Sunday, March 10, 2019

AIWF Mid Atlantic Wrestling- Midatlantic 361

The Fear Factory continues to dominate the Mid Atlantic, and on this episode The Midnight Mauler tries to slow the train down as he faces Sebastian Kane. In our classic match Terminator X faces off width Rick Deezel from 1997.

Acouple Upcoming Indy Wrestling Dates For You

The Journey of Chief Deputy Dunne. (ATTACK! Pro Wrestling- UK)

Dave Benson Phillips & Session Moth vs Anti Fun Police | RIPTIDE Wrestling (UK)

Cinematic independent wrestling. Kids TV legend Dave Benson Phillips (Get Your Own Back) teams with Session Moth Martina to take on The Anti Fun Police in RIPTIDE's most anticipated match ever! This was part of August 2018's 'Brighton Championship Tournament' weekender. Filmed and edited by Wild Stag Studio and James Eldridge Film.

Kylie Rae vs Jessika Havok Official Preview - AAW Pro Wrestling

AAW Women's Championship Match Kylie Rae vs. Jessicka Havok Hell Hath No Fury Saturday, March 16th. 7:30pm Logan Square Auditorium, Chicago

MLW Fusion Episode 48: Tom Lawlor update, DJZ vs. Ace Austin, Gotch vs. Romero

Jim Cornette is back calling wrestling in prime time. The media has praised the return of the “Louisville Slugger” so don’t miss his sophomore outing as he sits ringside with Rich Bocchini for a night of action! Moments after escaping the solid steel cage to retain the World Heavyweight Championship, “Filthy” Tom Lawlor was savagely attacked by the group identifying themselves as CONTRA. This week on FUSION, we’ll get an update on Lawlor’s injuries and perhaps learn more about CONTRA. The Hart Foundation aren’t in a good mood following MJF and Richard Holliday’s recent actions. Teddy Hart, Davey Boy Smith Jr. and Brian Pillman speak candidly on their upcoming World Tag Team Title defense against MJF and Holliday. Mance Warner will be in the house. What’s Ol Mancer up to? Most likely lariats and light beers! Salina de la Renta will break her silence after last week’s steel cage match where Low Ki failed to reclaim the belt. What is on the empresaria’s mind? Is the house of Promotions Dorado on shaky ground? Tune in to find out. There will also be a qualifying match for the 2019 Battle Riot. Will veteran DJZ punch his ticket to the 40-wrestler extravaganza or will newcomer Ace Austin silence the electric Filipino grappler? Tune in for this high flying, high stakes encounter. Matches: Ace Romero vs. Simon Gotch Battle Riot Qualifying Match: DJZ vs. Ace Austin Alex Hammerstone vs. Isaias Velasquez Join Jim Cornette and Rich Bocchini ringside in Chicago as Major League Wrestling presents the fastest and most dangerous hour of combat sports you’ll experience anywhere in the world.

Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 241

(Reality of Wrestling) is a wrestling promotion owned by Booker T that runs out of Houston, Texas showcasing the top unsigned talent from around the world in a weekly episodic series. - Fatu vs Cameron Cole - Legion vs Fly Def - Bryan Keith vs Ayden Cristiano

Defiant Wrestling's Loaded #14: Aussie Open Defend Tag Titles

The final stop before Magnificent Seven in Sunderland on March 16th. Aussie Open defend the tag team titles against SCC in the main event.

Cody Rhodes Says He's Had "Heavy Disagreements" With Chris Jericho, Talks Mocking Triple H On BTE

Just how far can Being The Elite push the envelope when it comes to talking about WWE? In the opinion of Cody Rhodes, BTE has been more than fair when cracking jokes at the biggest pro wrestling promotion in the world.
If you can't make fun of WWE than who can you make fun of?
In an interview with the New York Post, Rhodes was asked why BTE makes fun of themselves and AEW, but also why they feel can poke at WWE as well.
"If you're able to have fun with yourself, nobody is safe from BTE," Rhodes said. "BTE is, on a personal level, super valuable to me because I try to be the most aware person ever and that means aware of the things that are wrong with me and BTE is one of the best things because it's brought it out. It's brought out my ego and these silly little things about wrestling.
"I think we take it pretty lightly on WWE. The more we do stuff with AEW, the more we are like, 'Well, that joke, we don't need it.' But there's some stuff because they have been in power for two decades and even more than that really without any competition, and I'm not dismissing that run TNA had during the Spike time. I'm just saying it was a blip to them versus the situation with the type of backing and the type of partners that WWE thinks we have and they're right."
Rhodes continued, "I think we take it pretty lightly. Like I was saying, they've had no one make fun of it. It's been so taboo, so afraid to say anything about them, especially from a talent perspective to talk about it.
"We're going to make mistakes, but there are some funny stuff that's out there that's cool to bring up. A lot of it though, if you bring Triple H on 'Being the Elite,' Triple H is a pretty over character. I'm sure he's not pissed off about that. I'm sure he's flattered. He knocked me out. He possessed me. I don't even know how it worked.
"So I'm sure that will continue. The people who get the biggest kick out of that are the guys who work for WWE."
You can only poke the bear so much before it bites back. When AEW lands a TV deal, it will be interesting to see if that changes the tone of what is talked about on BTE.
Despite the playful back and forth BTE has with WWE topics, Rhodes is without a doubt happy that one ex-WWE star in particular is now part of AEW. When asked about the importance of AEW signing Chris Jericho, Rhodes didn't understate it.
"Chris Jericho is always gonna be the same," Rhodes said. "There is a reason he's closed out a WrestleMania. He's very, very, very involved and he's very smart and very fair.
"I think heavy, heavy, heavy disagreements with me and Chris Jericho. I have a ton of respect for him, but we disagree on a great deal. But him coming to AEW is a huge endorsement, massive. This guy, I grew up watching him and to watch him at that rally, it was MJF [Maxwell Jacob Freeman] who he walked by. To watch MJF, who doesn't sell anything, and literally his eyes light up so it was a surprise. That to me is a big endorsement.
"He's not wrong when he says he's the bridge between the fans we have and the fans we don't and I'm glad to have him [Jericho]. He's kind of a d–k, but I'm glad to have him."

Toni Storm vs. Viper Lucha Forever Ultimo Battle 2

PAC vs Robbie X - FULL MATCH - Defiant Wrestling

PAC - formerly known as WWE's Neville - is back on Defiant Wrestling and he takes on the debuting Robbie X!

Hawk Elliot vs Douglas O'Shea (Rampage Championship Wrestling)