Monday, September 10, 2018

An Article From An Old Web Page of Mine, What I Thought Then? Still Holds Today

And I still "Cut thru the bullshit" as a 'sheet writer' today, unfortunately there's so much bullshit and it's too easy for me to cut thru it. BUT, nobody else wrestling writer wise does it so I guess the old niche has become the very niche that works. If my formula isn't broke, why fix it :)

"GGRREEAATT Reporting" There, PWInsider, LOL. Look at this, Funny as hell comeback.

Maybe they should've asked Edge about this before "exclusively reporting" anything, LMAO! This is what you call a 'BOOM" moment.

MLW Fusion Episode 21: Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix vs. Drago & Rey Horus

In a pure clash of pure lucha libre, Drago and Horus will attempt to grapple the gold away from the Luchas Bros… but can they?
We’ll also get an update on Kevin Sullivan following the vicious attack on Sully by Brian Pillman, Jr and the Hart Foundation. “The French Canadian Frankenstein” PCO stomps his way to the squared circle this week as he takes on an MLW original in the “Notorious 187” Homicide! Will PCO prove he’s truly not human in his singles debut in MLW or will the street certified veteran Homicide thump PCO back north of the border? Team Filthy’s Fred Yehi will also be in competition as he takes on newcomer Richard Holliday. Plus the advocate for sleaze Joey Ryan swings by. Literally. Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker call the action in NYC!

Some Shit, You Just Can't Make Up, Look At This Picture

This, is a group on FB, lol. Love how they have spelling down pat, LMAO!

I'm Sure I'm The Only One Finding This Funny. Chris Jericho "All In" Appearance Resulted In No Immediate Sales For His Cruise

Chris Jericho's surprise appearance at "All In" served two functions. One is that it added yet another element to the historic nature of the event as no one expected Jericho to show up with Fozzy performing 500 miles away that very same night.
The other function of Jericho showing up was to further his multi-country feud with Kenny Omega. After attacking Omega, Jericho then told him "I'll see you at the Chris Jericho Cruise" which will continue the feud between the two that started at Wrestle Kingdom 12.
Yet despite further building up the Jericho-Omega showdown on the cruise, Jericho revealed that cruise sales haven't benefitted in the manner that he thought they would.
"I found out today that I sold zero cabins yesterday," Jericho said on his podcast a couple of days after All In. "Everyone's watching the pay-per-view [on demand] so hopefully it goes that way."
Omega was previously announced for the cruise before All In and most figured that he would be involved with Jericho in some way. Jericho confirmed a match between the two at All In but it hasn't done much for cabin sales as of yet.
Chris Jericho's Rock 'N' Wrestling Rager at Sea will set sail on Oct. 27 so there's still time for fans to buy in. Jericho describes it as a "once in a lifetime experience".
(If you say so, LOL).

Bring Your Own Camera, And Pay 20 Bucks For A Pic w/Cody, What Bullshit.

Whoever thought this was a great idea is a fucking moron.

Hollywood, CA (September 10, 2018) - Fresh off of “All In” Ring of Honor Star and newly crowned NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Cody Rhodes will be at Championship Wrestling from Hollywood (CWFH) on Sunday September 16 (3:30P bell) at the Oceanview Pavilion in Port Hueneme, CA and you’ll have your opportunity to meet “The American Nightmare” in person during a post event photo opportunity. Admission to the television recording is free, but there is a $20.00 fee for the photo. We ask that you bring cash and you must use your own camera. The Oceanview Pavilion is located at 575 E. Surfside Dr. in the city of Port Hueneme. Seating is first come first serve. For news and information please follow @nwa and @cwfhollywood on Social Media. 

Every wrestler i had a pic taken with? King Kong Bundy, George Steele, Tito Santana, Chris Hamrick, etc. They either had a guy taking pictures for them or the promotion provided a camera. So openly saying you have to pay twenty dollars to use YOUR WON CAMERA to get a picture taken smell of someone being a cheapskate. Championship Wrestling From Hollywood is that cheap they can't even just provide a camera for this? (Shakes head).

Ring Warriors Debuts On WGN America This Saturday (and I have WGN America on my cable :) )

My DVR is going to be busy every Saturday now. recording Ring Warriors in the morning and then Championship Wrestling From Hollywood (which I have on an indy station where i live) late at night. Who needs the major feds when this is readily available for me, along with all the stuff I watch on Youtube? :)

The Ring Warriors promotion will debut nationally on United States TV this Saturday 9/15 on WGN America at 8 AM Eastern/7 AM Central.

Among those scheduled to appear on the company's weekly series include Melissa Anderson, Wes Brisco, Michael Tarver, Santana Garrett, former WWE star Chaz Warrington, The Hotshots (former TNA star Chase Stevens and former WWE developmental and TNA star Cassidy Riley), Luke Hawx, Lucha Underground star Marty the Moth, Alexander Hammerstone, Funny Bone, The 1% (Royce Isaacs and Jorel Nelson), Chris Bey, Alex Chamberlain, Chance Prophet, Tokyo Monster Kahagas and The Slambinos, Francisco Ciatso, A.J. Jannazz and more.

Former WWF and AWA announcer Ken Resnick will lead the company's broadcast team, alongside Blake Chadwick and Larry Brannon.

Resnick is formerly an AWA interview guy like Gene Okerlansd was, so it'll be cool to see him again. Chadwick also does commentary for the West Coast Wrestling Connections shows that air out of the Portland Oregon area on Twitch, I believe it is as well as their local Fox Station.

Joey Mercury Arrest Update.

Former WWE star and current Ring of Honor Producer Adam Carlson Birch aka Joey Mercury, 39 years old, was released from the Cook County Department of Corrections over the last 48 hours after being arrested over "All In" weekend when authorities discovered an outstanding warrant for his arrest in Orange County, Florida.

Authoriries in Schaumburg, IL confirmed to  that Birch is no longer being held at the facility.  We have been told that the warrant is in relation to an old "non-violent" issue.  The Schaumburg Police Department stated that they “had contact” with Birch at 6:58 AM outside of 50 North Martindale Road, which is the address of The Marriott Schaumburg. was told that authorities were notified of Birch sleeping in his car outside the hotel.  They approached Birch and after running his personal information, discovered he was wanted on the aforementioned outstanding warrant in Orange County, Florida and was taken into custody.  He was not charged and will not be charged with anything in Illinois.

Birch had been involved in the planning of “All In”, including helping to put together the pre-show battle royal (one of the best battle royals in years, as it turned out) and work the gorilla position, but after his arrest, others stepped in to handle Birch’s duties.