Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A very early Dustin Rhodes promo from World Class


Plenty of classic footage from a December WCCW TV show: a Dustin Rhodes music video set to "Born to Boogie" by Hank Williams Jr., Terry "Garvin" Sims making a crack about his appearance (then immediately paying for it), and then Dustin channeling his father and cutting a very Dusty Rhodes promo on Gorgeous Gary Young hyping up a future strap match.


"Speedball" Mike Bailey vs Zack Sabre Jr RevPro Wrestling (UK) 2017 02 05


Mike Bailey vs Zack Sabre Jr RPW 2017 02 05 Live at the Cockpit 13




The March to WrestleMania X special, which was originally located in the Hidden Gems section on the standalone WWE Network, has been added to the Peacock library. 

However, this event and World-Class Championship Wrestling's Star Wars has each been given their own category, so it appears that the long-form content formerly presented in a Hidden Gems section on the WWE Network will instead be listed individually on the NBCUniversal streaming service and not under a singular Hidden Gems banner.

There is no word on shorter content, such as specific matches.

But the question is, WILL it be actual 'hidden gems'? Because this charming wonderful web site that you've come to know and love had a LONG PATTERN of busting WWE out on their so called 'hidden gems'. They were so 'hidden' that many of them were hiding out on YouTube. 

Not as 'hidden as WWE wanted you to think they'd be.

But since proof IS, a mother fucker and I'm always a mother fucker that has proof. Here's some examples of when i busted WWE out on these 'hidden gems' and the newsletter sites that proudly claimed they were indeed, hidden gems'. 

There's this example here, https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/01/its-that-time-again-wwes-hidden-gems.html

Then there's this one, https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2018/12/pwinsider-wwe-get-put-in-check-by-me.html

Oh yeah, there's this one too. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2018/09/this-weeks-wwes-hidden-gems-are-guess.html

Let's not forget THIS ONE either. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/09/newest-hidden-gem-added-to-wwe-network.html

Want more? of course I have more. here you go. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/09/want-more-hidden-gems-that-are-so.html

And then there's this.. Where someone from WWE Network news tried to take me to task, then truied to 'work' me and in the end got busted out publicly AND 'checked'. To where THEY had to make the admission I was correct in my reporting. 

How WWE Network News got put in their place publicly on Facebook is here. https://billsbrandnewblog.blogspot.com/2019/09/this-is-how-you-put-someone-from-wwe.html

If Peacock puts 'hidden gems' that are 'hidden' right on YouTube you can bet, I'll be the one who shows it. because guys like Meltzer, PWInsider, WrestlingInc for some reason? just don't have them kind of balls to do it. So it'll be left up to me to do it again.

But let's see how Peacock does it. :)

Billy Corgan's NWA has acquired Mildred Burke’s version of the NWA Women’s title


Billy Corgan told Sports Illustrated that the NWA has acquired Mildred Burke’s version of the NWA Women’s title. The title will be on display at NWA EmPower when current champion Kamille defends the title against AEW’s Leyla Hirsch.

The interview is here. https://www.si.com/wrestling/2021/08/17/nwa-billy-corgan-mildred-burke-title-belt

ECPW Adrenaline TV Episode (July 2021) Episode 4


WALTER On Survivor Series 2019 Match & Wrestling In The US For WWE!

WALTER was part of a media conference to promote his NXT TakeOver match with Ilja Dragunov this weekend. He talked about wrestling in the US more, who he'd like to face, that Survivor Series 2019 match and much more.


The Guerrillas of Destiny confront the Good Brothers! | Resurgence


The 'real world champion'? Will Ospreay is BACK | Resurgence


Arn Anderson on working with Fireballs
