Thursday, January 4, 2018

let me beat PWInsider (again), Torchm, Observer, etc with this. Jocephus Makes an Offer to Tim Storm from his Forty-Five Day Period of Contemplation

Published on Jan 4, 2018
Is Jocephus to blame for Tim Storm's run with the Ten Pounds of Gold Ending.

With Tim Storm losing the NWA Worlds Championship at CZW's Cage of Death to Nick Aldis, the focus has come back to the injury that Tim Storm sustained at the hands of Jocephus. The repeated ladder shots after their match at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood left Tim Storm with two cracked ribs walking into a hostile environment.

The NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) suspended Jocephus for a period of forty-five days. In response to this news, Jocephus, with the help of his spiritual advisor, set himself into the period of contemplation.

In this video, submitted by Jocephus, we see what he has been doing during his period of contemplation. This Zen like state done by the brawler, shows a different side.

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