Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday Night Memory (I think this might be a weekly thing now, lol) Bruiser Brody vs Ken Patera (September 4, 1981)

Published on Oct 4, 2017
From the Sam Houston Coliseum, September 4, 1981. Rare one-on-one matchup between Bruiser Brody and Ken Patera

Indy things.

Progress Wrestling ran The Ritz in Manchester, UK, yesterday before a sellout crowd of 800 fans, with the show selling out in 24 hours: Drew Parker b Spike Trivet in a Natural Progression Series first round match, Toni Storm & Charlie Morgan b Chakara & Nina Samuels (Morgan turned on Storm after the match and joined the House of Couture), Mark Andrews b Flash Morgan Webster, Zack Sabre Jr. b Tyler Bate, Pete Dunne & Trent Seven b David Starr & Matt Riddle, Walter b Mark Davis, Jimmy Havoc & Mark Haskins (with Vicky Haskins) b Zack Gibson & James Drake to win the tag titles, Travis Banks won a three-way over Chris Brookes and TK Cooper to keep their world title. Cooper punched Brookes after the match. Webster messed up and cost Gibson & Drake the tag titles. Fans gave standing ovations to Sabre vs. Bate and Dunne & Seven vs. Riddle & Starr. Next show in Manchester is 5/20 at the Victoria Warehouse, which will be the company's biggest event ever held outside of London.

AIW on 2/23 in Cleveland at Our Lady of Mt.Carmel has Britt Baker vs.Tenille Dashwood, and 3/1 in Akron, OH at the Tadmore Shriners with a show featuring an appearance by Ricky Steamboat.

River City Wrestling on 3/2 in Kirby, TX at Turner Club features Abyss vs. Michael Faith in a Monster's Ball match plus Jeff Jarrett will be there as a referee.

Wrestling has a tomorrow from Sunday in Providence, RI: Bronson won over Sebastian Cage, Steve Gibki and Danny Miles, KC Navarro won over Pinkie Sanchez, Shawn Donovan, Richard Holliday and Homicide, Keith Lee b Martin Stone, Sully Banger b Tripleicious, Dan Maff b EC Negro, AR Fox b Teddy Hart after Fox's wife gave Hart a low blow, Private Party won over Maine State Posse and Ken Broadway & Christian Casanova, Anthony Henry b Austin Theory, Tenille Dashwood b Rachael Ellering with Lance Storm as referee, Tommy Dreamer & Matt Tremont b JT Dunn & Jimmy Jacobs (subbed for Page) when Dreamer hit a Spicolli driver on Dunn on thumbtacks. Justin Credible came out after the match, brought in by Dunn, but he superkicked Jacobs and hit Dunn with a kendo stick. Dreamer then said that Credible was now 48 days sober and then brought out Lance Storm for an Impact Players reunion.

Pro Wrestling Eve on Saturday before a sellout 200 fans: Addy Starr & Laura DiMatteo & Rhia O'Reilly b Ayesha Raymond & Charli Evans & Jamie Hayter, Viper b Jawsolyn, Kaitlin Diemond won over Candyfloss, Erin Angel and Leah Owens, Nina Samuels b Session Goth in a ladder match, Kay Lee ray & Sammii Jayne b Charlie Morgan & Toni Storm. The next show is 3/10 in London at the Resistance Gallery with Viper vs. Jordynne Grace. The show is already sold out.

  • Baja Stars USE on 2/17 in San Diego at 3020 Coronado Ave has Penta 0M & Rey Fenix vs. Bestia 666 & Garza Jr.
  • Lucha Empire on 2/18 at Los Rieles Night Club in Houston has Soberano Jr. & Esfinge & Magnum vs. Aiden Cristiano & Trueno & Sajibran.


    Well well, it's gone from scared to posting my comment to deleting it, LOL!

    I posted about this earlier and now the above pic (which was saved in case of something like this, :) ) which I made at  has gone from 'awaiting moderastion' to total deletion (Pardon the Matt Hardy pun, lol)

    As I thought, Andrew Soucek, "PWTorch Specialist" became a specialist in deleting truthful comments. That would never be the case here but obviously is, over at Pro Wrestling Torch.

    Chris Jericho On Early Problems In WWE, Initial Idea For Highlight Reel, Drugs, Steve Austin Story

    Pro wrestling great Chris Jericho stopped by 317 Gimmick Street for a conversation with WWE Hall Of Fame Steve Austin. Among many other things, Jericho talked about the first time he met Austin, his transition to WWE from WCW, his original concept for the Highlight Reel, and how he was able to avoid many of the trappings of pro wrestling.

    Jericho claimed that he first met Austin on a plane while he was still in WCW and Austin was in WWE.

    "I met [Austin] on a plane one time and [Austin] gave me the greatest line of all time." Jericho continued, "no, [Austin was not rude]. It was a great line! I was walking on the plane. It was one of those rare moments when you would see WWE and WCW on the same plane. And [Austin] walked by me and [Austin] said, 'hey'. I only knew Steve Austin. I was like, 'hey,' he was like, 'hey, there's a gay guy on the plane.' I said, 'really?' He goes, 'yeah, give me a kiss and I'll tell you who it is.'"

    Apparently, Jericho faced a very difficult transition from WCW to WWE. The self-described 'Man Of 235 Holds' admitted that he did not even know what bumping and feeding a comeback meant when he arrived at Titan Tower.

    "I came in as a heel, so I had no problem." Jericho recalled, "I didn't know you weren't supposed to talk s--t about The Undertaker in a promo or talk bad about Steve Austin in a promo! That's what heels do to babyfaces! Right? But I learned very quickly that that's not what heels do when they first come in. I had no idea! Nobody ever taught me that in WCW. They didn't even tell me how to bump and feed a comeback. I had been in WCW for three years and I had no idea what that even meant as crazy as it sounds right now."

    During the inteview, Jericho explained that he realized early on in WWE that he could change people's opinions of him by working well with mid level talents.

    "I knew I can't win with [Triple H] and DX." Jericho remembered, "and Rocky was always cool and [Austin] was in and out. [Austin was] always on your own, but [he was] always cool to me. But what I did was I worked really hard always, but I knew if I could get over with the bullpen, with the mid level guys, that would bleed up to the top. Bob Holly, those type of guys, JBL, Bradshaw at the time, working with those types, Rikishi, having great matches night after night, after night, with those guys, where I was programmed, word gets around, 'hey, that guy's not an asshole. You guys are talking s--t about him, but he's really good and he's a really good guy.' That really helped to alleviate some of the tension that was there."
    According to Jericho, his original idea for the Highlight Reel was to provide a forum for impromptu interviews with underutilized talent.

    "My initial idea was learning from one of the greatest, I don't know what you would call him, backstage interviewers, was Gene Okerlund who could lead you through a backstage promo even if you didn't know what you were doing. Right?" Jericho added, "my idea when I started the Highlight Reel was I wanted to be the Gene Okerlund, have guys that didn't get promo time, and let me do an improv promo. Let's see what they've got. Of course, that did not fly with Vince. He wanted an actual promo segment with top level guys."

    On the subject of drugs and the pitfalls of the road, Jericho indicated that he stayed away from opioids because drugs never interested him. While Jericho experimented with so-called magic mushrooms, his drug of choice remains alcohol, as he enjoys to drink it in, man.
    "I was never interested." Jericho considered, "I don't do drugs. Why would I want to do drugs? And I just never started with any of that. I never did any of the pills even back in Calgary [Canada] and Mexico, guys that I'd hang with would do all the pills. I just didn't! I don't know why. Still to this day, I've never done cocaine in my life. Never! I just never had the desire to for whatever reason. No. Never once. Yeah, I mean, I did 'shrooms and that sort of scene and that sort of thing. I just liked having a drink. The guys I ran with just liked to have a drink."

    Listen to the podcast here. If you use any of the quotes from this article, please credit The Steve Austin Show with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

    Source: The Steve Austin Show

    Ivory (Lisa Moretti) Interview.

    The newly named WWE Hall of Famer Ivory a.k.a. Lisa Moretti gave comments to ESPN on today's announcement.

    On what being inducted means to her:

    "[This Hall of Fame recognition] means that it's a full circle in your career, in your wrestling chapter. It's great bragging rights for your family that have seen you go through the eras and I also feel like it's an awesome tribute to the women in wrestling as a whole."

    On the excitement Ivory feels for the ceremony:

    "I liken it to almost getting married, it's my wedding day, which I've never had one, so, this is probably as close to a wedding production as I'll ever get," Ivory said. "Hair and makeup, I will be speaking my vows -- with regards to my wrestling career -- to all these people I adore and love and we want it to all happen without a hitch."

    On making the cover of Entertainment Weekly in 1999 with Steve Austin to promote the success of Smackdown on UPN

    "I don't think either one of us at the time knew what an honor that was -- to be having her (photographer Mary Ellen Mark) take our photograph," Ivory said. "That was a highlight for me -- it's small because it's not taking bumps or a big pay per view event or a big championship, but that was one of those amazing sidebar things that I got to do."

    On what Ivory thinks about the worldwide appeal women's wrestling now has:

    "Women who decide to wrestle are a special type of women. We are tomboys, we are women that can hang in a locker room. I am just grateful that there are outlets for that," she said. "It's not about having a certain body type and looking picture perfect beautiful. It's about having the drive and some kind of wacky attraction you have to the physicality, the test of learning how to wrestle and being to do it believably. It's not easy theater to do. You can watch plenty of wrestling matches where the performers are not buying it. And it makes it boring for you to watch. There is a huge testament to the talent of the people who are engaging the fan or viewer."

    Ivory loves the idea of the Performance Center and the training of young talent:

    "I am a perfect example of somebody who'd have benefited from much more training before I got to be on TV. I have always been lousy at my craft and a lot of people are watching all over the world,"

    And Ivory says this about Vince McMahon:

    "I always felt embraced by the family. I didn't chat with Vince McMahon all the time, but he always gave me great opportunities. I always felt like I had his seal of approval like, 'Yeah, give it to Ivory, she will do it right,'" she concluded.


    Somebody's 'scared' to post my comment, lol.

    My reply here is still 'awaiting moderation', lol. My opinion of someone being too scared to pist something 100% truthful seems very validated. :) 


    Sunday 11th February 2018, O2 ABC (Glasgow, Scotland)
    ICW: The Seventh Annual Square Go!
    Attendance: SOLD OUT! (over 1,000

    Results of the matches
    #1 Contender’s Falls Count Anywhere Match
    James Storm defeats Jack Jester
    ***James Storm’s ICW debut
    ICW Women’s Title match
    Session Moth Martina defeats Kasey [c]
    ***new champion
    ICW Tag Team Title match
    Ashton Smith & Rampage Brown [c] defeat The Purge (Stevie James & Krobar) to retain
    ICW Undisputed Title match
    BT Gunn [c] defeats Bram to retain
    30-man Over the Top Square Go! match
    Stevie Boy wins eliminating last Mark Coffey

    Next show: ICW: The Biggest Fight Club Taping Ever at the O2 ABC in Glasgow, tonight Monday 12th
    February 2018


    Insert your own wise crack here. James Ellsworth challenges NWA Worlds Champion Nick Aldis

    Published on Feb 12, 2018
    The Aldis Crusade with Ten Pounds of Gold kicked off when James Ellsworth was chosen by Austin Idol to face Nick Aldis. This unlikely challenger is best known for being the valet for Carmella, his matches against Braun Strowman and Becky Lynch, but it’s victories over AJ Styles that brought him to the Aldis Crusade. The underdog competitor made his nwa debut yesterday at Championship Wrestling From Hollywood as he fit the criteria set forward by Nick Aldis and Austin Idol on who could be the first challenger for the Ten Pounds of Gold

    The Aldis Crusade will see the NWA Champion Nick Aldis (or whoever defeats Aldis) go forth to defend the Ten Pounds of Gold over twenty times over the next sixty days. Reaction to James Ellsworth being chosen has brought a flood of response and opinions on his worth as challenger. Austin Idol defended the choice stating that Ellsworth’s resume while eclectic does fit the criteria.

    PWInsider did correct themselves and credit me.. Sort of.

    "William" huh. I guess something is better than nothing. And at least He did correct it. Thanks to Justin Desind as well.

    Indy results

    The 2005 Tag Team of the Year, America's Most Wanted of Chris Harris & James Storm were reunited last night on an ASWA show. Ethan Wright beat Chris Harris after distraction from JJ Deville and Benjamin Bartholomew. Harris then said he was bringing in an old friend to face Deville & Bartholomew on 4/7 in Mansfield, OH, and said it was Storm. The match takes place at the Malabar School .

    Preston City Wrestling from yesterday in Preston, UK before 800 fans which included a WWE vs. Impact match. Singles tournament: Dean Allmark b Adam Brooks, Apollo Crews b Iestyn Rees, Moose b Sheikh El Shan, Zack Sabre Jr. b Matt Riddle, Dean Allmark b Zack Sabre Jr., Apollo Crews b Moose, Dean Allmark b Apollo Crews to win tournament, Tel Banham & Big T Justice b Joey Hayes & Danny Hope, Matthew Brooks & Sugar Dunkerton b Henchman, Charlie Sterling & Ashton Smith b Lionheart & Sha Samuels, T-Bone & Rampage Brown b Mark Coffey & Jackie Polo, Tel Banham & Big T Justice b Matthew Brooks & Sugar Dunkerton, T-Bone & Rampage Smith b Tel Barnham & Big T Justice to win tournament, Matt Riddle b Adam Brooks, Rhio & Joey Hayes & Danny Hope & Arcadian b Jennie B & Iestyn Rees & Sheikh El Sham & Mark Alexander Price. Best matches were Riddle's matches with Sabre and Brooks.

    CWE King of Transcona tournament from Friday night in Winnipeg: Petey Brown b Tasty Travis, Kevin O"Dole b Math Magician, Mike Mission b Cory Diamond, Danny Duggan b Tod Bullet, Cliff Corleone b Wildman Firpo, A.J. Sanchez b Austin Arrow, Kat Von Heez b Kevin Cannon, Rob Stardom b Jay Lanza, Adam Knight b Agent Red, A.J. Sanchez won Battle Royal to with all the winners to become King of Transcona. Next show is 3/9 at Rookie's Sports Bar.

    United Wrestling Coalition on 3/10 for its 22nd Anniversary show at Kelly's Banquet Hall in Wrightstown, NJ at 7 p.m. There will also be a Hall of Fame ceremony.

    New World Rising iPPV from Friday night in Parma, OH from Cleveland Knights Championship Wrestling, with Eric Bischoff and Jessica Eye. Justin Dynamite b Cisco Silver, R.c. Dupree b Shane InYaFace, Lightning Bolt Johnson b Funky White Boy, Shawn Phoenix b Tracy Smothers, Tokyo Monster Kahagas b Ricky Reyes, Vanilla Vargas b Solo Darling, Fenomeno BJ & Hiram Tua b Jaxon Argos & Jack Pollock, Star Roger b Mike Mendoza to keep CWA world title, Barbarian & Shawn Phoenix (subbing for Warlord) b Damien Angel & Eddie Taurus, Angel Fashion won ladder match over Nazareno, Justin Dynamite, Brandon Edwards, Seth Allen, Sonny Vice and JD Smooth, J-Rocc b Kongo Kong with help from Jessica Eye of UFC after Eric Bischoff made it a no DQ match. Bischoff announced Roger vs. Phoenix as the main event or another iPPV on 4/13 and also talked about J-Rocc vs. Shane Taylor and that Ron Simmons will appear.

    All Star Promotion from Friday night in Leamington England: James Mason b Ringo Ryan, Max Moran b Dan Main, Screwface b Tiger Kid, Tony Spitfire b Joe Bailey, Oliver Grey & Dean Allmark b Gangrel & Harlem Bravado. Joe Bailey is Bailey Matthews, the 21 year old son of William Regal.

    Battlarts Pro Wrestling on 2/17 in Mississauga, ONT at the Dan Kolov Arena.

    Bodyslam! Pro Wrestling in Hasted, Denmark yesterday: Shooter Schjotker b Sonne, Rick Dominick b Zach White, Vasyl b Hombre Enmascarado, Steinbolt b Yuri Konsinski, Michael Fynne b Vecino, Betty Rose b Sixt, Tanik b Peter Olisander.  Next show is 2/17 with former UFC fighter Nicolas Dalby as guest enforcer plus appearances by Flash Morgan Webster and Chris Brookes.

    Was told about this old screwjob McMahon had done (I remember the match though)

    With all the talk in recent weeks about the screwjob in the 1997 Survivor Series match with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels of late, Vince McMahon's first screwjob on a big scale is on the WWE network under Home Video Classics on "Grand Slams," at the 12:45 mark, as they showed the Wendi Richter vs. Spider Lady (Fabulous Moolah) finish from Madison Square Garden where Richter had the title taken from her without being told ahead of time, and then Richter quit the promotion and never returned until being put in their Hall of Fame.

    (I never knew about Wendi not being told ahead of time, that one is news even for me, lol) I'm now wanting to know the back story on that).