Saturday, February 27, 2021

Eric Bischoff shoots on Verne Gagne going into the WWE Hall of Fame 

EC3 Comments On Signing With Ring Of Honor


Earlier this week it was announced EC3 had signed with Ring of Honor. After his exit from WWE last year due to COVID-19 budget cuts, EC3 showed up in Impact Wrestling through late October. He then appeared in ROH to wrestle Jay Briscoe at Final Battle in December, but the match had to be pulled due to EC3 testing positive for COVID-19.

Yesterday, EC3 reacted to his signing through a series of tweets:

NWA Removes All Videos From YouTube Channel (Not A Good Sign)


At some point in the last day, NWA removed all of its videos from its YouTube channel. No word yet on why the promotion decided to take down all of its content, including previous episodes of NWA Powerrr.

The “About” section still has links to NWA’s various social media accounts and website.

Most recently running episodes of Shockwave in December, NWA had to break for portions of 2020 due to the pandemic.

Last July, NWA President Billy Corgan shot down rumors of the promotion shutting down. In October, Corgan also said Powerrr would be back “very soon.”

Looks like, that may well have been, a lie.

ECW Super Summer Sizzler '93 | 06/19/1993


Jimmy Snuka vs JT Smith

Larry Winters vs Tony "Hitman" Stetson (First Blood Match)

Jimmy Snuka vs Tommy Cairo

Sandman vs Rockin' Rebel (street fight)

Dick Murdoch vs Dark Patriot #2

The match cuts off  and goes to 

Eddie Gilbert vs Terry Funk Chain Match (in Progress)

The Public Enemy are PISSED at Todd Gordon, Then Todd Gets Even (ECW)

Todd gets even by booking a match with Public Enemy, vs The Bruise Brothers.

Jim Cornette on Terry Funk