Saturday, February 3, 2018

Saturday Night Wrasslin tonite features. Appalachian Mountain Wrestling AMW-TV: February 3, 2018

Published on Feb 3, 2018
Does Misty James finally live up to her end of the bargain and become Stan Lee's valet for a day? Find out the answer to that question and hear from AMW superstars as they prepare to debut in Booneville this Friday.

Dalton Castle On Changing His Character, Frustration With ROH Schedule, Winning ROH Championship

Ring Of Honor world champion Dalton Castle one of the top babyfaces in the entire independent circuit. His fun gimmick has endeared him to fans, but it seems like he might want a change now that he's a champion. As a recent guest on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast, Castle expressed a desire for people to see him as less of a joke and take him more seriously.

"I found myself doing more silly things, and to get a reaction doing the pose; then I will focus too much on that kind of stuff. Then, I will forget that I can do cool moves, and I have to remind people that I am an a-- kicker too; I don't know when it clicked, but there wasn't one moment where it happened. I think it just started where I was coming into myself more. I wanted to be taken more serious," Castle said. "I like that contrast of this 'Lady Gaga' guy walking down and once the gear comes off, the personality is the same but has the ability to kick someone's a--, and I wanted people to see me as more serious wrestler. I used to get called 'the Party Peacock,' which was a character I created on the Indies. I hate being called that now because when I got to Ring of Honor I decided right there that if I was going to be serious about this I had to drop it and just be 'the Peacock' because the 'Party Peacock' cannot be World Champion, which is what I told myself."

Castle rose to the top of ROH by defeating Cody Rhodes at Final Battle in December to win his first world title. He said he had to hide his excitement about winning the title because he knows anything can happen in the professional wrestling business. In the lead-up to him winning the title, he worked harder than he'd ever worked before so he could prove to the company and to himself that he was the right choice to be champion.

"I don't remember how early, but I never said it out loud. I never told anybody, not my wife or anybody because it didn't feel real. I felt that the second I would mention anything it would be taken away from me because that is pro wrestling. I have seen my friends being told one thing and at a hotel they are told by a third party that the story was changed, which shouldn't really affect them anyway since we are putting on a performance," he said. "I knew they were building to it but I still wasn't sure, but I wasn't going to ask either. Only thing I could do is in those months leading up is to wrestle every match and perform like I am going to be a champion, like I deserve that spot. I didn't want to leave any doubt that they are making the right decision by putting the belt on me."
Castle is enjoying his time as champion, but his reign hasn't been completely flawless. Despite his desire to be a fighting champion, Castle has only defended his title once. He admitted he is somewhat frustrated because he wishes ROH's schedule allowed him more opportunities to defend his title.

"I always feel that I should be moving forward and doing more. I won the Championship in December, and it felt great and it was really good, but it's also been really frustrating that I had this amazing moment and hit this goal that I had set, but now I want to start doing more. I want to take this title and try to elevate it. I want to try and elevate myself and ROH, but we are not working. We had an almost a month-long break," he said. "I am sitting at home and losing my mind. I got to take my wife on vacation to Cabo, of course because they have the best drinks with umbrellas in it, and I should be relaxing and having fun, but something in my head is saying that this is wrong, and that I should be working out and doing something more, and how I should be in a ring somewhere."

Shawn Michaels Talks Turning On Marty Jannetty, Crowd Reaction To 'Losing His Smile' Promo

Shawn Michaels was recently a guest on the In This Corner podcast. During the interview, he dished on some of the most memorable moments of his career.

Before embarking on his massively successful solo career, Michaels was a member of The Rockers alongside Marty Jannetty. Michaels turned on Jannetty in the infamous barbershop segment in which he sent Jannetty crashing through a glass window. Michaels looked back on the segment and said what made it work so well was how real it was. With Jannetty pleading for Michaels to remain as his tag team partner and then suffering a vicious assault, Michaels said the audience really connected with the segment.
"I had the boots on and that one was a little snug; I will say that. Every now and then it does get away from me, but I must say that Marty Jannetty took that like a champ I must say. You just never know; it's not like we went into those moments where we said that this is going to be something people are going to remember forever, and then they'll make shirts about it and reference things," Michaels said. "You are so busy in the time and in the moment; of course you want it to go well, but you absolutely have no idea that it's going to be something that people will remember forever, and I guess that is one of those things that you try to pass on to not be afraid to step outside the box. Go ahead and give it a whirl, and give it a try, again, even if the Social Media crowd is just saying this, you just don't know what is going to connect with people. Nine times out of ten it is something that is real and authentic.
"I think fans can see that, and they know the difference," he continued. "When all things are said and done I think that is probably the most important thing to be teaching; to not be afraid to put a little of yourself in there. That is what they want; they want to get to know you, and want to know the person. They want to feel what you are feeling, but it's a risk to do that, and I think that is one of the things that certainly the generation I was in, it was stumbled upon with all those nights on Monday Night because it was live. It's impossible to get it right each and every time. I think over the years those live moments that were captured; good bad or otherwise made a difference changed the Pro Wrestling business at all times."

Michaels also discussed the emotional moment when he had to relinquish his WWE championship and step away from the wrestling business due to numerous injuries. Michaels tearfully told the crowd he "lost his smile" as he had to reevaluate himself to find his love for wrestling again. Michaels said he appreciated how much the moment affected the audience and how the fans identified with him at such an emotional time in his life.
"Nothing good was going on in my life I can tell you that much. It's funny to me because I never knew at the time that some of the stuff would get so big. It is amazing to me; whether it'd be the Barber Shop, whether it'd be the 'losing my smile' moment, or the Ladder Match. Things that you would have no idea at the time would become these unbelievably huge and iconic moments over the years. I suppose that is the one thing I am thankful for, that in the long run it worked well for me," he said. "I lived a lot of my life on this live show [Raw], a lot of my ups and a lot of my downs, the good, the bad, the struggle; all of those things, I lived all that openly and wasn't smart enough to hide it and hide behind a character so to speak. I guess I wasn't a good enough actor. It was better for me to be who I was and share the things that were going on; at least, in some respect to the WWE audience. Thankfully, for me, whatever 25-30 years later it all turned out okay, but I think that is one of the things that separated me from somebody else, that there was an honesty whether good or bad in Shawn Michaels that he was sharing some real life stuff that was going on with me. It meant a lot to the people."

Source: In This Corner

I guess using Spellcheck is a challenge at PWInsider.

Second week in a row Scherer can't spell the word 'slightly' correct, LOL.


Chaotic Wrestling
February 2, 2018
Lowell, MA

MATCH ONE: New England Championship – Josh Briggs (c) v. “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas

Good opener.  The story of the match was Milonas telling Briggs that he’s not a real big man.  I think they could have done more to have Briggs have to prove himself to show he’s a true big man, but for what they did it was still a decent match.  The finish saw Briggs win with a moonsault to a standing Milonas.  The finish got a big reaction.  After the match, Brick Mastone came to the ring and jumped Milonas from behind.  He had a Hannibal Lecter-style mask and outfit as he ended up choking Milonas out with a steel turnbuckle post.  Good reintroduction for Brick.

WINNER: Josh Briggs

MATCH TWO: Tag Team Gauntlet Match – Winners Get a Chaotic Tag Team Title Match – Killanova, Inc. (Christian Casanova & Tripilicious) v. The Amazing Graysons (Tommy & JP)

The opening fall was Killanova and the Graysons throwing all their moves at each other in a five-minute span before Casanova got a chain and hit one of the Graysons with it when the ref wasn’t looking to score the pin.

Next team: Scotty Slade & DL Hurst

This fall was Slade getting in some of his crowd pleasing comedic antics and dominating the match until, again. Tripilicious provided a distraction and hit Slade with a chain to get the win.  Only this time, Rich Bass found the chain and reversed the decision.  I guess the referee doesn’t need to see the act to make a call.  Why can’t we get him in the NFL?  Maybe the XFL.

Next team: The Logan Brothers

Classic tag team wrestling with Hurst selling his knee while The Logans made quick tags to build the heat.  Good selling from Hurst, who is still very new but has a lot of potential.  Slade had a roll-up but was distracted.  This allowed The Logans to use powder in Slade’s eyes followed by their finisher for the win.  How does Bass reverse the decision when he doesn’t see the chain used, but when Slade’s head is full of powder and powder clouds the ring he doesn’t?  Otherwise, the match was by the book and enjoyable.

WINNERS: The Logan Brothers

MATCH THREE: “Tha Kid” Vinny Pacifico v. JT Dunn

I was surprised how much JT sold for Pacifico here, but the story was Pacifico jumped him before the bell to give himself a fighting chance.  It didn’t last all that long before Dunn finished it with Death By Elbow.  He’s in line for a title shot at their biggest show of the year coming up, so this was a just a build-up.

After the match, Dunn cut a promo calling out the champion Elia Markopolous. Elia came out and cut a promo sarcastically saying that JT just main events Bingo and VFW Halls, which was also ironic because that’s what he does.  Then he said when he hits JT, he’s not going to slap his leg because he’s 100 percent real.  So this promo was part delusional heel irony and shoot, I guess.  It also completely discounted that Elia had a title defense later in the night, as neither guy mentioned Flip Gordon.  Elia then laid out Dunn with a belt shot.  Not a fan of the segment because it lacked focus and was too inside.


MATCH FOUR: Chaotic Tag Team Titles – The Maine State Posse (Danger Kid & Aiden Aggro) (c) Da Hoodz (Davey Cash & Kris Pyro)

The match followed the formula of a very good tag team match.  The Posse had some fun, interesting offense during their initial flurry of offense before getting cut off, and Da Hoodz didn’t go anything fancy, but they didn’t need to, and they were great in their role.  Aggro ended up cutting his own heat off by having a clear, unobstructed shot at the hot tag, but chose to grandstand and go for highspots rather than tag which would have made way more sense.  He got cut down, so he looked silly and it killed his heat even more.  When the hot tag came, it didn’t get the reaction it should have because of that.

The finish seemed to come out of nowhere after Aggro messed up a move.  I’m not trying to pile on the kid because he has a lot of potential, as does Danger Kid.  I just think if he slowed down a bit he would improve a lot (sorry for my inner JR/Cornette coming out here).

MSP ended up getting the win with a double team move.

WINNERS: The Maine State Posse

MATCH FIVE: Blindfold Match – Cameron Zagami v. “All Good” Anthony Greene

This stems from AG blinding Zagami with a fireball in the Caged Chaos match a few months back and ending their long time tag team.  Zagami returned a few weeks ago and cost AG their tag team titles when AG was defending them alone.

All comedy in this one with both guys trying their best to find the other, with the occasional move being landed.  With this feud being kicked off by a heel turn and a fireball, I’m not sure this was the best style of match to get things rolling.

Somehow, AG got a chair in the ring.  When the referee went to take it out of the ring, AG removed his blindfold and hit a DDT.  As he went to cover, Cam rolled him up for the win.  This match just wasn’t right to kick off a feud with a lot of personal issues.

After the match, Greene jumped Zagami from behind as he was about to go to the back.  He got him in the ring, hit him with a superkick and then a chair.  That’s a better way to get things rolling, it’s just unfortunate the blindfold match preceded it.

WINNER: Cam Zagami


Chase Del Monte came to the ring and cut a promo.  He saw Verna off of ringside and buried him, saying the only thing he’s super at is losing to him.  Verna made his way to ringside, but security was holding him back.  This brought out Chaotic GM Johnny Vegas, who said they’re having a match right now.  Good segment.

MATCH SIX: Chase Del Monte v. “Man of Steel” Mike Verna

They ended up brawling all throughout the crowd before getting to the ring and starting the match.

Fairly decent match between the two.  They didn’t try to reinvent the wheel, and both guys played their roles well.  The finish saw Chase reverse a Verna move and get him in a pinning predicament while holding the ropes for the win.  Hopefully, they’ll be able to get a lot more time to tell a story in the future, but it was a good start to an eventual blow off.

WINNER: Chase Del Monte

MATCH SEVEN: CHIKARA Lucha Style Tag Showcase – Green Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee v. Troll, The Whisper & El Hijo del Ice Cream

This match was what you would expect. Not a lot of tags, pretty much no psychology and a bunch of moves.  Toward the end, there was a moderate “this is awesome!” chant, so clearly I’m completely out of touch, or I’ve entered another universe.  The finish saw Darling tap out El Hijo with a Boston Crab.

WINNERS: Green Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee

MAIN EVENT: Chaotic Heavyweight Title – Elia Markopolous (c) v. Travis “Flip” Gordon

This was on it’s way to being a really fantastic main event before a DQ finish.  I understand why they did a DQ, as it can lead to Flip being in the title picture down the line, but this isn’t the first time in the last six months or so that Chaotic has ended on a DQ or a no contest, and it’s not a great way to end a show on a consistent basis.

There were some great nearfalls and some tremendous work by both Flip and Elia before the DQ came.  Elia was going to leave when JT, who was doing commentary, came to the ring and stopped Elia from leaving.  When Flip came back in, Elia hit him with the belt and it was called off.  After the match, Dunn dropped Elia with an elbow, took the mic and said he robbed the Chaotic fans of a finish because he’s a coward, but at Cold Fury, he would finish it.  That left the crowd a little more satisfied.

WINNER: Travis “Flip” Gordon by DQ

Overall, this wasn’t the strongest show from Chaotic from an in-ring standpoint.  The only positive from it is that Chaotic at least has storylines that are long term and some of them continued to build on this show.  I still say that Chaotic is worth checking out if you get the chance, and Cold Fury in March should be a great show.


Matt Hardy is now listed as the owner of TNA's trademark applications for Broken Matt, Brother Nero, Broken Brillance, and Vanguard1.

On January 8th, Ed Nordholm and Matt Hardy signed an agreement that handed over ownership of the four trademarks to Hardy.

TNA had until January 28th to respond to a non-final refusal issued on July 28th of last year or else they would have been abandoned.

As of January 31st, when the official transfer of ownership took place, the four trademarks are still live and are now officially in Matt Hardy's hands.

Officially and legally, Hardy has ownership of the trademarks


All Japan Pro Wrestling will be launching their own subscription streaming service "All Japan Pro Wrestling TV."

The service will launch 3/3, priced ¥900 a month which translates given current exchange rates to be about $8.17.  They will soon join fellow Japanese companies DDT, New Japan Pro Wrestling, Big Japan and STARDOM in the increasingly congested streaming service space


from ROH COO Joe Koff's interviews, ROH has spent a lot of time developing and building the subscription service, which will include live streaming of ROH events on the road, the ROH video library and more.
Here is the official release:


Ring of Honor is proud to officially announce HonorClub.

With the imminent launch of HonorClub, the Ringside Membership will be deprecated to make way for this new and improved HonorClub. In addition to live streaming ROH Pay Per Views and On Tour events, and a vast on demand library, HonorClub will be the destination to connect wrestling fans with exclusive content, offers, and more.


Ring of Honor will begin live streaming ROH On Tour events! Live events will also be accessible anytime as part of the VOD library which also includes complete access to the ROH TV Archive, and the VOD Vault containing historical events, compilations, interviews, and more. Standard Memberships will include a 50% discount on ROH’s major Pay Per Views when bought digitally, however an Annual VIP Membership will include all Pay Per Views for FREE!


HonorClub memberships also include exclusive access to all ROH event ticket pre-sales and 15% off all ROH-branded products in the ROH Pro Shop, in addition to any other discounts or sales. Many fans have also asked about the ROH Forum, and even though there is a large world of social media, there is nothing like having an intimate ROH community to engage with. The ROH Forum returns as an exclusive to HonorClub members!


Ringside Members will automatically become an HonorClub member until their subscription expires. At that time, previous members can decide how they would like to proceed with their HonorClub membership.  The various plans will include both monthly and annual options for the Standard Membership. Fans can choose whether they would like to pay $9.99 per month or a discounted $99.99 for the entire year. However, for the ultimate Ring of Honor experience, fans will have the option to purchase an Annual VIP membership for just $119.99. This package includes all of the wonderful features of the Standard Membership, but it also gives you free access to all ROH Pay Per Views!


At initial launch, HonorClub will be available on your computer or personal device through

HonorClub will also be available through the new ROH App on Android and iOS, and channels on Roku, Apple TV, and Android TV as a Beta version for select fans. In an effort to provide fans with a quality user experience, these platforms will be tested thoroughly during this phase with an official launch coming very soon.