Saturday, February 3, 2018


Chaotic Wrestling
February 2, 2018
Lowell, MA

MATCH ONE: New England Championship – Josh Briggs (c) v. “The Kingpin” Brian Milonas

Good opener.  The story of the match was Milonas telling Briggs that he’s not a real big man.  I think they could have done more to have Briggs have to prove himself to show he’s a true big man, but for what they did it was still a decent match.  The finish saw Briggs win with a moonsault to a standing Milonas.  The finish got a big reaction.  After the match, Brick Mastone came to the ring and jumped Milonas from behind.  He had a Hannibal Lecter-style mask and outfit as he ended up choking Milonas out with a steel turnbuckle post.  Good reintroduction for Brick.

WINNER: Josh Briggs

MATCH TWO: Tag Team Gauntlet Match – Winners Get a Chaotic Tag Team Title Match – Killanova, Inc. (Christian Casanova & Tripilicious) v. The Amazing Graysons (Tommy & JP)

The opening fall was Killanova and the Graysons throwing all their moves at each other in a five-minute span before Casanova got a chain and hit one of the Graysons with it when the ref wasn’t looking to score the pin.

Next team: Scotty Slade & DL Hurst

This fall was Slade getting in some of his crowd pleasing comedic antics and dominating the match until, again. Tripilicious provided a distraction and hit Slade with a chain to get the win.  Only this time, Rich Bass found the chain and reversed the decision.  I guess the referee doesn’t need to see the act to make a call.  Why can’t we get him in the NFL?  Maybe the XFL.

Next team: The Logan Brothers

Classic tag team wrestling with Hurst selling his knee while The Logans made quick tags to build the heat.  Good selling from Hurst, who is still very new but has a lot of potential.  Slade had a roll-up but was distracted.  This allowed The Logans to use powder in Slade’s eyes followed by their finisher for the win.  How does Bass reverse the decision when he doesn’t see the chain used, but when Slade’s head is full of powder and powder clouds the ring he doesn’t?  Otherwise, the match was by the book and enjoyable.

WINNERS: The Logan Brothers

MATCH THREE: “Tha Kid” Vinny Pacifico v. JT Dunn

I was surprised how much JT sold for Pacifico here, but the story was Pacifico jumped him before the bell to give himself a fighting chance.  It didn’t last all that long before Dunn finished it with Death By Elbow.  He’s in line for a title shot at their biggest show of the year coming up, so this was a just a build-up.

After the match, Dunn cut a promo calling out the champion Elia Markopolous. Elia came out and cut a promo sarcastically saying that JT just main events Bingo and VFW Halls, which was also ironic because that’s what he does.  Then he said when he hits JT, he’s not going to slap his leg because he’s 100 percent real.  So this promo was part delusional heel irony and shoot, I guess.  It also completely discounted that Elia had a title defense later in the night, as neither guy mentioned Flip Gordon.  Elia then laid out Dunn with a belt shot.  Not a fan of the segment because it lacked focus and was too inside.


MATCH FOUR: Chaotic Tag Team Titles – The Maine State Posse (Danger Kid & Aiden Aggro) (c) Da Hoodz (Davey Cash & Kris Pyro)

The match followed the formula of a very good tag team match.  The Posse had some fun, interesting offense during their initial flurry of offense before getting cut off, and Da Hoodz didn’t go anything fancy, but they didn’t need to, and they were great in their role.  Aggro ended up cutting his own heat off by having a clear, unobstructed shot at the hot tag, but chose to grandstand and go for highspots rather than tag which would have made way more sense.  He got cut down, so he looked silly and it killed his heat even more.  When the hot tag came, it didn’t get the reaction it should have because of that.

The finish seemed to come out of nowhere after Aggro messed up a move.  I’m not trying to pile on the kid because he has a lot of potential, as does Danger Kid.  I just think if he slowed down a bit he would improve a lot (sorry for my inner JR/Cornette coming out here).

MSP ended up getting the win with a double team move.

WINNERS: The Maine State Posse

MATCH FIVE: Blindfold Match – Cameron Zagami v. “All Good” Anthony Greene

This stems from AG blinding Zagami with a fireball in the Caged Chaos match a few months back and ending their long time tag team.  Zagami returned a few weeks ago and cost AG their tag team titles when AG was defending them alone.

All comedy in this one with both guys trying their best to find the other, with the occasional move being landed.  With this feud being kicked off by a heel turn and a fireball, I’m not sure this was the best style of match to get things rolling.

Somehow, AG got a chair in the ring.  When the referee went to take it out of the ring, AG removed his blindfold and hit a DDT.  As he went to cover, Cam rolled him up for the win.  This match just wasn’t right to kick off a feud with a lot of personal issues.

After the match, Greene jumped Zagami from behind as he was about to go to the back.  He got him in the ring, hit him with a superkick and then a chair.  That’s a better way to get things rolling, it’s just unfortunate the blindfold match preceded it.

WINNER: Cam Zagami


Chase Del Monte came to the ring and cut a promo.  He saw Verna off of ringside and buried him, saying the only thing he’s super at is losing to him.  Verna made his way to ringside, but security was holding him back.  This brought out Chaotic GM Johnny Vegas, who said they’re having a match right now.  Good segment.

MATCH SIX: Chase Del Monte v. “Man of Steel” Mike Verna

They ended up brawling all throughout the crowd before getting to the ring and starting the match.

Fairly decent match between the two.  They didn’t try to reinvent the wheel, and both guys played their roles well.  The finish saw Chase reverse a Verna move and get him in a pinning predicament while holding the ropes for the win.  Hopefully, they’ll be able to get a lot more time to tell a story in the future, but it was a good start to an eventual blow off.

WINNER: Chase Del Monte

MATCH SEVEN: CHIKARA Lucha Style Tag Showcase – Green Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee v. Troll, The Whisper & El Hijo del Ice Cream

This match was what you would expect. Not a lot of tags, pretty much no psychology and a bunch of moves.  Toward the end, there was a moderate “this is awesome!” chant, so clearly I’m completely out of touch, or I’ve entered another universe.  The finish saw Darling tap out El Hijo with a Boston Crab.

WINNERS: Green Ant, Solo Darling & Travis Huckabee

MAIN EVENT: Chaotic Heavyweight Title – Elia Markopolous (c) v. Travis “Flip” Gordon

This was on it’s way to being a really fantastic main event before a DQ finish.  I understand why they did a DQ, as it can lead to Flip being in the title picture down the line, but this isn’t the first time in the last six months or so that Chaotic has ended on a DQ or a no contest, and it’s not a great way to end a show on a consistent basis.

There were some great nearfalls and some tremendous work by both Flip and Elia before the DQ came.  Elia was going to leave when JT, who was doing commentary, came to the ring and stopped Elia from leaving.  When Flip came back in, Elia hit him with the belt and it was called off.  After the match, Dunn dropped Elia with an elbow, took the mic and said he robbed the Chaotic fans of a finish because he’s a coward, but at Cold Fury, he would finish it.  That left the crowd a little more satisfied.

WINNER: Travis “Flip” Gordon by DQ

Overall, this wasn’t the strongest show from Chaotic from an in-ring standpoint.  The only positive from it is that Chaotic at least has storylines that are long term and some of them continued to build on this show.  I still say that Chaotic is worth checking out if you get the chance, and Cold Fury in March should be a great show.

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