Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Jon Moxley Calls Out MJF Ahead of Their World Title Match at Full Gear | AEW Dynamite, 11/16/22


By Donnie Henderson

Jamie Dundee & Doug Gilbert vs Tommy Rich & Buddy Landell - NAW Wrestling Nashville, TN 1997


Bill Walkowitz

MLW: Davey Richards vs. Alex Kane Preview Trailer


Bill Walkowitz

Top Dolla on WWE return, Hidden Treasures, NFL Career and much more! | Out of Character


Gino Bradley

On Episode 86 of “Out of Character,” Top Dolla discusses Hit Row’s return to WWE, hosting Hidden Treasures, rap career, manifesting his dreams, and more!

DDP Snake Pit #46: Halloween Havoc 1992


Bill Walkowitz

Independence Pro Wrestling: IPW Insider: Warfare (November 19, 2022)


Bill Walkowitz

IPW commentator J Rod recaps IPW Homecoming and previews what is to come at IPW Warfare.

This, Is How Dave Scherer (PWInsider) Responds To Getting Caught Snitching Again


Bill Walkowitz

So Dave Scherer, owner of PWInsider snitches on someone after part of an email convo he had with someone becomes part of a story I wrote (, decides that instead of just owning up and manning up and admitting the obvious (that he did snitch), the above pic is what he does as 'retaliation'.

I've said it numerous times that this, is the only thing Scherer has and he keeps thinking by posting a pic from twelve years ago, he's accomplishing something 'major'. He either seems to forget or has chosen to forget that the last time he did this, back in March, he was thoroughly fact checked on it in this story here

Apparently he needs a reminder of how easy it is for a guy like me to "check" him. So since it IS so easy to do....

Instead of working and dealing with the issues of Mike Johnson scamming Elite Members of PWInsider that got them reported to the Better Business Bureau (

Apparently he needs a reminder of how easy it is for a guy like me to "check" him. So since it IS so easy to do....

Instead of working and dealing with the issues of Mike Johnson scamming Elite Members of PWInsider that got them reported to the Better Business Bureau ( Which prompted someone who came across our site here at WP&P by accident and emailed Scherer, asking if our story was fake and Scherer 'pulling a Tony Khan' with his comments, and would snitch on the guy when the guy knew Scherer was doing what he bashed Khan for doing) He's gonna act like a ten year old and try slamming the very people who have had enough guts to bring the scamming and snitching to light. 

Hence Scherer again, posting that pic of me from twelve years ago, and probably beating his chest thinking he's a real tough guy for doing that. The fact that I, posted a screen shot of what he did shows you again what a failure that idea still is. 

Call Scherer out to scrape up something recent from me? He'll give you excuses or will evade and deflect it because he knows, he doesn't have shit except? A pic from twelve years ago.

But wait, here's something else Scherer did which shows you he really isn't, the sharpest knife in the drawer.

The link Scherer added to that pic he posted on Twitter today? THIS is what you get if someone clicks on it.

Yep, Scherer posted a link to a story nobody can read unless they pay, for a subscription, AAAAAHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!!!! 

Good Going Scherer, top notch idea there, (sarcastic 'thumbs up'). If there was anyone who could totally fuck up an attempt at retaliating at someone, it's indeed Dave Scherer. 

I let the other two people who contribute to this site (Donnie Henderson & Gino Bradley) know that someone sent me (Special thanks to Stephen Rodgers) the pic Scherer posted on Twitter today. I'm waiting on Gino's response and will just edit it in when I get it. But I do have Donnie Henderson's reply, and as you can see We're treating it like the joke it is because in the end Scherer claiming to run PWInsider 'like a business' is a joke when he behaves like this.

None of this would be happening if Scherer wouldn't snitch on people all the time, much like if Mike Johnson would stop tryuing to scam his Elite members with false claims of "Exclusive Content" that can be seen for free on YouTube. But again, they refuse to look at that because they'd have to blame themselves and God forbid if they'll ever have the balls to do that. 

So here's yet another fact check for Scherer since it's taken no effort whatsoever to put him in his place again. 

Here's that pic he put on Twitter today that's from twelve years ago..

Now here's a pic I took of myself a couple weeks ago that you can see on my Facebook page.

A lot can happen in twelve years, like turning your life around. But Scherer doesn't want to hear that either because that pic from twelve years ago he thinks is ammo for him against me.

Obviously, it isn't. Too bad Scherer isn't smart enough to realize that. Then again he IS, the one who said he thought going thru life as a moron could be a good thing.

Nice to see he still has being a moron down pat. I guess you can say he has a masters degree in that area.

Someone PLEASE, explain to Mr. Scherer, dumb it down so that way it's in a way that he can understand and comprehend,  that he's gonna have to do a whole lot better than this if he's going to try publicly slamming me. Many have used that twelve year old pic on me thru the years and each tiume? It didn't accomplish what they had hoped for because I totally embrace my past. So people can try and have fun with that pic all they want, in the end they always come up short because I then say "find something recent"? And the copouts and excuses always start coming.

In the end? Mr. Scherer is again trying to play checkers, with a chess master and his ass just got checkmated, again.

Smash Wrestling Show November 19th


Bill Walkowitz


4PM Show, 8PM PPV - Saturday

AEW Full Gear will play on the big screen at @TheRecRoomCa immediately after our major live event