Saturday, November 11, 2017


Although Hulk Hogan and Ed "Brutus Beefcake" Leslie were best friends when they headlined WCW Starrcade in 1994, the current back and forth between the two on social media is anything but a work being put on for fans.

In recent weeks, the two have been lobbing comments back and forth after it was made public that Leslie has completed an autobiography (co-written by Kenny Casanova, who did an amazing job with a Kamala autobiography a few years ago) that Leslie has promised will tell all, including the tale of his friendship with Hogan.  Although details have never been made public, there was a split between the two that a source close to Leslie specifically blamed on Hogan.

Leslie has also Tweeted out photos of Hogan with his ex-wife and daughter as well as referring to Hogan breaking "Bro Code" -

The back and forth on Twitter as well as, apparently, concern over what would be featured in Leslie's book led to Hogan's attorneys firing off a legal letter, part of which Leslie revealed on Twitter:

Hogan has made references to someone needing to get ready for a legal fight over the last several weeks as well.

Beefcake also Tweeted the following:

The two were childhood friends in Florida before breaking into pro wrestling and teamed as The Boulder Brothers before Hogan took off as a singles star and Beefcake would build his own path.  The two would become connected again in 1993 on camera and were pretty much considered inseparable behind the scenes for many, many years.

Leslie's autobiography can be pre-ordered at this link.

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