Wednesday, February 5, 2025

What Happens When Three Wrestlinginc "Journalists" Get Asked To Comment About Getting Caught Stealing Stories?


THIS... (smiles). The Guilty have 'spoken so to speak.

On the heels of the three stories we put out on how Wrestlinginc's 'journalists' (cough cough) have been stealing stories from Fightful Select, PWInsider's "Elite (paid) section and Observer Radio (which you have to 'join' to hear), TTHHIISS above is how three of the so called, alleged 'journalists/reporters' who got caught, reacted when asked to explain themselves. 


Geee, why are they suddenly 'hiding' behind a block? If they weren't guilty of stealing their stories, OORR, had a believable explanation into the logic behind their stealing of those stories, you'd think they'd want to actually step up, and explain themselves.

WWEELL.. Guess not, LOL.

We still have no answer or comment from Wrestlinginc or the owners of Wrestlinginc - Static Media about these stories. So maybe their no answer IS, their answer. That they do condone stealing from other paid sites. 

But thank you Max, Daisy and Ella. The fact you quickly ran and hid behind a block instead of trying to explain why you have to steal stories, more than validates or stories to be true. 

If you had nothing to hide, you wouldn't have put up the block.

Obviously the guilty have spoken with their actions. o thank you again for showing by your own actions.. That our stories were spot on, and you couldn't spin your way out iof the obvious.


Jack Reynolds said...

This just made them look worse. If they really didn't do what they were caught doing, they never would've thrown a block up. So obviously they're hiding something and they know they were busted, period. And they know it. Was it Wrestlinginc or Static media that told them to block you and refuse to comment? That's what I'd like to know.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Good question, but I bet we'll never know the answer. You can try contacting them and hope they don't block you too (smiles).

Not our fault they made themselves look bad, their actions spoke for themselves so obviously what we reported was dead on. Maybe had they not stolen stories in order to try and make themselves look credible in the first place, we wouldn't be here. Makes you, HHHMMMM. Nobody has nor can they, deny it now.

Steven Howard said...

You know why they blocked you and are having your X handles blocked? Because they mad that you caught them. If they weren't putting their names on stories they stole from somewhere else then they wouldn't have been outted. They mad because they got caught. So instead of trying to up or change their game they're going to go and play victim instead. This is what Wrestlinginc has come to now?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Apparently yes it is.

Richard McCormick said...

Daisy Ruth just posted another story that she stole from PWInsider's Elite section, so you might as well accept that Wrestlinginc's fact check policy doesn't really exist. "Oh you did steal it, thanks for admitting it, we'll use it". Their conflict of interest policy clearly isn't really being enforced either. You would think that if it's admitted you stole the story from someone else's paid site, that would be a conflict of interest. At Wrestlinginc that doesn't seem to be the case.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Too bad they can't put as much time and energy that they put into stealing stories into actually, getting THEIR OWN stuff, like we do here at WP&P. Hell of a concept, eh?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bill, really hope that you picking on these folks is helping you stay sober! Which of the 12 steps relates to harassing others?

LOL said...

This is the stupidest thing I've ever read. Someone needs to learn what aggregation is and find a new hobby. Like, you're literally bragging about harassing people because you are a moron and don't understand how media works and that news and information aren't proprietary. Surely you can find a better use for your time than screaming into the void from this skidmark of a blog trapped in 1997's internet.

Rebecca Phillip said...

Someone needs to stop going to a site where you have to pay to be a member and taking stories from there. Is it really that hard for these hacks to understand? Or is this the only way they can have a writing career.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

The 12 step program is an honest program, so posting three different stories on the same topic that presents facts is honest, not harassment. Nice try though.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

It's so stupid according to you, but yet, you guys from keep coming back to see this, HHMMM.

Jack Reynolds said...

So Slackers and hacks do have a place to hang out? That's hysterical, thanks for pointing that out. I'll have to pass that on.

LOL said...

Yes, it is stupid. Look-up the Dunning-Kruger effect, it's pretty much written about you (and all your little aliases with which you keep talking to yourself lol). And yes, I've come back, much in the same way one can't help but look at the results of a car accident; I seek out idiocy to mock (so thank you!).

Richard McCormick said...

Why is it the people who got caught stealing aren't trying to defend themselves but have to send their friends to do it for them? A definition of the Dunning-Kruger effect, "Flawed decision-making: The Dunning-Kruger effect can lead to flawed decision-making." Stealing other people's articles like those three from Wrestlinginc did? This effect is about them. It goes more than one way. If you want to seek out idioc, simply look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Right after you said that Max, aka LOL here went ahead and tried to defend his stealing. He makes posts that WP&P can't reply to because Max blocked him. If that isn't a definition of a moron, what us. Only after you said something here did he finally decide to defend stealing from PWInsider. I wrote Mike Johnson to see if he gave max permission to use content from the Elite site. You want to bet he didn't?

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Because the ones who got busted out in public can't defend themselves, their own evidence that they themselves supplied is the very thing that buries them. So they have no argument to give.

It IS funny as hell that Max makes posts about me knowing he blocked me so I can't respond to them. Talk about a bitch move.. But I'm not surprised. He's not the first guy to do that kind of chickenshit stuff, and he won't be the last, just the latest.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

I made screen shots of what Max posted, the fun part I'll have with them is where he claims he replied to me in an email i sent him.

UUMMM, dipshit, I didn't email you. Bryan Knight did, you even post your the reply you made to him, so how the fuck can you say your replied to me when i never emailed you? DUUUHH, dumb ass.

I DID email and message Wrestlinginc and Static Media who owns Wrestlinginc. Funny how they don't even tom go as far as to TRY, and deny what we said in our three stories about this. If the site you write for and the company that owns the site won't even step up for you? Boy dioes that say, 'alot'.

Bryan Knight said...

Fact 1: Max replied to me, not Bill.
Fact 2: His email landed in my spam folder, not my inbox.
Fact 3: Dave Scherer has stated that anyone caught stealing content from the Elite part would have their subscription canceled and their money wouldn't be refunded.
Fact 4: If Wrestlinginc and/or Static Media won't even comment about the stories reported here, it means they really didn't want stories like this to get out.
Fact 5: The fact there's been a huge reduction of articles at Wrestlinginc referencing PWInsider's Elite section means a higher up at Wrestlinginc knows what's been going on and a decision was made regarding it.

Maybe Sean Ross Sapp doesn't care who steals content from Fightful but it's a known fact that PWInsider does care and does take action on it.

If these writers weren't taking content from sites they shouldn't have, stories like this wouldn't have been written. Them the facts of life.

Wrestling Past And Present said...


Rebecca Phillip said...

Evidently their upping their game means going back to referencing Meltzer's Wrestling Observer for their stories, and we all know how much credibility Dave Meltzer has (Sarcasm implied).

Rebecca Phillip said...

Mentioning Fightful Select and leaving a link to their login in if you're a paid member site also must not be a conflict of interest either since Daisy's gone back to using them again to get her reports.

Rebecca Phillip said...

I can find where Dave Scherer has said that anyone caught stealing from their Elite page will be dealt with by having their memberships deleted. I'll send it to you on X so you can use it.

Jack Reynolds said...

We can thank WP&P for being the only place that has the guts to call this kind of shit out. Keep it up because stories like this need to be told.

Steven Howard said...

Now that Wrestlinginc has told their reporters to stop stealing from paid sites they've now gone back to just stealing from free sites. I just looked at Wrestlinginc and there's three stories there that were blatantly lifted from PWInsider's free site. Why can't these people just come up with their own content? WP&P did it again today with the Dillon Hines story, why can't these wannabes at Wrestlinginc do it? Is it that hard for them to do? or when they went to their Dollar Tree journalism school they were just taught to steal other people's stories to make a living?

Steven Howard said...

Since Bill's stories forced the hacks at Wrestlinginc to change their tactics on how they get their content, it doesn't look like harassment. It was more the wannabes were caught and someone's claiming harassment because their friends were caught stealing so go and play victim.

Steven Howard said...

It can't be that stupid if the bosses at Wrestlinginc told their hacks to stop stealing from them places.

Wrestling Past And Present said...

Apparently it is, and that's the only way they know how to 'get a story'. Back in the 90's i wrote ACTUAL articles for monthly newsletters including Evan Ginzburg's old Wrestling Then And Now (which Killer Kowalski and Jim Cornette subscribed to).

I may have to go look at the old WT&N page on Angelfire and transfer the three articles I wrote that are posted on the site, and pop them here on tis site so that way this current era of, ahem... "journalists" can take some notes on how it's really done.