Friday, July 5, 2019

LMAO! WWE Officials Upset With How The WWE UK Title Was Disrespected At A Recent OTT Indie Event

This is the clip of what the WWE has its panties in an uproar about.
WWE officials are reportedly not happy over how the WWE UK Title was used at a recent indie event in Ireland, according to the Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
Indie wrestler David Starr, who has spoken out against WWE several times in the past, faced WWE UK Champion WALTER in the main event of Over The Top Wrestling's WrestleRama 3 event in Dublin, Ireland from the National Basketball Arena, back on June 23. They did an angle during the match that saw Starr grab the title, shout at WALTER for selling out, and then disrespect the title by stomping on it. Fans in the arena popped for the spot and WALTER would go on to win the match.
It was originally believed that WWE approved the angle with the title belt, but that's not the case. WWE did not give the OK for the belt to be stomped on, and very few knew about it ahead of time. The Observer reports that WALTER and Starr made the call to shock people live, knowing it would get over in a big way. The reaction from within WWE was not positive as many wrestlers thought it was disrespectful and the higher-ups weren't happy either.


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