Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Courts Warn That Lawsuits Filed By Joey Ryan Could Be Dismissed

 A number of the lawsuits filed by Joseph R. Meehan, known professionally in the world of pro wrestling as Joey Ryan, have been all been referred to the Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald and Magistrate Judge, Charles F. Eick under the United States District Court, Central Division of California; Western Division, Los Angeles.

As previously reported by, Meehan has filed numerous lawsuits in recent months, all denying any claims of sexual assault against him and alleging that the women who made the claims used social media postings to defame him, hurting his ability to make money as a professional wrestler through his performances, merchandise, Patreon account, the loss of his Bar Wrestling independent wrestling promotion, his Twitch channel and Cameo video messaging.  In many of these lawsuits, Ryan is seeking sizable monetary damages. 

On 12/7, the court ordered Meehan to show why the legal actions should be continued and not dismissed for "lack of prosecution", which basically means a lack of movement in the cases.  In many of the cases, but not all (former ROH star Pelle Primeau being the exception), there has been no response from the defendants or even a court record that the defendants have been successfully served. 

Meehan's attorneys have until 12/29 to file pleadings in an attempt to convince the court the lawsuits should continue.  Should the defendants respond in court, that would also provide the court with a reason to allow the lawsuits to continue.  Meehan could also file for a default judgment, which should the court grant it, could allow Meehan to legally go for whatever damages the court rules in favor of. 

If none of that happens, Meehan's lawsuits before the court could be dismissed.

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