Thursday, November 2, 2023

(Update 11-2-23 11: 20 pm) Capital Championship Wrestling Apparently Has Some Issues


Update 11-2-23 11:20 pm

When I first saw the above screen shot this morning, I figured Capital Championship Wrestling blocked me because I left a link to this story on their FB page, and messaged the link and my email addy to them stating if they want to explain their side of things, they could. 

I asked two other people to check their page and wouldn't you know, they DID block me. So apparently my story on them struck a real nerve. 

Then a few minutes ago one of the people who checked their page for me earlier, messaged me and stated they must've deleted the page because they got the same thing you see above, and they didn't say anything on the page. So not only did they delete their Twitter/X account but also their FB account. Which means there was a WHOLE LOT OF TRUTH to this story and THEY, as in the person or people who run this CCW, have some things they want to hide and run away from. 

It's also obvious that there's a whole lot of truth to my story since I now know that Fightful, and 411Mania (I'm sure there's one or two others as well) came HERE, to get this story. Nice that they, had to come here, to get something that they could use, 'over there'. (smiles)

(Update 11-2-23 11:45 am)

Apparently there's some truth top my story as Capital Championship Wrestling has since deleted their Twitter/X account (screen shot above).

If this story was false or incorrect they wouldn't have quickly done this, would they. \

I'll have more on this later tonight, but obviously if Capital Championship Wrestling has deleted their account? Then that means there's more to this than what I wrote, and obviously, this story, struck a nerve.

I've been wondering about this story since I saw this tweet (screen shot of it above) back on October 23rd on the "From The Left Side" FB page. I even replied and asked Capital Championship Wrestling why did three champions leave your promotion. What I got was crickets for an answer from this particular "CCW".

But apparently, NOW, as in today (11-2-23) at one in the morning they decide to post a 'statement' AND, make it so unless they 'follow' you or are 'mentioned' by them, you can no longer reply to their posts. 

Changing it from being able to reply to not being able to reply unless you're follow them or are mentioned is a red flag that they've got something to hide. At ;east that's how they've made themselves look with that action.

So here's the statement followed by a reaction from someone who helped explain what Capital Championship Wrestling evidently decided to neglect, putting in 'their' statement.

If this promotion indeed had a 19 year old stranded? That's pretty fucking unprofessional from a company standpoint, company owner's standpoint and a prime example of what not to do if you're going to run an independent professional wrestling company.

The fact that somebody actually pointed out that Capitol Championship Wrestling decided to blow off and ignore this when they put out their 'statement' says volumes about how some people shouldn't even be involved in professional wrestling, on any level. 

Now if Capital Championship Wrestling would like to comment or explain how they felt it was a good idea to leave a 19 year old stranded, by all means tell them to email me at and explain themselves.

I have a feeling that email, won't be coming, any time soon.


Wrestling Past And Present said...

Not angry, more amused since they're not the only ones who have come to this site to steal something for their respected (and not so respected) sites.

Paul Jordan Jr of PWInsider routinely steals ideas for stories on a weekly basis from this site, and when he got called out on it several times, he didn't even try to deny it.

Ian Carey of The Wrestling Observer used to steal stuff from here until he was busted openly (which I wrote about) on it. Some staff from WrestlingInc used to some and blatantly take stuff that was posted here so they could use it 'over there'. But now that Static media owns WrestlingInc and not Raj Giri, There's allegedly been a crackdown on that kind of practice. It doesn't mean it doesn't happen as I've seen it recently, but they're not as obvious about it anymore.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

In all actuality, They should've credited Millie Camacho and her "From The Left Side FB page more than me and this site. Because she was the one who first made a mention about this when the three champions walked out of CCW back on the 23rd (?) of October. I got interested in chasing this story by seeing what she posted on her FB page.

So 411Mania and Fightful should've credited Millie Camacho in my opinion, but of course, they didn't and won't. But they're the first ones (much like Dave Scherer and Mike Johnson at PWInsider) who'll; bitch and whine if you steal their stuff and not credit them, but it's okay for their staff members to do the same thing to other wrestling news sites. A very weird and strange logic and mentality that for some reason none of them ever seem to want to explain.