So yes, Stealing stories from other paid sites is the only way Wrestlinginc seems to be able to operate now. And after sending several requests to Wrestlinginc staff asking for comment on these stories that have been out for the last week or two... Guess what.. Nobody from Wrestlinginc has commented back...
Imagine that (smiles).
Below is the original story that started this today.
They really can't seem to stop doing it, can they? LMAO!
On the heels of this story that we updated yesterday and this one the stealing of stories from paid subscriber sites continues at Wrestlinginc.
Proof that these so called 'reporters' 'writers' and 'journalists' can't get any stories on their own unless they go steal them from another site's paid subscriber section. Which apparently by the lack of commenting on this by the busted 'authors' and even of Wrestlinginc themselves, stealing is considered 'journalism' now at Wrestlinginc.
Here's the latest example.
Go through the story and you get to, this..
Scroll down and then you'll see this.
SSOO, what happens when you click the link in red? HHMMM, let's find out, shall we?
uuhh oohhh... uuuhh ohh, UUUHHHHH OOOHHHHH!
You have to have a paid account to access it, LMAO!
Damn, so many so called 'journalists' at Wrestlinginc have to resort to stealing from paid sites to convincing themselves they're 'credible'? AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Nice try Eric, nice try but this is as usual.. LLAAZZYY journalism.
Let the stealing continue since that's the 'business as usual' way they do things now over at Wrestlinginc.
Has any one of these people you called out, or staff or maybe even the owners of Wrestlinginc, even commented on this and the other stories you've posted about them?
I haven't seen any but you know when people get busted by this site, they usually run and hide behind blocking because the facts hurt.
Nope, multiple attempts to contact Wrestlinginc and the company that owns Wrestlinginc, Static media have gotten no response back from either of them. Daisy Ruth, who's one of the "journalists" that got busted stealing from other sites has blocked anyone asking her about it on Twitter/X. So that tells you al you need to know, right there.
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