Sunday, December 10, 2017

Indy stuff

The IPW UK biggest show of the year, called Undisputed, on 12/17 at the Casino Rooms in Rochester, Kent, UK, sold out more than a week in advance. There will be a few standing room seats made available. Austin Aries vs. Mark Haskins is the main event plus Abyss vs. Jimmy Havoc in a Monsters Ball match for the vacant IPW title. It will stream live at Noon Eastern time next Sunday.

Southern Illinois Championship Wrestling from last night in East Carondelet, IL: Jimmy D d Waco, Keith Smith Jr. b Shawn Santel, Dave Vaughn b Freddie Fury, Gary Jackson & Moondog Rover b Big Texan & Mauler McDarby, Clint Poe b Bobby D, Flash Flanagan b Marc Houston-DQ, Ken Kasa b Curtis Wylde .(

Lucha Xtreme from yesterday morning on Fresno TV: Gary Galaxy b Kevin Duquets, Shaggy McLovin b Matt Vandergrift, Robby Phoenix b Chazz Herra and Viagio in a three-way to keep the U.S. title. They have a TV taping on 12/17 at the Long Field Center in Hanford,CA at 3 p.m. Admission is free with two canned food items for the Hanford food bank.

NWL from Friday night in Overland Park, KS: Christian Rose b Jojo Bravo, Jet Royal & Sharkbait Gutierrez & Fuego del Sol b Niles Plonk & Everett Connors & Rasheed Ali, Ace Steel & Michael Strider b Besties in the World, Carolina Rodriguez b Savanna Stone, Leo Howlett b Jimmy Jacobs in a no holds barred match, Jeremy Wyatt won Rumble to become NWL champion.

Larry Zybysko in a movie

A movie called "Dead by Friday" that features Larry Zbyszko is now available on Amazon Prime. It was one of Richard Hatch's last movies before he passed away. Zbyszko plays a mob boss leader, and in typical fashion, his name is misspelled in the credits.

And Finally, Meltzer catches up to me as well. Nice to always be the one who gets it first. :)

From the Observer's webpage, daily report for today.

Our Sunday Night Indy Wrestling Feature is one of my faves. Fight Pro Wrestling Episode 21

Published on Dec 10, 2017
The second labor of Ernie Osiris sees him face off one on one against Grizzly Redwood. Plus, a major announcement regarding the number one contender for the Fight Heavyweight Championship.

I'll beat PWInsider, Torch, Meltzer, etc. Again, with THIS. :) And NEW NWA WORLDS HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION...

Published on Dec 10, 2017
With NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion Tim Storm promising to walk into CZW's Cage of Death to give someone a chance to make history, that's exactly what happened.

After looking every member of the Combat Zone roster in the eye, a shocking return to the wrestling business happened when The Universal Hearthrob Austin Idol appeared as the new manager of Nick Aldis.

Coming soon to the #TenPoundsOfGold is the story of Tim Storm, Nick Aldis, Austin Idol and how this changes the course of NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) history.

ProWrestling.Net was first, PWInsider was second, Now the Torch plays catch up to me. :)

He links the same video I did, but I did it way before Keller, Scherer, Johnsons and everyone else. Something I do enjoy doing on a regular basis. :)

Matt Riddle On How He Would Fight Brock Lesnar, Going To WWE Or NJPW, Being On 'Another Level'

Matt Riddle spoke with Sports Illustrated's Extra Mustard section on a number of wrestling topics. Here are some of the highlights:

His game plan against Brock Lesnar in an MMA fight:
"Lesnar is a bully. I'd hurt him and show him that he couldn't hurt me. That doesn't sound too technical, but in a fight with Brock Lesnar, you need to go after him. Lesnar is just a huge, freakish athlete. There is not much you can do with that big of a human being. He doesn't like to be pushed around, so I would stay aggressive and not let him dictate the action. That's hard, because it is Brock Lesnar, but that would be my game plan."
Expecting to go to WWE or NJPW in the future:
"Right now, I dictate what I do and how it's done. I get to work the way I want, I get to work my style on the indies and be Matthew Riddle, be the 'King of Bros.' On a bigger scale, like WWE, they want to change the way you work. New Japan looked very promising recently with the World Tag League, but things slipped through at the last minute. I've seen some of the best wrestlers in the world not signed with WWE. There is a lot of talent on the indies that is just as good, if not better, than there is in WWE or New Japan."
 Being on "another level":
"I know I'm skilled, I know my background, and the people who are familiar with my credentials know better than to try me. No one has ever tried anything with me in wrestling. Some guys have rolled with me before matches, like WALTER, Tim Thatcher, and Jeff Cobb. They're high-level athletes and grapplers, but even they walk away impressed. I try to be as humble as possible, but I'm just on another level. That's all there is to it."
Source: Sports Illustrated

Sting On Who Is On His Mt. Rushmore Of Wrestling, What's Next For Him, HBK, Advice For Young Talent

As noted, WWE Hall of Famer Sting attended the Wales Comic Con in Wrexham last weekend and took part in a Q&A session. Here are the final set of highlights from the session from @paperchampions :

When you first got into the business who were the guys you idolized?
"When I first got into the business I knew nothing about pro wrestling. By the time I got it, I looked at guys like Randy Savage. I likes the way that he was so over the top. The gestures, the voice, the colors, the glasses, the jackets. He was so bizarre and I was drawn to that."
What piece of advice would you give to someone just starting out in the wrestling industry?
"Be slow to speak and fast to hear. Keep your mouth shut, just listen and learn."
What is your favorite match that you were not involved with?
"Just about any match Shawn Michaels has had has been incredible. Shawn could have a match with a broomstick and it would still be entertaining."
Who would be on your Mt Rushmore of professional wrestling?
"Andre the Giant, gotta have him there. Hulk Hogan, for sure. The Rock and [Ric] Flair."
What is next for The Stinger?
"I'm trying to get back into real estate. Back in the day I made real good money from it and my wife and I are getting back into that."


Aro Lucha, the new promotion from former Impact Wrestling minority owner and production company Aroluxe, will hold a pilot TV taping today at 5:30 PM Central time in Nashville, TN at the Nashville Fairgrounds (aka the former TNA Asylum) with former WWE World champion Rey Mysterio headlining an event featuring a mix of former WWE and lucha libre talents.  Tickets for the taping begin at $21.83 for general admission.

As previously reported by many different places, Aroluxe had been funding Impact tapings in exchange for a percentage of ownership in the company and as reported in 2016, the company was in a position to claim ownership over Impact had Dixie Carter not maintained regular payments reimbursing Aroluxe.  As it turned out, Anthem Media would come in as an investor and eventually purchase Impact from Carter's company Impact Ventures LLC.  That left Aroluxe out in the cold as they were not retained as Impact's production company.

Scheduled for the taping:

*Rey Mysterio & Pentagon vs Rush & John Hennigan.
*Jack Evans & Shane Helms & Maximo vs. Garza Jr & La Mascara & Daga
*MVP vs. Sammy Guevara
*Keyra & Lacey Lane vs. Vanilla Vargas & Taya
*Demus vs. Mascarita Dorada
*William McClinton (aka Willie Mack) vs. Mr. 450

Konnan has been announced as the lead writer for the project, which will be headed by Jason Brown and Ron and Don Harris of Aroluxe.  Bob Rosen, who heads Impact's ring crew, is working in a similar role for Aroluxe with these tapings.

The Twitter account for Aro Lucha promises, "High-energy Lucha Libre for the entire Authentic family.  Authentic stars, characters & stories. Live events & digital content. Lucha for the fans by the fans."

For ticket information to the taping, click here.


Impact Champion Eli Drake beat Alberto El Patron in a good match, Eli won after clocked  Patron with the title. It was announced the match will be broadcast on the January 4th edition of Impact.

LAX beat the Apple Core to win the WrestlePro Tag Titles.

Reality Check beat CAQ and Delroy in a No Holds Barred Match. Reality Check spray painted CAQ with their logo after the match, guess they want to build themselves as an NWO type group.

The Beach Bums beat The Taboo Crew.

WrestlePro Silver Champ Dan Maff beat Anthony Bowden in another good match.

Bobby Wayward beat Crowbar.

Buster won a suicidal six way over LSG, Joe Keys, Habib, Caster, and Brody.

Sienna beat Kasey Catal.

CPA (Yes his gimmick is an accountant) beat Colt Cabana.

Pat Buck, Rhett Titus, and Fallah Bah beat Los Epanikos (Nikos, Jos A and Jos B,)

And now the 'play catch up' to me begins PWInsider is the first. :)

As everyone knows I posted a link to the match last night. So now all the 'big boy' news sites get to play catch up to this little blog that could, again. :)


WWE issued the following statement to this morning:

"WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, and per our policy, Rich Swann has been indefinitely suspended following his arrest."

The official arrest report on WWE 205 Live star Rich Swann's arrest early Sunday morning for false imprisonment/kidnapping and a misdemeanor charge of battery- touching or striking reveals that the victim of the alleged incident was Swann's wife, Vannarah Riggs, who performs as Su Yung on the independent wrestling scene.

According to the arrest report, the two had been traveling from an event in Gainesville, Florida that Yung had performed at, discussing her match.   Yung had wrestled last night for Fest Wrestling, which ran a venue titled Eight-Seconds.  According to the report, Swann had been critizing Yung's performance and "began getting angry with her."  Yung, feeling the argument was "going to escalate," got out of their car at 1500 East University Avenue as Swann, who was driving, was in traffic.  Swann yelled for her to return to the car, but she refused and walked away.

At this point, the arrest report claims that Swann, who had left the car as well, grabbed Yung by the arm, then around the neck, putting her in a headlock and bringing her back to the car as she screamed for help.   A witness to the incident told police that Yung was beating on the window trying to get out of the car as it pulled away and that she "seemed very afraid of the Defendant and was trying to get away from him."

A second witness claimed that after Swann exited his car, he failed to put it in park, leaving the car to lurch forward, where it struck a telephone pole on the corner of East University Avenue and Northeast 15th Street.

Based on the location of the arrest (2400 SE Hawthorne Street in Gainesville, Florida), Swann and Yung traveled about a mile away from where the incident took place before Swann's car was stopped and he was placed under arrest.

In the arrest report, authorities stated that Yung told them she was afraid of Swann "because he has a temper sometimes" and that she was scared their argument would escalate into a physical confrontation.  Yung stated that she asked Swann to pull the car over so she could leave the vehicle but he refused, so she waited until the car slowed to jump out of the car.  She told authorities that she was grabbed by the arm and brought back to the car.

After being arrested and having been read his rights, Swann (according to the report) denied ever physically touching Yung and forcing her to return to the car, stating that she did so on her own.  Swann claimed that he only wanted to return home and that they were using the GPS that was on Yung's phone and he "needed her to come with it."  Swann also told authorities that the couple had been together five years and have been married nine months.

, "WWE has zero tolerance for matters involving domestic violence, child abuse and sexual assault. Upon arrest for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately suspended. Upon conviction for such misconduct, a WWE talent will be immediately terminated."

It should also be noted that WWE could also deem Swann as in breach of the company's morals clause as stated by the following WWE policy - "WWE’s ability to fine, suspend or terminate a WWE talent will not be, however, limited or compromised in any manner in the event incontrovertible evidence of such illegal misconduct is presented to WWE. Section 9.13(a) of the WWE booking contract, commonly known as the “morals clause”, provides WWE with broad discretion and authority to act under such circumstances."

As of this writing, Swann remains incarcerated in Alachua County Jail in Gainesville, Florida and will remain there until he posts bond, which cannot happen until he goes before a judge, which will be sometime Monday 12/11.  Swann has been charged with Kidnapping/False imprisonment.  In the State of Florida, that is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine if convicted.  Swann has also been charged with Battery - touching or striking, a first degree misdemeanor in Florida, with penalties of up to one year in jail or 12 months probation and a $1,000 fine upon conviction.

Swann, 26, had been scheduled to face Drew Gulak to determine the top contender for the WWE Cruiserweight championship on this Monday's Raw in Cleveland, Ohio, a match that will likely be canceled as part of the fallout of this situation.


While the circumstances behind this are not yet clear, WWE 205 Live star Rich Swann was arrested early this morning at 12:09 AM in Gainesville, Florida and charged with Kidnapping/False imprisonment.  In the State of Florida, that is a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison and a $5,000 fine if convicted.  Swann has also been charged with Battery - touching or striking, a first degree misdemeanor in Florida, with penalties of up to one year in jail or 12 months probation and a $1,000 fine upon conviction.

Swann, 26, is currently scheduled to face Drew Gulak to determine the top contender for the WWE Cruiserweight championship on this Monday's Raw in Cleveland, Ohio, a match that will likely be canceled as part of the fallout of this arrest.

Swann was signed to a WWE NXT deal in 2015 after several years of working in Japan for Dragon Gate and a number of top independent promotions, including EVOLVE and CZW.  He was part of the Cruiserweight Classic tournament in 2016, which featured him speaking about how pro wrestling saved his life after the deaths of his parents.  Swann's work in the tournament lead to him being added to the roster for WWE's Cruiserweight series, 205 Live, where he had been one of the more popular fixtures on that series.  Swann has regularly appeared on Raw as part of the Cruiser division and at one point, held the WWE Cruiserweight championship.

Swann is currently incarcerated in Alachua County Jail