Thursday, September 5, 2019

Newest 'Hidden Gem' Added To WWE Network Is.. Yes, Right On YouTube, LMAO!

"Credit' goes to.. WWE Network News and PWInsider for this. (smiles)

Hot off the announcement today by WWE Network News that two 'cough cough' hidden gems' were added to the WWE Network.. One of these 'gems'.. has been on YouTube for years.. Showing that once again, or as usual. No real research goes into what they put on that network and claim as a 'hidden gem'.

Oh of course I have proof.. Proof is, a mother fucker and since I'm a mother fucker who always has proof? Here you go..

Here's the announcement by Paul Jordan at PWInsider..

There you see Paul proudly credits WWE Network News for making the announcement..

But right here.. is the proof that what I circled in that pic, is listed right on YouTube..

They do.. make this WWAAYY too easy.. You know that, right?

Yeah.. It's SSUURREE IS a 'Hidden Gem' alright.. AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

The more they blunder lke this, the more I can continue to make them look stupid. It's just that simple.

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