Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Rebuttal To Something Michael Johnson At PWInsider Wrote About Hulk Hogan.

By all means let Michael Johnson know i wrote this, please do. I encourage it.

I'm reading this thing that Michael Johnson at PWInsider wrote about “Hogan Shouldn't Be Left Off The Hook Yet". (link provided below), so since I know he won't have the guts to post my rebuttal to him disagreeing with a lot of what he said, I'll just do it here (and the other places where I post stuff, including my blog as well).

According to Mr. Johnson he thinks if Hogan is truly sorry for the things he said then he should take 10% of the Gawker Settlement money (roughly around three million dollars and donate it to charities and create scholarships and programs in inner cities. This is Mr. Johnson's own words that you'll see when you click the link.

I definitely disagree and call bullshit on these ideas. MONEY, doesn't 'buy' forgiveness, no matter how much is donated, where. Here's a direct quote. “If it wasn’t about the money, he can live with making a major donation by creating something that can legitimately change the lives of those who desperately need a hero to help them by making their lives better”. But it ISN't about money even though Mr. Johnson seems to WANT IT to be about money.

There's a simple solution. Yes he apologized to the locker room at the PPV, good deal. But why not just go and apologize to the very guy he was talking about? (His daughter's then boyfriend)? If the situation is OK to where those two can meet and things won't escalate, THAT, is what should be done. No need to make it a public display with a camera, just two people meeting somewhere privately and talking it out. That's all that needs to be done. Actions like that speak louder than donating money here, there and everywhere.

I know a lot about making those kind of hard face to face amends but in the end if Hogan wants to really clean up his side of the fence so to speak, there's the simple yet effective way to do it. Whether the guy accepts it or not, doesn't matter. Just make THAT KIND of effort will count a lot more in the long run.

Bottom line? REAL MEN make the apologies to the people they offended face to face, and don't just throw money around and hope for the best.

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