Friday, July 5, 2019

Dragon Gate set to introduce English commentary, Dallas and Bocchini set to announced Kobe World

Dragon Gate in Japan will be introducing English commentary on July 21 for their big Kobe World event in Ai Shiteru Japan. Former Evolve manager and Busted Open radio host Larry Dallas and MLW’s Rich Bocchini will be calling the show live from Japan. The show will be headlined by Open the Dream Gate Champion PAC vs. Ben K.
It's been indicated that the English commentary is just a trial for now and nothing is set in stone going forward. You can watch the show in English with a monthly subscription at Voices of Wrestling originally reported that Dragon Gate would have English commentary for Kobe World.

LMAO! WWE Officials Upset With How The WWE UK Title Was Disrespected At A Recent OTT Indie Event

This is the clip of what the WWE has its panties in an uproar about.
WWE officials are reportedly not happy over how the WWE UK Title was used at a recent indie event in Ireland, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
Indie wrestler David Starr, who has spoken out against WWE several times in the past, faced WWE UK Champion WALTER in the main event of Over The Top Wrestling's WrestleRama 3 event in Dublin, Ireland from the National Basketball Arena, back on June 23. They did an angle during the match that saw Starr grab the title, shout at WALTER for selling out, and then disrespect the title by stomping on it. Fans in the arena popped for the spot and WALTER would go on to win the match.
It was originally believed that WWE approved the angle with the title belt, but that's not the case. WWE did not give the OK for the belt to be stomped on, and very few knew about it ahead of time. The Observer reports that WALTER and Starr made the call to shock people live, knowing it would get over in a big way. The reaction from within WWE was not positive as many wrestlers thought it was disrespectful and the higher-ups weren't happy either.


週刊WRESTLE-1 TV #117 2019.07.4


WMC in Memphis, TN is reporting that Jerry Lawler's former podcast partner, Glenn Moore, is accused of scamming people out of money in return for Lawler original artwork that The King had no knowledge he was selling.

A Lawler fan named Jason Lurie took Moore up on an offer that was made on the podcast where Lawler would do original art for listeners.  Lurie reached out to Moore and was told that he could get an original drawling for $250.

Lurie then reached out to Moore and asked about an oil painting of his cat and was told it cost $1,500.  He claims he sent the money via Paypal and never received the painting.

He contacted Lawler via social media and registered letter and got no response.  Finally, he had a lawyer contact Lawler, who he told could be liable under Tennessee law.

Once Lawler found out about the alleged scam being run by Moore he told WMC:

“I’m totally shocked by this behavior. I mean, we did like 90 podcasts together over a period of years. This is a guy I thought was a friend and I trusted him. I’m certainly sorry this has happened.”

Lawler said that Moore lost his job last December and changed after that.  Lawler also stated, "We're gonna work to try to make this thing right. One way or another. Hopefully, we'll be able to get people's money back. If not, we'll get them the artwork they tried to buy."

The story states that other fans took to social media to claim that they have been duped by Moore as well. Check it out here.


Mat Memory- Kendo Nagasaki vs. Greg Valentine (No Rope Barbed Wire) 06/07/95

Kendo Nagasaki (Sakurada) Fighting Puroresu 06/07/95 In Hataka

Mat Memory- Impact Wrestling/Bully Ray-Mr. Anderson Funny Dialog @ Hammond Civic Center 9-24-2011

ILLIANAMUSIC.COM caught up with Impact Wrestling for the very entertaining Bully Ray-Mr. Anderson Dialog @ Hammond Civic Center 9-24-2011. Apologies for the profanity towards Bully Ray by surrounding fans.

Cody Rhodes vs Darby Allin match highlights AEW Fyter Fest

Christopher Daniels vs CIMA from AEW's Fyter Fest

Davienne vs DL Hurst vs Charlie Cashew vs TJ Crawford - Chaotic Wrestling ELEVATED 10

- Davienne vs DL Hurst vs Charlie Cashew vs TJ Crawford - Brandon Locke vs Scotty Slade *New England Championship

Jim Cornette on Indiana Garbage Wrestling Health Scare