Wednesday, December 9, 2020



Promising an appearance from newly crowned AEW World Champion Kenny Omega, Impact Wrestling averaged 221,000 viewers on AXS TV on Tuesday night, up 33 percent from last week.

Impact drew a 0.08 rating in the 18-49 demo, finishing 96th on cable for the night in that category. The previous week's Impact episode drew a 0.05 rating in the 18-49 demo and was 121st for the night.

96th? BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, it sure helped Impact out that that appearance, NOT!

And yes, There were like 80,000 viewers on Twitch as well. 

In the end, the appearance wasn't much to write home about and is considered a bomb. 

In four weeks when the ratings for Impact are STILL the same? Remember me saying "I told you so", because I will indeed be saying... I told you so.

AEW World Champion Kenny Omega's Huge Announcement? Was No Announcement (Pretty Lame And Weak, Which Is To be Expected In AEW)

 Is Vince Russo writing this stuff up? That's about how lame this was from Callis and Omega.

UNCUT- Hear From Sting for the First Time Ever in AEW | AEW Dynamite, 12/9/20 

MLW Fusion #113: Von Erichs vs. CONTRA | Low Ki vs. Richard Holliday - Opera Cup Semi-Finals

 •World Tag Team Championship: Ross & Marshall Von Erich (c) vs. CONTRA Unit (Jacob Fatu & Simon Gotch)

•Opera Cup Semi-Final: Low Ki vs. Richard Holliday •Calvin Tankman vs. Zenshi •Violence is Forever (Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku) debut! The 2020 Opera Cup semi-finals kick off, and a marquee World Tag Team Championship highlights this edition of MLW Fusion, presented by The war between CONTRA and the VE Nation reignites as World Heavyweight Champion Jacob Fatu looks to become a double world champ when he and fellow CONTRA soldier Simon Gotch challenge Ross and Marshall Von Erich for the World Tag Team Championship! Can CONTRA gain control of another world title, or will the third generation sons of Texas fend off their toughest challenge to date? The Opera Cup semi-finals commence this week with a unique styles clash that sees self-proclaimed Caribbean Champion Richard Holliday put his size and strength advantage to the test against the world class striker, Low Ki. It’s a first-time ever encounter! Backstage correspondent Alicia Atout scores an exclusive with National Openweight Champion Alex Hammerstone about his return, CONTRA and more in this must-see interview. The Heavyweight Hustle continues to be televised as 355 pound super athlete Calvin Tankman challenges the fast-paced, high flying Zenshi! Team Filthy’s Dominic Garrini and Kevin Ku – collectively known as Violence Is Forever, make their official entry into the tag team debut! MLW cameras travel across the globe to find out just where in the world Salina de la Renta is this week. Join Rich Bocchini, Jared St. Laurent, and backstage correspondent Alicia Atout for a night of tournament action and world title fights!

Here's A Great Reason Why Tony Khan Should Never Appear On TV- Tony Khan's PAID AD on IMPACT Wrestling! | IMPACT! Highlights Dec 8, 2020


Tony Khan had the nerve to say on this that Jon Moxley is the.. get this.. 'ahem'.. "Greatest champion in wrestling". 


I bet NWA World Champion Nick Aldis cracked up laughing, much like man y other fans and marks.

Tony, don't appear on Tv again. You don't look god and you sound like a fucking moron.

IWL Wrestling. (Georgia)1981


Jim Wilson and Thunderbolt Patterson's outlaw promotion. Georgia 1981.

Kay Lee Ray Vs Viper (Piper Niven) Vs Bacardi Vs Carmel Jacob | British Women's Wrestling | 2013


WWE NXT UK's Kay Lee Ray Vs Viper (WWE NXT UK's Piper Niven) Vs Bacardi Vs Carmel Jacob (with Sarah Marie Taylor) Newbreed Banbury 28th April 2013.

All South Championship Wrestling. Part 1


Georgia. 1985

Jim Cornette on Matt Hardy's New Gimmick 

Low Ki On Who His Ring gear Is Honoring


This is from a recent interview Low Ki did with Wrestlinginc. 

I thought this was really cool, and anyone who knows me, know why because I'm a HUGE fan of Masa Chono. 

Scott D'Amore's Shot At WWE RAW Was Weak, Not Realizing That Impact Is Considered A "Joke", Among Wrestling Fans


Impact Wrestling Co-Executive Vice President Scott D'Amore took to Twitter and fired a shot at WWE RAW this morning, while plugging the new working relationship between AEW and Impact.

But let's tell the truth here, since others like PWInsider, WrestlingInc and Meltzer won't do it. Shall we?

Mention the name "Impact Wrestling" and most fans start laughing. They know like I know, it's considered a 'joke' in wrestling when it comes to ahem, 'major wrestling companies'. Apparently the only person whom doesn't seem to realize this, or maybe doesn't WANT to realize it, is Mr. D'Amore.

"Back to back nights of great Pro Wrestling'? Where? I know there was a real solid wrestling show on Last night, and it sure as hell wasn't Impact, AEW or even WWE.. Oh that's right, it was the NWA's Shockwave show. Of course nobody wants to come out and admit THAT fact, right? Of course not. It's okay, I went ahead and did it for you.

Let's be serious, the only way Impact was able to secure a 'TV Deal' was having the owners of Impact, buy AXS TV, they had to BUY a network because no other network wanted them. Last week they barely had 150,000 people even watching them. And thaey rarely get that many. THAT, is how bad Impact's product is. And I've covered how bad it's been since D'Amore and Don Callis took over as bookers for Impact. Callis claimed that he was going to get rid of the 'silliness' that has plagued Impact Wrestling and doesn't Impact to be 'WWE Lite". But the fact is, He hasn't and every time he's been called out on how can he get rid of the 'silliness' if he's the one now writing and booking the silliness... Funny how he has no answer to that.

Examples? Proof? Besides the lame, weak "Murder investigation crap they recently did, I have plenty. Proof is, a motherfucker and I'm always the mother fucker that has proof, so here you go.

Here's the first one.

Oh look, here's another one.

What? ANOTHER ONE? They just keep on coming, don't they.

Son of a bitch, here's yet another one.The most recent one actually.

So yeah why Impact is considered almost as much of a joke as Jeff Jarrett's Global Wrestling Federation was.. Oh wait, wasn't Impact part of THAT fiasco too? They sure were, LMAO!

Other than EC3 bouncing in and out "controlling his narrative", which actually seems to be getting over better, in Ring Of Honor mind you.. The only other talent they 'had', that had me kinda keeping track, is someone who isn't even there anymore and legitimately stole their world title and is living in Mexico- Tessa Blanchard.

But of course, the AEW fanboys, and the "Meltzer Marks" who think Kenny Omega is the be all and end all (when he really isn't) will be the only ones fawning over all this between AEW and Impact. I'm like most of the real fans out there, just yawning and waiting for some actual wrestling action to actually show up, on AEW or Impact.. or even WWE for that matter.

"Shift in power"? Yeah.. No.. Not really, nice try though Scottyboy, nice try. 

Until AEW actually has some product that doesn't involve brawling all over the place in almost every match, that includes a very high level of 'no selling', and Impact actually stops with the well proven that the silliness is still plaguing them silliness, this 'working' agreement is gonna continue to be lame, and won't move the needle much in the long term. 

The honest truth here, and no other wrestling writer has the balls to say it, so I will.. Is AEW and Impact, have people 'booking' their shows who have never booked a fucking thing in their life, and they actually think they're GOOD at it (which is laughable in so many ways, for so many reasons). It shows in the product and unfortunately marks today have no real clue on what IS good, and consider what Impact, AEW and WWE as 'good' when it's really? The shits. 

So there's no 'shift in power' here, and four months from now when the product in both Impact and AEW still suck? You can go ahead and imagine me saying "I told you so", because I will indeed, be writing, that I told you so. 

If you REALLY, want some great wrestling action, Reality Of Wrestling has been putting out a solid product for years, The recent United Wrestling Network stuff has been very good, Championship Wrestling From Hollywood, the last two NWA Shockwave shows.. Even Ring Of Honor's product, along with what I've already listed.. Has blown away anything and just about everything AEW, Impact and especially WWE have had to offer in months. 

Truth hurts, especially when this writer has the balls to tell it. So you can thank me now, for telling it.

You're welcome :) .


 Retired professional wrestler Killer Khan, who feuded with Andre the Giant in the WWF and had runs in Canada's Stampede Wrestling as well as World Class, Georgia Championship Wrestling and other promotions in the 1980s, has been accused of a hit and run this past October.

Khan, 73, allegedly struck a woman who was writing a bike in the Hyakunincho area of Tokyo, then allegedly fled the scene.  Security cameras revealed it was Khan, who owns a nearby restaurant. Khan allegedly told investigators he left because he had to get to his restaurant.

The woman suffered a broken tooth in the accident and other injuries that took about a month to heal, according to the report.

Khan, who has apologized for the woman's injuries, has been charged "with suspicion of violating the Road Traffic Law regarding hit-and-run and negligence resulting in injury."

Khan last regularly wrestled in the late 1980s for the WWF, a heel run where he spewed green mist and was managed by Mr. Fuji.  He departed the company in 1987.

Courts Warn That Lawsuits Filed By Joey Ryan Could Be Dismissed

 A number of the lawsuits filed by Joseph R. Meehan, known professionally in the world of pro wrestling as Joey Ryan, have been all been referred to the Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald and Magistrate Judge, Charles F. Eick under the United States District Court, Central Division of California; Western Division, Los Angeles.

As previously reported by, Meehan has filed numerous lawsuits in recent months, all denying any claims of sexual assault against him and alleging that the women who made the claims used social media postings to defame him, hurting his ability to make money as a professional wrestler through his performances, merchandise, Patreon account, the loss of his Bar Wrestling independent wrestling promotion, his Twitch channel and Cameo video messaging.  In many of these lawsuits, Ryan is seeking sizable monetary damages. 

On 12/7, the court ordered Meehan to show why the legal actions should be continued and not dismissed for "lack of prosecution", which basically means a lack of movement in the cases.  In many of the cases, but not all (former ROH star Pelle Primeau being the exception), there has been no response from the defendants or even a court record that the defendants have been successfully served. 

Meehan's attorneys have until 12/29 to file pleadings in an attempt to convince the court the lawsuits should continue.  Should the defendants respond in court, that would also provide the court with a reason to allow the lawsuits to continue.  Meehan could also file for a default judgment, which should the court grant it, could allow Meehan to legally go for whatever damages the court rules in favor of. 

If none of that happens, Meehan's lawsuits before the court could be dismissed.

NWA Shockwave | Episode 2 (2020)


#NWAShockwave rolls on with even more matches produced in conjunction with the United Wrestling Network! Tonight: 💥 Kamille vs Simone Sherie 💥 Eli Drake vs Watts 🏆 NWA Women's World Champion Thunder Rosa vs Priscilla Kelly