Sunday, December 10, 2017


Aro Lucha, the new promotion from former Impact Wrestling minority owner and production company Aroluxe, will hold a pilot TV taping today at 5:30 PM Central time in Nashville, TN at the Nashville Fairgrounds (aka the former TNA Asylum) with former WWE World champion Rey Mysterio headlining an event featuring a mix of former WWE and lucha libre talents.  Tickets for the taping begin at $21.83 for general admission.

As previously reported by many different places, Aroluxe had been funding Impact tapings in exchange for a percentage of ownership in the company and as reported in 2016, the company was in a position to claim ownership over Impact had Dixie Carter not maintained regular payments reimbursing Aroluxe.  As it turned out, Anthem Media would come in as an investor and eventually purchase Impact from Carter's company Impact Ventures LLC.  That left Aroluxe out in the cold as they were not retained as Impact's production company.

Scheduled for the taping:

*Rey Mysterio & Pentagon vs Rush & John Hennigan.
*Jack Evans & Shane Helms & Maximo vs. Garza Jr & La Mascara & Daga
*MVP vs. Sammy Guevara
*Keyra & Lacey Lane vs. Vanilla Vargas & Taya
*Demus vs. Mascarita Dorada
*William McClinton (aka Willie Mack) vs. Mr. 450

Konnan has been announced as the lead writer for the project, which will be headed by Jason Brown and Ron and Don Harris of Aroluxe.  Bob Rosen, who heads Impact's ring crew, is working in a similar role for Aroluxe with these tapings.

The Twitter account for Aro Lucha promises, "High-energy Lucha Libre for the entire Authentic family.  Authentic stars, characters & stories. Live events & digital content. Lucha for the fans by the fans."

For ticket information to the taping, click here.

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