Tuesday, July 17, 2018

For Once WWE Does Something Right.

Update on Impact Wrestling on tv in the UK

Michael Hayes Tweets about Terry Gordy passing away 17 years ago today.

USA Championship Wrestling Eposide 3

7/15 ROH HITS & MISSES: The Kingdom Opening Promo, The Dawgs interrupt Cody, Six-Man Gauntlet match

Rebuttal To Something Michael Johnson At PWInsider Wrote About Hulk Hogan.

By all means let Michael Johnson know i wrote this, please do. I encourage it.

I'm reading this thing that Michael Johnson at PWInsider wrote about “Hogan Shouldn't Be Left Off The Hook Yet". (link provided below), so since I know he won't have the guts to post my rebuttal to him disagreeing with a lot of what he said, I'll just do it here (and the other places where I post stuff, including my blog as well).

According to Mr. Johnson he thinks if Hogan is truly sorry for the things he said then he should take 10% of the Gawker Settlement money (roughly around three million dollars and donate it to charities and create scholarships and programs in inner cities. This is Mr. Johnson's own words that you'll see when you click the link.

I definitely disagree and call bullshit on these ideas. MONEY, doesn't 'buy' forgiveness, no matter how much is donated, where. Here's a direct quote. “If it wasn’t about the money, he can live with making a major donation by creating something that can legitimately change the lives of those who desperately need a hero to help them by making their lives better”. But it ISN't about money even though Mr. Johnson seems to WANT IT to be about money.

There's a simple solution. Yes he apologized to the locker room at the PPV, good deal. But why not just go and apologize to the very guy he was talking about? (His daughter's then boyfriend)? If the situation is OK to where those two can meet and things won't escalate, THAT, is what should be done. No need to make it a public display with a camera, just two people meeting somewhere privately and talking it out. That's all that needs to be done. Actions like that speak louder than donating money here, there and everywhere.

I know a lot about making those kind of hard face to face amends but in the end if Hogan wants to really clean up his side of the fence so to speak, there's the simple yet effective way to do it. Whether the guy accepts it or not, doesn't matter. Just make THAT KIND of effort will count a lot more in the long run.

Bottom line? REAL MEN make the apologies to the people they offended face to face, and don't just throw money around and hope for the best.

Mark Henry On How African American WWE Talents Are Reacting To Hulk Hogan's Return

WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry was in attendance for Hulk Hogan's backstage meeting with the roster before Sunday's WWE Extreme Rules pay-per-view, according to PWInsider. Henry has been one of the few WWE employees to condemn Hogan's racist comments that were leaked a few years back, leading to his release from the company in 2015. Above is new video of The World's Strongest Man talking to TMZ Sports about The Hulkster being back with the company.
As noted, Hogan was officially reinstated into the WWE Hall of Fame on Sunday and the feeling is that he's back with the company but no new deal had been signed as of yesterday. Hogan was said to be well-received by the talents after the meeting backstage, which was reportedly filmed for a WWE Network special. Hogan formally apologized to the talents for his racist comments, for hurting others and for embarrassing the company. He reportedly spent a long time apologizing and was very emotional when shaking hands & hugging the Superstars at the end of the meeting. Hogan reminded everyone to remember to think about what they are saying as there are cameras everywhere these days, and pointed out how they could be recorded without realizing they are being recorded.
Henry said Hogan coming back to the company is a good idea in a low of ways because we can learn from what happened.
"I think it's good in a lot of ways because it's always a learn-able moment, a teachable moment," Henry said. "It teaches forgiveness, it teaches that we can step up from adversity. It also shows, in a time where there's so much racial dive with the government, and different things, different social groups, that there are some people that actually have affinity, and care, and want to redeem themselves. I hope that he can do that."
Henry was also asked if he feels like Hogan is genuine. Henry believe Hogan and commented on critics who say Hogan is in it for the money.
"I do. I do feel like he genuinely wants to clear his name. He sees people that used to respect him, they look at him differently and that hurts," Henry said. "He brought that on himself and he's trying his best to clear that up. I don't know if it's from... you know, some people are going to say he's missing those big checks and he wants to rectify that situation. That's always a factor, we always want to keep our buying power up but I don't think that's the case with him. I think, if he did some appearances where he helped raise money to go to these organizations that need help, in the inner cities and urban sectors, then I think people would be less likely to think it's all just a ploy for him to make more money."
Henry was then asked how the other African American talents in WWE are reacting to the return. He said, "No, it's 50/50. I've talked to guys that are like, 'To hell with him.' And I've had guys that were like, "You know what? If you're willing to make the change and try to help out, and go and speak up, be a part of the answer rather than a part of the problem, then it's all good.'"

Acouple more indy show dates for you.

Real Shoot Wrestling w/ Matt Riddle 7/20; Fairmont, WV on 8/4

Real Shoot Wrestling continues its hot summer with several events over the next month, including this Friday, July 20 with Matt Riddle at the Brook Park Recreation Center, 17400 Holland RD in Brook Park, OH at 6 pm.

- International star and former UFC competitor Matt Riddle takes on "The Heir Apparent" Chris LeRusso.

- Sharkboy, Jeff Razor Sharpe, and Adam Parsons vs. Funky White Boy, JD Smooth, and Chase Winters.

- RSW Ohio Grand champion Tim Horner, Jr. vs. Jock Samson vs. Bruce Grey.

- RSW West Virginia Grand champion Zac Vincent vs. Mickey Fulp.

- RSW Tag Team champions 2Kings (TL Andrews and Tyler Voxx) vs. The Millenials (Chance Rizer and Garrett Coleman) vs. Jack and Dustin.

- #1 contendership match: Andrew Palace vs. Matt Conard.

- "The Siren" Laura Loveless vs. Ray Lyn B
Pro Wrestling in Red Bank, TN on Sat, July 28!

TWE Pro Wrestling returns with live action on Saturday, July 28 to 4825 Dayton Blvd. in Red Bank, TN with an 8 pm bell time.

So far announced:
- Menace vs. Joey Sparx
- Jason Collins vs. Ethan Cage
- Jaden Newman and J-Rock vs. Ray Fury and Akle
- Chase Jordan vs. James Anthony
- Damion Black vs. Donnie Uptown

Tickets available, day of, at the door.

TWE runs the second and fourth Saturday of every month and is celebrating its five year anniversary this August.
K.S.W.A. Wrestling  
Brawl Under the Bridge 4  
7:00pm Saturday, July 21, 2018 
Under the Homestead Grays Bridge
West 7th Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15120 
 Tickets $5
 Event Information
Please Call 412-726-1762
 * Card Subject to Change * 
K.S.W.A. Brawl Under the Bridge Title Ladder Match
Kris Kash
Flyin” Ryan Burke
Lucio Deveer
Harley T. Morris
Zak Hunter
Bro Hemoth
Sly Scarpone 
K.S.W.A. Heavyweight Title Match
K.S.W.A. Heavyweight Champion
Mitch Napier
Shane Starr 
K.S.W.A. Golden Triangle Title Match
K.S.W.A. Golden Triangle Champion
Anthony Alexander
Mike Malachi 
K.S.W.A. Five Star Title Match
K.S.W.A. Five Star Champion
The Jester
Bubba the Bulldog 
 The Rock n Roll Express
Shawn Blanchard & “Dr. Devastation” Lou Martin 
 Jay Flash & “The Gavel” David Lawless, esq
T-Rantula & Sam Adonis 
 Tommy Faime & “The King” Del Douglas
YINZA & “Big Country” Matt McGraw 
 Jack Massacre
Trick McSorley & Joey Quervo