how I became a sheet writer, explains how instead of getting an ECW Merchandise catalog every time I requested one, I got a video update from RF VIDEO instead). So that being the case how is it that Scherer did shit when there were others selling and trading ECW tapes and I got the tapes from them? Makes you go, HHMMMMMMMM.

The other screen shots that have an email conversation that DID happen between me and Scherer (my only interaction ever with him) was about something I caught on his PWInsider web page, a media call with Bruce Pritchard that only 'VIP Members' who 'pay' for a membership could listen to. But looking at other wrestling news sites like The Torch and Wrestlinginc, they had a link for ANYBODY who wanted to hear it, could click the link and hear it. I simply emailed him and asked him why should someone 'pay' for your VIP membership to hear something they can go somewhere else and listen to it for free. You can by the conversation he wasn't 'getting it'. Hell you can go to Youtube and if you know where to look? Same thing, hear it without having to 'pay' for a membership. I even sent him a link to the Torch where they had a link you could click and hear it for free but that sailed over Scherer's head as well. What he did was what all people seem to do when I catch them on shit and they can't ballroom dance around it convincingly, he did the usual and typical internet response of trying to change the subject by showing me a link to something I posted on Youtube. After I caught him on that and verbally bashed him on catching him changing the subject to avoid the fact his excuses weren't adding up? Guess what, he blocked my email account. Imagine that. Typical internet bitch move.

But really, seriously, why pay for a membership that has media calls you can hear for free elsewhere, and just to hear him and Michael Johnson have podcasts doing 'mailbag's'? (Yawns) Yes, people actually do pay for this 'exclusive content' (rolls eyes) and think this is a great thing. I guess what they say about fools and their money is indeed true.

So there you go, Why there's a beef with Scherer, and where he and Johnson at Pwinsider, Wrestlinginc, Torch and Meltzer are the first to whine and bitch when nobody gives them credit for stories they do, when I've sent all these people stuff, they never give me any credit. Every time I've asked them to explain this logic of crying and bitching when others don't give you credit but you won't give me credit, I get no answer, from any of them. Interesting mentality this is, eh? So fuck em., and In a way I'm not glad Scherer fucked up on me like he did. With this blog, my FB group of the same name and being an admin or editor for five other FB wrestling groups I have my own platform to write things how I want. And I don't have to 'try' and make a name for myself because in many ways.. I already have. And I will continue to do with no need to have people 'pay' for what I say, let em see it for free the way it's meant to be :)

Viewers Decline This Week For World of Sport Show, But.. Here's The Question...

  • Saturday’s episode of World of Sport averaged 400,000 viewers on ITV, a big decline from last week’s 700,000. The show shifted to a new time slot this week and started a half hour earlier.
Here's the question, did the station that airs this actually advertise that they're moving the show to another time slot? How much did They advertise it? Because if more people knew in advance chances are, the viewers numbers wouldn't have declined. Especially with the great matches they had on there this past week that I plugged here on this blog (and elsewhere).

Undertaker reportedly At Raw (yawns and rolls eyes)

If you hear some noise, it's me yawning at this.. This actually proves that their current characters can't get over if you have to go back to putting 'daddy's son inlaw' back in the ring to get people talking.

According to several reports, The Undertaker is backstage at Raw tonight,

He will likely be part of the build towards his match against Triple H at the WWE Super Show-Down event on October 6. Shawn Michaels has also been confirmed for Raw tonight, where he will be talking about the big match. It is being billed as the last ever match between Undertaker and Triple H.

The match has been pushed hard in the last several weeks. It started with Triple H coming to the ring the day after SummerSlam, saying that when he was called to face The Undertaker in Australia, he initially said no. But once he thought about the direction of his and Undertaker’s careers went following their match at WrestleMania 28, it really was the end of an era. Triple H said that he agreed to the match, wanting to prove that their era was back.

WWE Super Show-Down will be held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground in Melbourne, Australia.

Funny video featuring Dr. D David Schultz & Gregory Helms.

If you're on Facebook you can catch this ROH vs WUW match from Washington State

FMW Leatherface- WUW Washington + Portland Sayonara America Promo!!

Sayonara America!! Last stop. Balls out. West Coast! WUW Oregon + Bremerton, Washington. Coming to you September 29th + 30th, 2018...

MLW Fusion Episode 20: Tom Lawlor vs. Jake Hager (Formerly WWE's Jack Swagger)

Following the vicious attack on Team Filthy’s coach Seth Petruzelli, Tom Lawlor battles Colonel Parker’s top man Jake Hager in the main event.  Team Filthy and the Stud Stable have been feuding all summer long.  This Friday their rivalry reaches it climax as Hager and Lawlor throwdown in an MLW ring.  Who will prevail? Tune in to find out!
Brian Pillman Jr.'s mentor Kevin Sullivan has confirmed he will be in the house to confront his protege about his affiliation with the Hart Foundation.  Will Sully be able to convince the young Pillman that he's heading down the wrong path with a bad bunch? Speaking of the Hart Foundation, Teddy Hart will be in action as the mercurial Canadian grappler squares off against Turkey's top ranked wrestler Vandal Ortagun. Sami Callihan's ravagers ready themselves for WAR GAMES in Fort Lauderdale on September 6th but John Morrison, Tommy Dreamer, Barrington Hughes, Kotto Brazil and Swerve aren't backing down.  What happens next in this saga? Tune in to FUSION Friday night to find out. Simon Gotch will offer up a "large sum of cash" in a prize fight against a boxer.  Will the pugilist prevail or will Gotch keep his bag of cash? After being suckered by his former tag team partner Jason Cade, Jimmy Yuta will finally have his shot at Cade 1-on-1 as the former Team TBD squares off in the ring for the first time ever. Tony Schiavone and Rich Bocchini call the action in Orlando.

CWF Mid-Atlantic Wrestling: Worldwide #163 Title vs Title!!

Title vs Title: Trevor Lee vs Aric Andrews Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles: Redemption vs Los Chicanos 2018 Weaver Cup First Round: Cam Carter vs Ethan Sharpe 2018 Weaver Cup First Round: Cain Justice vs Keith Mack

Appalachian Mountain Wrestling AMW-TV Episode 104: September 1, 2018

WWE Hall of Famers the Rock N Roll Express challenge the Family w/ Lemonjuice McGee for the AMW Tag Team Championships. also on the program hear from AJ's Reformation, Amw Champion John Noble, Kyle Maggard, Stan Lee, Dan Richards and more.

Former WWE Star and Current ROH Producer Joey Mercury Arrested.

Former WWE star and current Ring of Honor Producer Adam Carlson Birch aka Joey Mercury, 39 years old, was arrested on Saturday morning 9/1 in Schaumburg, IL, where he was in town to work as a Producer on the “All In” PPV.

The Schaumburg Police Department confirmed to many sources they “had contact” with Birch at 6:58 AM outside of 50 North Martindale Road, which is the address of The Marriot Schaumburg.

authorities were notified of Birch sleeping in his car outside the hotel. They approached Birch and after running his personal information, discovered he was wanted on an outstanding warrant in Orange County, Florida and was taken into custody.
The Schaumburg Police Department confirmed there are no pending charges against Birch in the State of Illinois, but he is currently being held on $2,500 bail at the Cook County Department of Corrections in advance of a Tuesday 9/4 court date, which may result in Birch being extradited back to Florida.

Birch had been involved in the planning of “All In”, including helping to put together the pre-show battle royal and work the gorilla position, but after his arrest, others stepped in to handle Birch’s duties.