Saturday, November 11, 2017

Almost 9:00pm and Meltzer hasn't posted a daily update on his webpage? tsk tsk. (Updated)

Ten minutes after I posted this he quickly puts one up, LOL. "Coincidence"? I don't think so. :)

A reader of this blog emailed me about this, I looked and I agree with what the reader said about Meltzer could've at least told his readers that he and his staff decided that tweeting is more important than updating a webpage many enjoy going to.

As you can see for yourself, tweeting is more important than at least being respectful enough to post that there wouldn't be an update today. At least I give stuff starting in the afternoon. But hey, being respectful to the very readers and viewers of your webpage I guess is 'beneath' Meltzer and his staff, I guess they're 'above' having to explain anything (rolls eyes).

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