Thursday, January 4, 2018

let me beat PWInsider (again), Torchm, Observer, etc with this. Jocephus Makes an Offer to Tim Storm from his Forty-Five Day Period of Contemplation

Published on Jan 4, 2018
Is Jocephus to blame for Tim Storm's run with the Ten Pounds of Gold Ending.

With Tim Storm losing the NWA Worlds Championship at CZW's Cage of Death to Nick Aldis, the focus has come back to the injury that Tim Storm sustained at the hands of Jocephus. The repeated ladder shots after their match at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood left Tim Storm with two cracked ribs walking into a hostile environment.

The NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) suspended Jocephus for a period of forty-five days. In response to this news, Jocephus, with the help of his spiritual advisor, set himself into the period of contemplation.

In this video, submitted by Jocephus, we see what he has been doing during his period of contemplation. This Zen like state done by the brawler, shows a different side.

PODCAST RECAP AND REVIEW: Jim Cornette’s Drive-Thru on the potential return of the XFL, booker George Scott, Jim Herd’s popularity among the wrestlers (Ep. 35)

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Bruce Prichard Reveals Current WWE Star Was Considered To Face Hulk Hogan At WrestleMania 9

On a recent episode of his Something To Wrestle podcast, Bruce Prichard discussed one of the last remaining superstars from the Attitude Era, Goldust.
As a producer with the WWE, Prichard had been tasked with coming up with a storyline for Hulk Hogan leading up to WrestleMania 9. Dustin Rhodes had just ended his first run with WWE in 1991, and Prichard started considering Hogan going up against the son of Dusty Rhodes.

"Let me put it this way; we were interested in Dustin Runnels, not Dustin Rhodes. WrestleMania 9 we were looking for something for Hulk Hogan to do; an opponent for him at WrestleMania 9," Prichard explained. "Hulk had been away and it was time for him to come back, but he didn't feel that there was really an opponent for him so Pat [Patterson] and I were looking at different talent outside of the WWF that we can bring in and create an opponent for Hogan and not get someone from the roster but bring someone new in to work with Hogan. We had seen Dustin Rhodes working on the TBS show, WCW Saturday Night. We thought, man, he moves, he is smooth, a good, decent sized worker. Dustin is a big kid, and I remember thinking, oh my God. I then started to do a Dusty [Rhodes] promo because Dusty had always done this promo to me to pitch a match with Dusty Rhodes and Hulk Hogan."

Prichard said he worked hard on coming up with the storyline, but Vince McMahon didn't want to be the one to pitch it to Hogan. Once Prichard explained to Hogan that the idea was for him to face Dusty Rhodes' son, Hogan shot it down immediately.

"I start doing all these Dusty Rhodes promos and asked if you can imagine, not a match between Dusty Rhodes and Hogan, but it would actually be his son that comes in to work with Hulk Hogan? We had Hogan on speaker phone and Vince [McMahon] asked me to pitch the idea to Hulk, and I'm looking at Vince like, he doesn't want me to pitch it he wants Vince to pitch it," Prichard said. "He wants to hear from the boss, he doesn't care what Bruce and Pat [Patterson] have, what does Vince have? So, I go in there with this big, long elaborate pitch, cutting promos, then suddenly Hogan's reaction was, 'you mean that skinny little kid with the buggy-whipped arms I see on TBS this past Saturday?' Vince checked out at that point. Hogan wasn't interested and that meant we weren't getting passed that conversation."

Eventually, Dustin Rhodes became Goldust and was one of the company's biggest heels for a time. Prichard said McMahon never really considered him world-champion material, but rather saw him as an investment. He said McMahon didn't know how the character would be received.

"When we first came up with Goldust, Vince saw it as a huge idea and a huge investment. He was looking at it at just that---an investment," Prichard said. "None of us really knew if this was going to really hit right off the bat, but we had confidence in Dustin and we had confidence in the potential of Dustin. He had it in his genes. He had the talent, but we had to get it out of him, but we knew it was going to be a work in progress."


Jason Brown, CEO of AroLucha, tweeted out the following:


IWGP United States champion Kenny Omega vs. Chris Jericho: No DQ

This is Jericho's first match outside WWE since 1999.  He wore one of his light-up jackets and the scarf, coming out to a song from his band Fozzy. 

Omega, accompanied by the Young Bucks, had an elaborate entrance with pyro dressed like Anubis, the Egyptian God with a machine gun.

They began brawling right at the bell.  Omega was punching and chopping Jericho in the corner.  Jericho pulled the referee in front to break up the momentum, then used that to attack Omega with knees.  They fired back and forth with hard chops.  Jericho was whipped into the corner but kicked off Omega and pulled him into the Walls of Jericho.  Omega fought and made it to the ropes.  The referee went to break it up and Jericho reminded him it was no DQ.

Jericho charged Omega but was sent to the floor.   Omega went for a baseball sliding kick but Jericho caught him.  Omega kicked him backwards into the barricade, then hit the baseball sliding kick.  Jericho crashed into the announcers' table outside the guard rails.  Omega went for a springboard dive but Jericho moved and Omega wiped out through a table. Jericho locked on the Walls of Jericho on the floor.  The referee, Red Shoes, tried to stop it, but was shoved down.  Jericho then attacked Red Shoes' son and put him in the Walls of Jericho.

Omega attacked Jericho and nailed him with a chair and one of the TV monitors as he was laid out amongst the wreckage of the announce table.  They brawled back into the ringside area.   Jericho got the better end of the brawl and screamed "Alpha!"  Omega nailed him and laid Jericho under a flat table, the nailed a double stomp off one of the production structures.

They made it back in before beuing counted out.  Jericho tried to run him into the buckles but Omega blocked it.  Omega nailed Jericho and went for a springboard move but as he hit the ropes, Jericho hit a springboard off the middle ropes and dropkicked him leg.  Omega crashed down rudely with the idea that his recently knee surgery may be back to haunt him.  Jericho pulled a table out from under the ring, antagonizing Masahiro Chono, who was doing Japanese commentary.

Jericho set up a table and teased a powerbomb through it.  Omega fought back while in the air, so Jericho dropped him down on the floor instead.   Jericho grabbed a photographer's camera and took pictures of Omega down, then flipped off the crowd while taking pictures of them.   Jericho tossed Omega back into the ring and nailed a back elbow off the top for a two count.

Jericho wedged a chair between the turbuckles and worked over Omega with right hands.  He used his leg to choke Omega over the ropes.  The announcers put over all the WWE names Jericho had beaten.  Omega tried to mount a comeback but was taken down with a dropkick out of the corner.     Omega fired back with slaps and punches, with the idea he was going for broke because he had been pushed so far.  Jericho took him down and nailed a quebrada, which got a big pop.  Jericho covered Omega for a two count.

Jericho continued the assault until he was caught with a snap hurrancanrana.  He sent Jericho to the floor and nailed an awesome tope con hilo to the floor.  The way this was shot, from low, looking up at Jericho, was awesome.  Back in the ring, Omega nailed a big bulldog for a two count.  Jericho's head was drilled down over Omega's knee. 

Jericho was able to reverse Omega and lock in the Walls of Jericho.  Omega fought his way to the corner and grabbed something.  It was an aerosol can (described as "cold spray") and Omega sprayed it in his face, with the idea that he blinded Jericho.  Omega went for a move but Jericho caught Omega, who was sent hard into the chair that was wedged, face-first.  Jericho cleaned his face with a towel and began beating Omega into the chair again and again. 

Jericho played to the crowd and then sent him into the chair in the corner again.   Omega was busted open.  Jericho peppered him with punches and slaps.  Omega fired back.   Omega grabbed him and nailed a stiff Dragon suplex.    He followed up with another. Jericho was set up for the One-Winged Angel but slipped off Omega's shoulders and destroyed a steel chair over Omega's face. 

Jericho began beating Omega over and over with a chair.  He went to the ropes and came down with the frame of the chair on Omega.   Omega kept fighting from underneath but Jericho kept nailing him while screaming KENNNNNY to mock the fans.  Omega finally nailed him with some big shots while Jericho was up on the ropes, sending him down and through the table that was set up at ringside.

Omega began beating the hell out of Jericho with running knee after running knee.  Jericho's mouth was busted open.  He picked up Jericho for a double underhook piledriver for a two count.  Jericho reversed a One Winged Angel attempted and rolled through, locking on the Walls of Jericho again in the center on Omega.   Omega fought for the ropes but was pulled back to the middle and placed in the original WCW version of the Walls of Jericho. 

Omega grabbe the referee's shirt and used that to pull himself to the rpes, forcing a break.  Jericho shoved the referee down again.   Omega avoided the Codebreaker and nailed several knee strikes.  He hit the One Winged Angel but Jericho grabbed the bottom rope at the last second to prevent the three count.

Omega went to the top but Jericho crotched him.  Jericho went for a top rope rana but Omega slipped underneath and snapped him down facefirst to the top turnbuckle with the idea Jericho's head hit the steel behind the buckle.  Jericho escaped a moonsault and nailed a Codebreaker.  He covered Omega, who got his shoulder up at the last second.

Jericho began beating him with a chair, yelling at him to stay down.  Jericho went for the Lionsault but Omega threw the chair at him, stunning him.  Omega nailed the one-winged angel onto the chair and scored the pin.

Your winner and still IWGP United States champion, Kenny Omega!

1998 Eddie Gilbert Memorial Show Ceremony

I had a tape of this, and the guy who's heckling on this(that gets Dennis Caroluzzo and Doug Gilbert pissed) was a newsletter editor I wrote for. All the guy did was speak the truth and Caroluzzo got pissed, lol. I have to admit if I was at the show I would've said worse, especially about Caroluzzo(I posted in the past here what he and others in that company at the time of this, 1998 did to me with harassing phone messages because why? I wrote the truth about them getting busted for using charity names for their shows without the charitys permission in a column).