Monday, November 27, 2017

Some actual letters from some actual people. :) ..

This is what's come in my email box in the last day or two. Wanted to see if more than one would come so I can put them all together so here they are. If you have a question, comment, insult, good bad or ugley you can go ahead and email them to I'll have no qualms about posting anything you send, right here. :)


Awesome website you have. It's always interesting to come here and see what videos you post there. Alittle old, alittle new alittle obscure especially the 'big name' match ups on indy shows. Just nice to see a site that's different like this and not full of WWE memes and Gifs. Your snarly comments make me laugh as well. They're so true on many things so please keep this going.

That's the plan. :) It's people like YOU that have made it a success so if it wasn't form people like you coming to it nobody would know about it. So thanks goes to you as well.



You post alot of Jim Cornette rants on your site, have you actually ever met him?

YES! He was working as part of the WWF Training Dojo that headlined WWA New England shows back in 1998. I was working for that group setting up rings, locally promoting shows in New Hampshire, etc etc. but I actually met him before that. It was at a Moolah's LIWA convention show in Randolph, Mass. where he did commentary for the show(which was released on video tape and I have a disc of thanks to Brittany Brown who was on the show and sent me a copy) I and my friend Dave walked past him as he was talking to I think was a bartender or hotel staff (where the event was taking place) and he came around and shook my hand, said "How are you doing Bill". I had no idea he knew who I was and I remember hearing him on a SMW fan week deal saying he only knows the names of people he hates. So I suddenly said "Ok, what have I ever done to piss you off? Since you know my name". Came to find out he was a subscriber to the Wrestling Then and Now Newsletter which I contributed articles to and someone within that circle told him I was going to be at the show. he complemented me on my writing about the AWA and what it was like to be a fan growing up in Chicago. So I was able to let out a sigh of relief cause I don't want to be on his rant list, LOL! A funny side note to this is on the LIWA show itself there was a thing after Brittany Brown's match where she and acouple others kicked the back of my chair because I was yelling all sorts of stuff during the match at them. Cornette was having a field day making wisecracks about me during that segment. I really need to find the disc and upload at least segment onto Youtube because what you can see of it is quite hysterical. Had some really cool conversations with him when I saw him at the WWA New England shows so yes I met him and always appreciated his vast knowledge which while I'm 'ok' knowledge wise on old school territories, he blows me wwaayy out of the water, and I don't mind admitting that. LOL.

Like you I grew up on the AWA, who in your opinion do you think was the best, and worst AWA World Champion?

Oh man, there's acouple I really liked and remember, I grew up watching Bockwinkel (managed by Bobby Heenan) as world champion, so Bockwinkel will always be the top favorite for me hands down. Second favorite would be Stan Hansen. YES, I know how he left the AWA and was stripped and all that, BUT! I'm a big Hansen fan so seeing him going after Rick Martel to me was cool as hell (I actually watched an older clip of him and Duncum as a tag team and Hansen grabbed Wally Karbo so now I have to go look for more of that stuff). The third favorite is Larry Zybysko. I've always been a fan of his, on the mic, in the ring, etc. So those are the three faves/best in my opuinion. Worst? Jerry Lawler hands down. While I did enjoy and love the fact he brought the AWA title to World Class for his feud with Kerry Von Erich (which I saw at a place in Chicago that was once a movie theatre not far from where I lived before their Superclash 3 match) The fact he tried to create this 'Unified' world title (which I came to read later was without the blessing of the AWA) and a deal about the payoff for Superclash 3(him and Jarrett claiming Verne was paying certain guys when in fact Jeff Jarrett was supposed to, etc. Which is covered in a Greg Gagne shoot interview I have) really left a bad taste in my mouth so to speak. You screw over the company I grew up on like that and yeah I'm going to have a resentment, lol. Plus Lawler as AWA World Champion he wasn't as over as say Rick Martel or Bockwinkel or Zybysko and it showed, especially on shows in Chicago. Outside of Memphis he really wasn't that over and in the AWA even when he and Dundee were tag champs, weren't as over. Kin d of like Tommy Rich wasn't all that over either other than when he ripped ther dress off of Sherri Matrtel, what did he do? Know what I mean? So Lawler to me sucked ass AWA World champion and the fact he used a version of the AWA World title on Memphis tv as the 'Unified' World title adds another reason. Seeing Vince McMahon wearing that around his waist in a USWA promo really was sickening for many reasons.

Hey Bill,

You showed yesterday on your site that you once worked in wrestling in New England. Besides the tapes and writing and what I read did you ever have the chance to be a 'plant' on some of these shows?

Glad you asked that because I wrote something several years ago and posted it on a long dead webpage that I don't remember the password to. But you can see it here. I should do another article on this because there's some funny stuff I did on a show I locally promoted in Farmington, New Hampshire. It had a WWF Training Dojo and Steve (William) Regal was on it. There was some interaction between he and I as he was managing Tom Pritchard(Regal at the time was nursing himself back from an injury so doing a manager thing was really, a natural for him if you ask me). That night and the following night in Milford, Mass. where we kind of duplicated the same routine but another fan got involved and it was really funny as hell. Scott Taylor as well since he was on the Dojo shows as well as local guy Anthony Roye'.

Has Dave Scherer, Dave Meltzer or anyone of the other 'wrestling news guys' contacted you after you've taken pot shots at them on your site?

Nope, and I really doubt they will. Proof is a mother fucker and when I take the shots at them I provide proof. So they really have no argument to give me and Scherer, I've put him in his place acouple of times and have the emails to prove it. So really I think the reason they don't? Is because they know better. It'll just make them look worse if they try to. You can go ahead and tell them I said that if you want.


I know you've been really critical of Impact Wrestling, my question is have you ever liked it or are you just pissy at everything that isn't an indy group?

LOL! Never heard the "pissy at everything' one before but to answer you question. I WAS a fan. Give me Sting vs Kurt Angle, if that wasn't an ultimate dream match. Angle vs Samoa Joe, from the headbutt in the ring on I loved that. Kurt Angle vs Jay Lethal when Lethal was doing the 'Black Machismo' deal. When they ran several tv tapings at the Manhattan Center acouple years back and Bubba put Dixie Carter thru the table. I said then what I still feel now. The Manhattan Center would've been the perfect place for them to keep doing their tapings at. Team 3-D vs the Hardys vs the Wolves. The stuff that Billy Corgan was doing with them for me, and I speak for me only, was some really great stuff. it locked me in every week. BUT... What I said would happen (and I said it back when I had a Facebook Group under the same name as this Blog) happened. I said back THEN that bringing Jeff Jarrett back into TNA in any kind of position would be bad for business. Nobody believed me and now look at where Jarrett is and more importantly, look at where Impact Wrestling is. Instead of selling to Corgan, Anthem Sports bought it and they've proven that they don't have what it takes to run a professional wrestling company. Too many decent talents have left, Jarrett tried the ol shuck and jive routine trying to get Anthem to buy a bogus wrestling company and now look at them The current booking team seems to be incapable of getting out of the 'Jarrett is Russo' kind of booking that has plagued them. Along with just slapping an 'Impact wrestling' plate over the center part of a GFW title belt? Really? How is one supposed to take Impact seriously when you do stupid shit like that? So Once I was a fan but they dug their own hole and for some reason just insist on continuing to dig that hole. So I'll stick with the indy groups because at least there every week, they book consistently and logically unlike Impact (and WWE too). When indy groups can do a better booking job than the major feds? You know something's wrong here.

If you were a fan of ECW, you know who this is. :) The "Jazzy" J.T. Smith Story

Jim Cornette on Jerry Lawler's Bonkers Match Stipulations

Published on Nov 27, 2017
Jimmy and Scott Bowden of the Kentucky Fried Wrestling Podcast discuss Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee's bizarre Luchas de Apuestas stipulations involving Cadillacs, titles and hair.

Jim Cornette on Attempting to Murder SMW Arch-Rival Terry Landel

Published on Mar 31, 2017
Jim Cornette talks about one of his other arch-rivals (aside from Vince Russo, Wade Keller, Mark Madden, probably many more) in Terry Landel - a big, fat marshmellowy Tennessee shitbag who has made the people's of Knoxville's lives worse for some 25 years and counting.

Someone I know thanks me for posting videos from their YouTube Channel.

I know the guy who owns Wrestletopia, Justin Desind. He has a lot of cool stuff he sells at shows and whatnot. Wrestletopia has a Facebook Page and if you go to it and tell him I sent you I know he'll appreciate it.

I can attest from my own personal experience that getting stuff from him has always been a pleasure. Awesome service. In the past I got some Five Star Wrestling From Louisiana, some old St. Louis stuff that I still love rewatching, as well as some Knoxville stuff from 1988 that has Buddy Landell, Nelson Royal (doing a great heel role) Bill Dundee, Doug Furnas and some spot stuff with Terry Gordy (Injuring Furnas in a match).
Hell look at my profile picture. The NWA shirt I'm wearing? Came from Wrestletopia so there's another example. So if you're interested in older stuff, some indy stuff, etc. Contact him. I'm sure he'll give you some really great service. :)

"Someone' likes the fact I beat Meltzer, etc with posting NWA's Videos. WHO is it? (updated)

It's actually, the NWA themselves, :) As you can see here....

And here is where The Torch is playing catch up to me(again). They posted this about three hours after I posted it here. Meltzer hasn't even mentioned it, LOL! Imagine that (he'll probably play catch up tomorrow as he's usually 'a day late and a dollar short' on many things anyway. ...

And here..  ProWrestling.Net is also playing catch up with me. :) Why I'm the one who seems to always beat all the others to the punch I don't know but. it IS quite amusing watching them all play catch-up after I post it.

A bunch of upcoming indy holiday dates for you.

  • MCW Pro Wrestling has "Season's Beatings", its annual Toys for Tots show scheduled for December 1 in Joppa, MD.
  • Harley Race’s World League Wrestling presents Christmas Bash 2017 on December 2 in Troy. MO. In the spirit of the holidays, we are raising both monetary and food donations for our local community food pantry – The Bread For Life Food Pantry – that helps those in need in our local  community here in Lincoln County. The main event will feature a rematch for the WLW Tag-Team Championships as champions Superstar Steve and Brandon Espy Espinosa take on Warwick Stephans and Kyle Roberts. All tickets are just $10, and if you bring in 5 or more canned food items – you will receive 50% off your tickets for that night’s event!
  • Hoosier Pro Wrestling does its Firemen's Cheer Fund Toys for Tots show (of three shows yearly) in Columbus, IN on December 2.
  • Wrestling for Charity presents "Fight for Daniel" on December 2 at the Claremore Community Center, Claremore, OK  to benefit the families of children fighting childhood cancer.Monster Factory Pro Wrestling returns on December 2 to the Monster Factory, 541 Mantua Avenue,  Paulsboro, NJ, on December 2. Monster Factory Pro Wrestling is doing a Toys for Tots collection at the show.
  • United Wrestling Coalition of Wrightstown, NJ, will hold their annual Toys for Tots event on December 2; with a special emphasis this year on behalf of the victims of Harvey, asking for a small donation or note of encouragement to this year's hurricane victims in Houston and Puerto Rico. Go to  for further information.
  • The Delaware/South Jersey based ECWA runs its annual Toys for Tots show on December 2 in Woodbury Heights, NJ.
  • Chinlock Wrestling comes to Kingston, ON on December 2 for its annual holiday charity show.  Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat is featured.
  • Ring Wars Carolina returns to Lumberton, NC on December 2, donations of gift cards $5 or more as admission accepted for area flood victims. Keystone State Wrestling Alliance presents: Fan Fest/Toy Drive 2017 on December 2 at the Spirit Hall (old Lawrenceville Moose) , 242 51st Street, Pittsburgh, PA. 
  • American Premier Wrestling presents BRAWL 30 - Toys for Tots on December 2 at the APW Slam Center , Statesboro, GA. - Doors Open, 4:30 pm. Emerald Match, 4:45 pm. Bell Time,5:00 pm. $7 Adults/Kids, $3.
  • Aspire Pro Wrestling returns to action on December 3 at the Pennsauken Youth Athletic Association, 3501 Elm Avenue, Pennsauken with a 2:00 pm belltime. Donations of canned goods and non-perishables will be collected for the South Jersey Food Bank.
  • Various indy things. Including an observation by me about Austin Aries...

    Kenny Omega returned to his home promotion, Premier Championship Wrestling on Saturday night drawing a sellout at Doubles Bar in Winnipeg: Billy Blaze & Dick Blood b Moses Luke & James Beaver, Scott Justice won over Alix Vanna and Jay Walker, James Korba & Bobby Schink & Shao Ming b Antonio Scorpio & London Dynasty, Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens b Chad Tatum & Mike McSugar, Dragneel won Battle Royal, Jackie Lee b ATM-DQ. Promoter Andrew Shallcross noted that when they announced Omega as appearing tickets sold out in a few days and many fans were turned away. He put over the promotion as a place where people can learn and develop, there was a Y2J chant when he brought up his upcoming big match, and used a lot of comedy props including Lego, Marshmallows and more. Next show is 1/13 at Doubles Bar.

    Austin Aries beat Ricochet earlier today in Australia for the World Series of Wrestling title on the final day of the tour.  Tessa Blanchard was also defending her WrestleCircus title on the tour and beat Shazza McKenzie. (Guess he didn't feel like whining about their ring again, eh? LOLRing can't be that bad if he still wrestled for them again, which shows what a dumb ass he is for whining about it to begin with)..

    Canadian Wrestling Elite from Friday night in Winnipeg:  Mentallo b Jak Lydon in a lumberjack match, Mike Mission b Tod Bullet & Wildman Firpo in a bar room brawl, Tyler James b Brian Rich in a loser wears a diaper match, Marky b Tasty Travis in a street fight Danny Duggan b Kevin O'Doyle in a bar room brawl, Marc Merric b Shadow Xtreme in a kiss my foot match, Jacob Creed & Bobby Collins b Tony Atlas & Dragneel, Tyler Colton NC AJ Sanchez, Matt Fairlane b La Sombra (obviously not the famous one) ina 20 minute iron man match when it was stopped at 15:00 due to Sombra breaking his nose, Big V b Rob Stardom.  Next show at Rookie's Sports Bar in Winnipeg is 12/22.  They run again Thursday in Stony Mountain, Manitoba....

    Ricky Morton will be appearing at Wendy's in Lebanon, TN on Thursday from 4-8 P.M. for a fund raiser for a local infant who is seriously ill at Duke University's Children's Hospital.  Al proceeds will go to her care. 


    New ROH tv clearance.

    ROH begins on Wednesday nights (11 p.m. CT/12 a.m. ET) on Stadium TV, a 24/7 sports network which airs on Pluto TV Ch. 207.

    Leave it to me to give you a rarity. :) Scott Steiner vs. Gangrel...

    Bret Hart Shoots On The USWA-WWF Working Relationship of 92 & His Feud With Jerry Lawler

    Will be beating some others with this (per usual). QUESTIONS AND NEW CHALLENGES - NWA Ten Pounds of Gold - Episode Seven

    Published on Nov 27, 2017
    NWA Ten Pounds of Gold picks up at the conclusion of the Nick Aldis vs. Tim Storm Worlds Heavyweight Title Match from Championship Wrestling From Hollywood. Our cameras follow Tim Storm through the curtain to get his first comments after the NWA Title match. Nick Aldis spells out the moment he thought he had the Ten Pounds of Gold won.

    We follow the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion forward in his journey as he comes to Nashville, TN to wrestle for Tried N True Pro Wrestling out of Clarksville, TN. We meet Tim Storm's opponent Jocephus who with one video message sent a disturbing image of what the NWA would be like if Jocephus won the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title.

    We thank Crimson at Tried N True Pro Wrestling for the hospitality and access to cover this NWA Worlds Heavyweight Title match in Clarksville, TN.

    Ryback On Impact Wrestling's Problems, Impact No Longer Being #2, WWE Signing Rockstar Spud

    As noted, former King of the Mountain Champion Bram departed from Impact Wrestling earlier this month. Ryback discussed his release on his Conversation With The Big Guy podcast.

    Bram debuted in TNA in April of 2014. He last wrestled for the company at their Impact Wrestling tapings this past March in Orlando. Ryback said Bram likely parted ways with the company amicably and doesn't believe there were any ill feelings on either side.
    "Impact Wrestling has been in a weird boat," Ryback said. "A lot of their talent there have parted ways with them, and I'm not sure if it is a good thing or bad thing, but he was a talent that they used pretty consistently at one point and I think it was a mutual parting, and don't think there were any hard feelings or anything like that."
    Ryback pointed out that Bram was the latest in a long list of Impact Wrestling departures, joining the likes of Taryn Terrell, Eddie Kingston, Robbie E, Jeff Jarrett and Reno Scum. He said Impact has lost its status as the number-two wrestling promotion behind the WWE because it keeps losing superstars.

    "They have lost a lot of talent over the past year. It's not the same when they were TNA. At one point they were at a level where they could have been considered the #2 company; they're not the #2 company anymore," he said.

    "I don't even know who #2 is. Anthem has a lot of money, but their personnel doesn't know how to run a Pro Wrestling company. That is not to say that people involved aren't trying their best, but I don't know. It just kind of seems---based on everything I've seen; they are trying their best. They bring people in, but they're not on a major network. They need things to turn around for them, and I really hope that they do."

    Another superstar who was recently released from Impact is former X Division Champion Rockstar Spud. Reports have confirmed that Spud will be signing with the WWE and will likely join the Cruiserweight division. Ryback said he thinks Spud would be a natural fit on 205 Live.

    "He's a smaller-sized guy. I actually met him in Nashville a few weeks ago; he is a very nice guy," Ryback said. "I think the reports are for 205 Live, and I think he would be a nice addition as far as personality standpoints if the story is true."
    If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Conversation With The Big Guy with an H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.
    Source: Conversation With The Big Guy

    Something tells me he didn't put one ass in a seat here. Austin Aries Lashes Out At Indy Promotion For Their Wrestling Ring (Video)

    Simple solution would be, don't work for them anymore, but I have a feeling that this company will have a different version that of course will make Austin look like an idiot. Much like when the Philly crowd did just that two him acouple weeks back at The House Of Hardcore show. Aries probably didn't put one ass in a seat for this show unlike Waltman so all his whining really isn't going to accomplish anything.


    It’s that time of year again! The United Wrestling Coalition is hosting their annual UWC Toys For Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive on Saturday, December 2, 2017. The event will take place at Kelly's Banquet Hall in Wrightstown, New Jersey. Doors open at 6:30 and bell time is slated for 7:00 p.m. Admission is FREE when you donate a new, unwrapped toy (with a suggested minimum value of $10) or a $10 Walmart gift card for Houston flood victims at the door. Toys collected are distributed by members of the US Marine Corps Reserves and stay within Burlington County.

    In addition, we are encouraging fans to also bring a small stocking stuffed with a few small items and a card of wishes for those Houston children impacted by Hurricane Harvey. We call this effort Stockings of Love! (Suggested stocking fillers would include gift cards, Matchbox cars, hair accessories, dollar store items, etc.)

    Everyone making a donation at the door will receive FREE door prize tickets for their chance to win one of over 50 door prizes. Additional door prize tickets will be available for purchase.

    Special ringside seating is being reserved for those pledging (in advance of the 12/2 show) to donate a new bicycle. One bicycle donation will reward you up to five reserved seats. To make your pledge to donate a bike, call or text 609-792-9328.

    In the main event, reigning UWC Heavyweight Champion T.G.I. Fredo Majors of The Fraternity will defend his title against one half of the UWC Tag Team Champions, "American Muscle" Nate Mustang of The Sons Of Liberty! After stealing The Wrightstown Rumble from Mustang and going on to win the Heavyweight Title in June, Fredo Majors defeated Nate Mustang via disqualification in October when Referee George Pinaha mistakenly believed Mustang intentionally clobbered him. At our November event, Majors and The Fraternity took it upon themselves to attack Mustang and his partner while they were defending the Tag Team Championship. Nate Mustang demanded a championship rematch with Fredo Majors on December 2 at the Toys For Tots Toy Drive, and Fredo agreed, on one condition: it would be a Loser Leaves Town Match! The winner of the bout gets the belt and gets to stay. The loser gets the next bus out of town. This will be your last chance to see either Fredo Majors or Nate Mustang for a very long time.

    The "Thriller" Andd Bivians and Craig Francis have been going at each other for nearly a year. Their most recent encounter ended in a double countout. That won't happen on December 2 at Kelly's Banquet Hall when Andd Bivians and Craig Francis battle it out in a Lumberjack Match! Wrestlers will surround the ring, and their job is to prevent the action from spilling out onto the floor. We don't know who will emerge victorious, but we do know this match will not end in a countout!

    In October, Lance Scaper won the right to challenge for either the United States or Tag Team Championship. He chose to go after the tag team belts with Kleetus as his partner. They will have their shot at reigning champions The Sons Of Liberty at Toys For Tots in Wrightstown. But Scaper & Kleetus aren't the only ones getting a shot at gold (which will be defended by Spectrum & The “Lost Boy” Jay Kirby.) Since their championship bout with The Sons Of Liberty was interrupted by The Fraternity in November, Doom Crew (Manabo & Oliver Bailey, along with that weaselly little Joe Wolf) has demanded a rematch. Additionally, Spectrum & Kirby want nothing more than to get their hands on Fraternity members Ace Matthews & “Brilliant” Bobby Banks. All four teams will compete in a Fatal Four-Way Tag Team Attraction! One member of two teams start. Anyone could be tagged in by anyone else and can be subject to immediate disqualification for failure to accept a tag. The first team to achieve a pinfall or submission wins!

    At our last event, Textbook Philly Madison turned his nose up at the thought of wrestling fiery youngster Jay "The Key" Evans or even Sons Of Liberty member Spectrum. He and his manager Mr. Black simply walked out, demanding "real competition." At the Toys For Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive on December 2 at Kelly's Banquet Hall in Wrightstown, New Jersey, we believe we've found the real competition they've looking for: THE CREMATOR!

    The “Jersey Shore Mad Man” Slayer was out of action for months as a result of a torn bicep. During that time, Bobby Piper began wearing a forearm guard due to a questionable injury. After Slater returned, he was viciously attacked by Piper who reinjured his arm. The “Jersey Shore Mad Man” has his sites squarely set on Bobby Piper December 2 in Wrightstown. Piper will be accompanied by his manager Mr. Black, but this time, Slayer will have Donnie Victory in his corner. You won't want to miss this grudge match!

    Also at the Toys For Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive on December 2 in Wrightstown you'll see “The One” Geoffrey Bravo, Iron Bull Argus, Jimmy Pipes, Craig Z-List, Serious William, Chris Wilcox, The Honorable President and Former Heavyweight Champion Joe Rules, and more of your UWC favorites! PLUS a special appearance by Santa Claus!

    United Wrestling Coalition has earned its reputation for running family-oriented pro wrestling events. The events are designed to offer the very best entertainment while enhancing the community and helping to raise awareness and capital for various worthy causes.

    This year's event is sponsored by Lucas Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Mount Holly as well as Kate & Al's Pizza of Columbus Farmers Market.

    Once dubbed the largest single toy drive effort in Burlington County, UWC has been hosting these events for nearly 20 years. In that time, through the generous donations of loyal fans, local businesses, as well as the wrestlers themselves, UWC has collected well over 18,000 toys for the US Marine Corps Toys For Tots campaign.

    Kelly's Bar and Banquet Hall is making this venue available for this wonderful event. Please stop by and check out their banquet facilities.

    Remember, UWC returns with the annual Toys For Tots Pro Wrestling Toy Drive at Kelly's Banquet Hall, 14 Railroad Avenue, Wrightstown, NJ 08562, Saturday, December 2, 2017. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., bell time is 7:00 p.m., and admission is FREE with toy donation. Card subject to change. The show typically runs two hours, and door prizes will be awarded at the conclusion of the show.

    For more information please contact Lois Thomas at 609-792-9328 or like us on Facebook:


    Northeast Wrestling will return to action this Friday 12/1 with "Holiday Havoc" in Waterbury, CT at Wilby High School featuring:

    *WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair appearing in a special in-ring interview segment.

    *Former WWE World champion Jay "Christian" Reso signing.

    *NEW champion Cody Rhodes vs. Flip Gordon vs. Brad Hollister.

    *Ladder Match: The Empire: TK O'Ryan & Vinny Marseglia vs. The Now: Vik Dalishus & Hale Collins.

    *Special appearance by Corey Graves.

    *Jack Swagger vs. Wrecking Ball Legursky.

    *Punishment Martinez vs. Josh Briggs.

    *Adrenaline Rush vs. The Battle Bros vs. Ron Zombie & Bull Dredd vs. The Amazing Grayons.

    *Man Scout Jake Manning vs. Cam Zagani.

    For more details on NEW, visit


    Former WWE NXT champion Drew McIntyre commented on the injury he suffered several weeks ago at Takeover: Wargames in Houston during the closing moments of his title loss to Andrade Almas today on Twitter, writing:

    McIntyre is already rehabbing his biceps injury.  It is hoped he will return sometime in early April.  Obviously, returning for Wrestlemania weekend, when the next NXT Takeover is set, is the goal


    Impact Wrestling will be taping at Universal Orlando in Florida from 1/10/18 through 1/15/18.  The next tapings after January are slated to be March 2018.  Those are currently scheduled for Canada, but we are told they will not be in Ottawa.

    This is currently scheduled to be the last week for the Nashville office.   Some of the office staff will be let while others will be working from home going forward.  A good part of the office  however, will be folded into Anthem's Toronto office.  The production offices are scheduled to remain in Nashville.

    Canadian independent talent Tony Cage announced on Twitter that he has signed with Impact.

    Alberto el Patron's restuarant in San Antonio has closed.  We are told he is looking into rebranding the eatery under a new theme.

    Impact will be taping material for upcoming episodes of their TV show at this Sunday's Border City Wrestling "Motown Showdown" event at the Diamondback Saloon in Belleville, Michigan.  Announced for the show is Impact champ Eli Drake vs. Alberto el Patron vs. Johnny Impact on top.  Also appearing are Laurel Van Ness, Jimmy Jacobs, Sonjay Dutt, Petey Williams and Braxton Sutter. 

    Impact champion Eli Drake has a free signing at the Wrestling Universe store (34-29 Francis Lewis Boulevard) in Flushing, NY on Saturday 12/9 from 12 PM - 2 PM.  For more information, call 718-460-2777 or visit

    The 12/9 WrestlePro event in Rahway, NJ, which features Impact Wrestling content being taped for future inclusion for that series will feature Impact Wrestling champion Eli Drake vs. Alberto el Patron, Colt Cabana vs. CPA, WrestlePro Silver champion Dan Maff vs. Anthony Bowens, Maria Bokara vs. Bobby Wayward, Sienna vs. Kasey Catal, LAX vs. the Apple Corps plus Sonjay Dutt, Pat Buck, KM, Fallah Bah, CAQ, The Beach Bums and more.  For complete details, visit

    The lone house show currently announced is the Wrestlemania week event as part of Wrestlecon in New Orleans.  For details, visit

    here's more Ozark Mountain Wrestling. Tracy Smothers vs Tommy Rich feud Ozark Moutain Wrestling

    11/26 Progress Wrestling in Camden, London: Travis Banks vs. Matt Riddle for Progress Title, CCK vs. Grizzled Young Vets

    THIS, for me would be worth watching in my opinion.

    WWE Network will finally air the "Table For 3" episode with WWE Hall of Famers Sting, Ric Flair and Ricky Steamboat tonight after RAW goes off the air. Below is the synopsis:

    "Legends Ric Flair, Sting and Ricky Steamboat - Rivals in the NWA and WCW - reunite to recall their favorite tales from their great careers."


    House of Hardcore will return to Twitch for their second live streamed event this Saturday 12/2 from Waukesha, Wisconsin at the County Expo, featuring:

    *Hardcore War: Tommy Dreamer vs. Abyss.

    *Candice Michelle vs. Lisa Marie Varon in Michelle's retirement match.

    *Austin Aries vs. Joey Mercury with Aries wrestling in his hometown for the first time ever.

    *Al Snow & Swoggle (with Dave Herro) vs. The Squad.

    *Also appearing are MVP, Carlito, Guido Maritato and more.

     The show will stream live at as well on Twitch Apps on the Amazon Firestick, Playstation and other devices.  HOH's weekly TV airs every Wednesday on Twitch with the first three episodes available on the platform now, as is their recent Philadelphia event headlined by Dreamer vs. Mercury in a First Blood match


    WWE's Starrcade event over the weekend garnered a lot of attention online and a lot of frustration among fans as the show didn't air live on the WWE Network.  The show was never slated to be a special and was produced as a house show, but WWE did film it with several cameras (they typically film every live event) so they would have it in their archives to offer via the Network down the line if they choose to do so.

    The show itself was written by Michael Hayes, who was the person that pitched the revival of the Starrcade name back in June.  We are told that Hayes, realizing that WWE was running Greensboro over Thanksgiving weekend, seized on the importance of the timing and the tradition in the market to pitch that the show be branded as a "Starrcade" event.  Vince McMahon approved the idea and it was announced several months later.  The show was specifically written by Hayes with an eye on paying tribute to names who were important to to the market during the Jim Crockett Promotions era and with throwback graphics for the show.

    The Starrcade event was a success in that there was a huge bump from the previous event in Greensboro as the market reacted to the show as something special and WWE saw a huge response to the event on social media, far higher than social media material from a "typical" live event.   There's already talk of doing it again next year.


    Aro Lucha, the new promotion from former Impact Wrestling minority owner and production company Aroluxe, announced their first event would be 12/10 in Nashville, TN at the Nashville Fairground (aka the former TNA Asylum) with former WWE World champion Rey Mysterio headlining an event featuring a mix of former WWE and lucha libre talents.

    As previously reported, Aroluxe had been funding Impact tapings in exchange for a percentage of ownership in the company and as reported in 2016, the company was in a position to claim ownership over Impact had Dixie Carter not maintained regular payments reimbursing Aroluxe.  As it turned out, Anthem Media would come in as an investor and eventually purchase Impact from Carter's company Impact Ventures LLC.  That left Aroluxe out in the cold as they were not retained as Impact's production company.

    The Twitter account for Aro Lucha promises, "High-energy Lucha Libre for the entire Authentic family.  Authentic stars, characters & stories. Live events & digital content. Lucha for the fans by the fans."

    The official press release reads:

    Talent Update: AroLucha adds Rey Mysterio and more!

    Arolucha, Inc. is proud to announce that Rey Mysterio will headline the main event for the Aro Lucha show in Nashville on December 10th, 201

    Arolucha, Inc. is proud to announce that Rey Mysterio will headline the main event for the Aro Lucha lucha libre show in Nashville on December 10th, 2017. Alongside other luchadores, stars, and characters, Rey will anchor a talented roster of athletes that will perform at Aro Lucha’s inaugural event.

    Rey Mysterio is arguably the most recognized professional lucha libre star today. With a career that spans over 25 years, Rey has appeared in virtually every major wrestling promotion in existence including WWE, WCW, ECW, and Lucha Underground. He is a three-time past World Heavyweight Champion for WWE.

    “I knew the first time I watched Rey wrestle that he was going to be a star,” said Carlos “Konnan” Ashenoff, Head Writer for AroLucha, Inc. Konnan is credited with finding and developing Rey as a young talent. Rey has also appeared in Konnan’s Mexico based promotion, The Crash, multiple times over the past year.

    The entire roster and remaining matches have been released below:

    *Rey Mysterio & Pentagon vs Rush & John Morrison
    *Jack Evans & Hurricane Helms & Maximo vs Garza Jr & La Mascara & Daga
    *MVP vs Sammy Guevara
    *Keyra & Lacey Lane vs Vanilla Vargas & Taya
    *Demus vs Mascarita Dorada
    *Willie Mack vs Mr. 450

    Don Harris, co-founder and head of production for Arolucha, Inc stated, “We’ve tried to bring our years of experience in the wrestling industry and tv production to the table, while also marrying that with some of the top talent in the lucha libre world. We’re excited to bring this roster to the fans and families that would not otherwise get a chance to see these stars outside of Mexico.”

    AroLucha’s December 10th, 2017 event will be held at the Nashville Fairgrounds Sports Arena.

    For tickets visit

    To sign up for special promotions and information visit

    About AroLucha, Inc.

    Aro Lucha is a high energy, family-friendly Lucha Libre promotion based in the United States. Its principals have produced over 200 hours of network television, specifically in the professional wrestling arena. They are focused on bringing authentic Stars, Characters, and Storylines to their fans through live events, social media, and digital content. Aro Lucha is a company that fans can be proud to support.