Thursday, April 29, 2021

Rocky Mountain Pro CHARGED; ep 239


This week on CHARGED, Danger Dean looks to regain the Rocky Mountain Pro Championship as he takes on Dustin Uhrich in the Main Event. Rachelle Riveter defends the Lockettes Championship against Lola. And the First Sgt of Grunt Styles brings the Violence of Action to Rocky Mountain Pro.

Championship Wrestling from Hollywood - Airdate April 24, 2021 

It's That Time Again, To Put A "Mark" In Their Place.. Because As Usual, It's Always Easy To Do.


I keep saying, over and over, that "Marks" shouldn't try bracing up on me.. BUT, they never learn and they always, as usual, reply the same way.

Anyone who truly knows the wrestling business knows that a booker, "booking" his buddy to be champion, is one of the oldest tricks in the wrestling book. 

Don Callis, booker for Impact, booking Kenny Omega to win the Impact World title, was something you knew was coming. I knew it was going to happen the moment it was announced.

Because of INSTEAD, putting a younger wrestler over, or raising him up to a higher level (Rich Swann in this case), which WOULD'VE been, the thing to do if you truly 'wanted' to help create or boost a newer star (so to speak).. Callis went and just gave his ol buddy and pal the Impact title and only Callis and Omega see this as a 'major' thing, while 98% of the fans, sans the AEW "Marks" mind you,  have pretty much said "eeehhh, so what".

If you truly wanted a "buzz" you would've had Swann go over and win the AEW World Title.. EVEN, if the title was held by Swann for say, two weeks.. THAT would've created a bigger, yet better buzz than Omega not doing the job for Swann. 

But, when you know something like that, like i do, and called it the way it went down, BEFORE it went down, like I did.. There's ALWAYS gonna be some 'Mark" Somewhere with hurt feelings that's gonna try and get himself over at my expense. 

Needless to say.. THIS 'mark', like all the other ones I've put in check, failed and was indeed, put in his place as well. 

It's to the point I could almost predict ahead of time what reply is gonna come because 'Marks' when they brace me, ALWAYS, ALWAYS.. Give the same ol replies. Which makes it so easy for me to run rings around them with basically, no effort needed, whatsoever.

I keep saying, someday "Marks' will make it a challenge for me.. Someday, won't be.. Today. :) 

Someone at "Keep It 100" Gets Checked Because I.. "Kept It 100" And Obviously Know The Truth.


I mean, seriously.. Why would someone AT "Keep It 100" even Thin k they could get over with a lie when the proof they're lying can easily be pulled up?

This makes whoever AT "Keep it 100" look just as stupid as the "Marks" I put in check on a regualar basis.

BUT... People insist on being stupid so since they insist on, being stupid? Why not show just how, stupid they really are.

 This was, as you're gonna see, WAY TOO EASY to accomplish. Then again, it usually is always this way. :)

As I always say, proof is, a mother fucker.. And I'm always the mother fucker who can supply proof. 

And when a mother fucker like me supplies proof, that was put out FOUR DAYS AGO? It shows who truly is and always WILL, "Keep It 100". 

Why whoever tried to 'work' me didn't simply ask Glen (Disco) is beyond me but hey.. I'm glad they didn't because this I'll always know more an d know the truth, over the dumb fucks that keep trying to brace me, and fail. 

You can go ahead and thank me for being the one guy who will ALWAYS, "Keep It 100".

You're welcome. :)