Now before I start this I want people to know.. I know what it's like to be a 'plant' on shows.. Seeing that I worked for three different indie companies in new England back in the 90's.. I know the role very well. Hell I even wrote about it..
I went to an old Angelfire page I used to have to grab this..
This was a story I wrote on how I became a 'plant' for the companies I worked for and some of the things that happened when i was in that role.. So if you read this you'll see alot of different scenarios came up that, including one which is on the subject I'm writing about here.. I actually have some experience in..(Fan grabbing a steel chair away from a manager).
Very recently I came across two different videos of fans getting involved.. Two different videos, two different independent wrestling promotions.. The difference is vastly evident. One is where the fan was wrong for entering the ring, and the other.. The wrestler and.. promotion (whether this was a 'work'.. or not) was wrong as well.
I may get some heat for writing this but.. Oh well, tough shit.. Nobody else is going to have the balls or the guts to write it.. So since I am 'that guy'.. I'll be the one who does what Meltzer, Keller, Scherer, Johnson, Wrestlinginc and others won't do..
The first one is from RCW- Real Canadian Wrestling..
Here it clearly shows that the fan was wrong for entering the ring.. A fan gets in there he gets what he gets, his ass stomped.. There's a 'code' you just don't do and entering the ring you run the risk of getting your ass kicked.. Like this fan here got..
THEN.. You have... This...
Clearly.. Even if this WAS a 'work' it was a clear blueprint in 'wrong'..
You never let a fan get that close to the ring..And then you never 'invite' him to slap you.. because you look like a bitch when you go and beat the guy up in the seats like was done in the above video.. YOU.. DARED THE GUY TO HIT YOU.. SO WHY REACT THAT WAY WHEN HE DID WHAT YOU DARED HIM TO DO?
It's pretty obvious that if this 'was' a 'work' they didn't think it thru very well. And if it wasn't a 'work'.. Then here's the obvious question.. WHERE THE FUCK WAS THE SECURITY AT?
Every show for every company I worked for HAD.. In some form or another, provide something resembling security.. Be it via the state boxing and wrestling commission rule.. State law or in the case of when I locally promoted a show in Rochester, NH. Which is known as a 'permit town' (You have to get the city to issue you a 'permit' allowing the show to happen), it was mandatory in the provision of that permit that the company pays for security, be it a local policeman, private security, something.. It HAD to be there and HAD to be very visible in some way.. None was shown in this video and the fact none were shown sends a bad message in many ways about how, the company operates if there's no security anywhere to be found..
What if that was't a work and that fan had brought out a knife when that wrestler left the ring and came after him? Or worse, a pistol? They don't check fans for that at indie shows so if a state has a conceal and carry law, what's to stop a fan from having a pistol and bringing it out when the wrestler comes after him?
Common sense.. Especially with all these senseless mass shootings, you would THINK, would be in order here.. In this case common sense was nowhere to be found..
And if this was a 'work' or angle to try and get that wrestler over? It didn't do a very good job in that department at all. Having the security there and between the wrestler and the fan? Would've made the angle more believable. Had you had the security between the fan and the wrestler at ringside, the fan (or 'fan') when invited to hit the wrestler 'gets by' or 'past' security 'just enough' to slap the wrestler, then the wrestler charges from the ring and in a 'panic' security keeps the wrestler back while ejecting the fan or pushing him gently back to his seat, WOULD'VE BEEN more believable.
Again, a blueprint in 'wrong' is what that was.. But of course someone from that company will come rushing to defend and try and 'justify' what a blind man could easily see.. That more of a thought process should've been in effect here, cover ALL the angles of what possibly could've happened.. Like what if that wasn't a 'work' and that fan had friends? HHHHMM? Imagine how that could've turned into something worse like the fan's friends jumping on the wrestler and then you have two or three fans kicking the wrestler's ass?
Yeah, didn't think about that one, did you? Maybe you should...