Saturday, November 11, 2017

Want some wrestling on a Saturday Night? Here you go. Rocky Mountain Pro Charged 11/8/17 - Friends Close....

Published on Nov 8, 2017
This week on Charged, after weeks of tough competition, it's the Finals of the Lottery Tag Team Tournament. Anaya & Mercury Yaden take on Filter & Hunter Grey with a Tag Team Championship opportunity at Shocktober laying in the balance. But Vince Russo has one more trick up his sleeve for the tournament. Mario Vanjur and Tyler Stinson sign the contract for Shocktober, but what does Mario have in mind for Stinson just two weeks before their match? Also after weeks of attacks, Duane Douglas goes one on one with Vlad Balashov in a Russian Chain Match!

Chicago Tribune interview w/Billy Corgan about the NWA

Almost 9:00pm and Meltzer hasn't posted a daily update on his webpage? tsk tsk. (Updated)

Ten minutes after I posted this he quickly puts one up, LOL. "Coincidence"? I don't think so. :)

A reader of this blog emailed me about this, I looked and I agree with what the reader said about Meltzer could've at least told his readers that he and his staff decided that tweeting is more important than updating a webpage many enjoy going to.

As you can see for yourself, tweeting is more important than at least being respectful enough to post that there wouldn't be an update today. At least I give stuff starting in the afternoon. But hey, being respectful to the very readers and viewers of your webpage I guess is 'beneath' Meltzer and his staff, I guess they're 'above' having to explain anything (rolls eyes).


Although Hulk Hogan and Ed "Brutus Beefcake" Leslie were best friends when they headlined WCW Starrcade in 1994, the current back and forth between the two on social media is anything but a work being put on for fans.

In recent weeks, the two have been lobbing comments back and forth after it was made public that Leslie has completed an autobiography (co-written by Kenny Casanova, who did an amazing job with a Kamala autobiography a few years ago) that Leslie has promised will tell all, including the tale of his friendship with Hogan.  Although details have never been made public, there was a split between the two that a source close to Leslie specifically blamed on Hogan.

Leslie has also Tweeted out photos of Hogan with his ex-wife and daughter as well as referring to Hogan breaking "Bro Code" -

The back and forth on Twitter as well as, apparently, concern over what would be featured in Leslie's book led to Hogan's attorneys firing off a legal letter, part of which Leslie revealed on Twitter:

Hogan has made references to someone needing to get ready for a legal fight over the last several weeks as well.

Beefcake also Tweeted the following:

The two were childhood friends in Florida before breaking into pro wrestling and teamed as The Boulder Brothers before Hogan took off as a singles star and Beefcake would build his own path.  The two would become connected again in 1993 on camera and were pretty much considered inseparable behind the scenes for many, many years.

Leslie's autobiography can be pre-ordered at this link.


Ryback On How WWE Is 'F---ing' Themselves Over With Their Network Subscription Model

I find this so funny for so many reasons, LOL. Rock Band On Not Liking New Song WWE Asked Them To Compose

Source: Metal Injection
Killswitch Engage is reportedly back in the studio and making songs for the WWE and another wrestling promotion. Bassist Mike D'Antonio spoke to Metal Injection and revealed the band initially wasn't happy about the task given to them by the WWE.

Killswitch Engage has previously worked with the WWE when it provided the theme song for the 2006 Judgment Day pay-per-view. They also wrote "The Fire Burns," which was CM Punk's original theme song from 2006 to 2011. D'Antonio said the WWE wanted the band to cover a song they're not too excited to do, but didn't reveal which song they'd been assigned to do.
"We're not actually not even supposed to talk about it, but we have two wrestling theme songs in the works right now. One I believe is finished… The first one is done and then the second one we're gonna start recording in like two weeks," D'Antonio said. "One's for one company and then the other is for WWE. The WWE one was really complicated because it was another thing where they sent us a song and said, 'You need to cover this as best as possible or as close as possible' and it's not a good song."

D'Antonio said it took some time for the band to become satisfied with a version of the song they wouldn't mind doing. He said they will start recording it soon.

"So we had a tough time with it and a lot of the dudes were like 'I don't wanna do this.' And I get it. I understand," D'Antonio said. "If it's a really crappy song, if we gotta put our name on it, we don't want our fans thinking we wrote something terrible. So we got this song to where we're comfortable and we're gonna start recording it soon."

Colt Cabana On WWE Sending A 'Cease And Desist' To The Young Bucks, Changing View Of Indie Wrestlers

Impact Wrestling News

Sami Callihan noted on social media that during the final night of the Impact Wrestling TV Tapings in Ottawa, he and OVE teamed against LAX and Homicide in a no ropes barbed wire massacre match, which would be the third time the company has done that bout and the first time they would be airing it on broadcast cable.

Impact will be filming material, including Alberto el Patron vs. Johnny Impact, at the 12/3 Border City Wrestling "Motown Showdown" event at the Diamondback Saloon in Belleville, Michigan.  GFW champion Eli Drake is also booked for that event.

Impact will also be taping content at the 12/9 WrestlePro event in Rahway, NJ.  For details on that, visit

For those who have asked, as of this weekend, Madison Rayne had not been signed to a new Impact deal

The former Santino Marella was not involved at any of the TV tapings this week.

Jimmy Jacobs worked all but the final Impact tapings as a producer and worked on screen as a second to Kongo Kong.

At last night's Defy Wrestling event in Washington, it was announced that Sami Calligan vs. Randy Myers was being taped to be shown on Impact Wrestling TV.  Defy is run by former wrestler and historian Matt Farmer.



With Tim Storm set to defend the NWA championship against former TNA champion Nick "Magnus" Aldis tomorrow at the Championship Wrestling from Hollywood TV taping at the Oceanside Pavlilion in Port Hueneme, California, it's interesting to note that Storm, while being interviewed by Rolling Stone a few days ago, admitted that he was offered a nice payday to lose the title but turned it down.  In asking around, we are told a Japanese promoter made the offer to Stone right before Corgan was to take over control of the company with the idea that Stone would drop the belt without Corgan's knowledge.  Had that happened, obviously that would have led to quite the legal quandry for all involved.

Here's the Storm interview with Rolling Stone.

Two days AFTER I post it first PWInisider finally catches up to me, LOL.

Two days, took them that long for them to come out of their coma, LOL.

The following comes from their webpage.

 As a previous of the championship bout this weekend, the NWA released the latest Ten Pound of Gold episode.  It's really quite remarkable how well they have done with just five videos in terms of presentation that the NWA championship is a meaningful belt as well as getting over Storm as a likeable personality.  If you haven't seen the videos, they really are worth taking the time to check out. 


Former WWE star Simon (Gotch) Grimm announced he would be "debuting" for Ring of Honor at their Florida events this weekend.  Grimm was at a ROH event in New York City this past May, almost immediately after his WWE release.  We are putting "debuting" in quotes as while this will be Grimm's official debut since becoming known internationally through his WWE exploits, he did have a tryout match for the company in 2005 in NYC, wrestling Oliver John.

ROH's Grand Poobah Joe Koff was interviewed by CBS Sports' Chuck Carroll, discussing a number of topics, including the planned launch of a Ring of Honor streaming service next year.  Koff has mentioned numerous times on appearances that the project was in the works and provided some additional details to Carroll, noting,

"Yeah, we have an app coming out in the first quarter. It really became developmentally the right time to do it. We saw an opportunity. We had a long discussion about it. We looked at the business model and how it impacts our business. We just felt that this was the time to create our own Ring of Honor stream.  You’re going to see an enhanced Honor Club. We tested it during the Global Wars Tour of streaming house shows to ringside members. You’re going to see a lot more content available, not only to everybody, but certainly in that Honor Club. [When we tested] streaming for two shows, our response was terrific from a quality standpoint and from an accessibility standpoint."

One of the ideas that has been bandied about internally within ROH is to take a page from New Japan World and live stream as many ROH events as possible for subscribers.

Koff noted during the interview that no decision has been made about the future of ROH PPVs, noting that its possible they could potentially live stream those on the App and still make them available via traditional PPV platforms, which is what WWE does.  Koff commented, "I’m not ruling out traditional pay-per-views, but the world is going that way."

Koff was asked about his "TV debut" on ROH, in a segment that got great reviews featuring Bully Ray and others, commenting on the fact there weren't a lot of spoilers making the rounds about the segment, noting, "There’s nothing on that. The only spoiler I read — and the reason why you didn’t read a lot on it — is because it was the night that WWE had all of the infection stories going on and how it changed whatever that pay-per-view they did that weekend. So it [WWE] really grabbed all the headlines.  But I saw a report in the PW Insider the next day, and they talked about that situation. And the only thing they said was that Joe Koff put Bubba over. So I probably did what I was supposed to do."