THIS... (smiles). The Guilty have 'spoken so to speak.
On the heels of the three stories we put out on how Wrestlinginc's 'journalists' (cough cough) have been stealing stories from Fightful Select, PWInsider's "Elite (paid) section and Observer Radio (which you have to 'join' to hear), TTHHIISS above is how three of the so called, alleged 'journalists/reporters' who got caught, reacted when asked to explain themselves.
The stories are right here as follows.
Geee, why are they suddenly 'hiding' behind a block? If they weren't guilty of stealing their stories, OORR, had a believable explanation into the logic behind their stealing of those stories, you'd think they'd want to actually step up, and explain themselves.
WWEELL.. Guess not, LOL.
We still have no answer or comment from Wrestlinginc or the owners of Wrestlinginc - Static Media about these stories. So maybe their no answer IS, their answer. That they do condone stealing from other paid sites.
But thank you Max, Daisy and Ella. The fact you quickly ran and hid behind a block instead of trying to explain why you have to steal stories, more than validates or stories to be true.
If you had nothing to hide, you wouldn't have put up the block.
Obviously the guilty have spoken with their actions. o thank you again for showing by your own actions.. That our stories were spot on, and you couldn't spin your way out iof the obvious.
This just made them look worse. If they really didn't do what they were caught doing, they never would've thrown a block up. So obviously they're hiding something and they know they were busted, period. And they know it. Was it Wrestlinginc or Static media that told them to block you and refuse to comment? That's what I'd like to know.
Good question, but I bet we'll never know the answer. You can try contacting them and hope they don't block you too (smiles).
Not our fault they made themselves look bad, their actions spoke for themselves so obviously what we reported was dead on. Maybe had they not stolen stories in order to try and make themselves look credible in the first place, we wouldn't be here. Makes you, HHHMMMM. Nobody has nor can they, deny it now.
You know why they blocked you and are having your X handles blocked? Because they mad that you caught them. If they weren't putting their names on stories they stole from somewhere else then they wouldn't have been outted. They mad because they got caught. So instead of trying to up or change their game they're going to go and play victim instead. This is what Wrestlinginc has come to now?
Apparently yes it is.
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