Monday, September 30, 2019

MLW Fusion Episode 77: Bunkhouse Brawl Jimmy Havoc vs. Mance Warner

The plunder will fly as Mance Warner brawls with Jimmy Havoc in a Bunkhouse Match! Scientific wrestling sensation Timothy Thatcher grapples with undefeated kickboxer turned pro wrestler Douglas James. Plus, an update on Teddy Hart's condition following the brutal attack by Austin Aries. Salina de la Renta has an ambitious autumn planned... but does she have to worry about CONTRA Unit striking? Kevin Von Erich joins his sons Ross and Marshall as they set their eyes on championship gold in the tag team division. The MLW SuperFight Control Center brings you the latest news on the first-ever pay-per-view in Major League Wrestling history. Injustice continues their crusade as Myron Reed and Kotto Brazil square off against Gringo Loco and Air Wolf. Join Rich Bocchini and Tony Schiavone from the sold out NYTEX Sports Centre in Dallas for a night of top ranked wrestling.

COMPLETE COURT BAUER MLW MEDIA CALL AUDIO "Exclusive" Only To PWInsider Subscribers? Bullshit!

According to PWInsider, the Court Bauer (of MLW) media call is content available 'exclusively' only7 to VIP Subscribers, OR.. That's what they'd have you believe.

BUT.. Go right here... and you can hear it in it's entirety.. FOR FREE.

BOOM.. Man that's gotta suck, knowing it's so readily available like this and you dumb shits are actually trying to charge people to hear it? Damn.. 

Why subscribe to hear something you can hear for free? DUH! Only a dumb ass would do that.

Nice try PWInsider..  But it's for free so you may as well go ahead and delete that post.

Pretty embarrassing when MLW posts the very media call for free that you clowns actually try and charge people to listen to.

New York State Athletic Commission Sure Screwed With New Japan Pro Wrestling

Somebody on that commission sure had a hair up their ass for some reason..

The company that usually provides ambulances for the building was called the morning of the show to say it was canceled.  Those backstage found out at about 5:30 p.m. and ended up getting an FDNY ambulance to the building in time for the show to start.  The Athletic Commission rep said that if there was a shooting nearby the ambulance would have to leave and wouldn't accept it or allow the show to go on.  A second FDNY ambulance came but it was the same story.  

Two other ambulances ended up being brought in so at one point there were four ambulances there.  At this point the two FDNY ones left since the commission wouldn't accept them.  Then somebody tried to tell one of the ambulances (a commission person) that two weren't needed and one of the others could go, but those associated with the show asked, what if somebody needed an ambulance and thus, with only one, there wouldn't be one there, and the commission said they would have to stop the show at that point until the ambulance got back.  So they kept two.  

They also had four doctors, three more than necessary, on their own including one that spoke Japanese.  At the time the video played, the two ambulances were there but the commission would not allow the show to start until they were in the back of the building and a stretcher was in the building, as they were in the front of the building when they wanted to start the show and were told they couldn't.  NJPW was also told the barricade couldn't be used to throw wrestlers in, no fighting outside the ring, no tables and no blading.  For union reasons, the show was supposed to end by 11 p.m. but we're told even with rushing the show, NJPW decided to run overtime even with the added cost

When New Japan’s local promoter asked what would happen if a wrestler got injured and needed to be transported, they were told the show would be halted until the ambulance returned.  At that point, a rep for the show put his foot down and demanded both ambulances stay.  The FDNY ambulance left about an hour after the show started, so for the first hour of the show, there were four ambulances sitting there after the show was delayed nearly 90 minutes because there were zero ambulances
The local promoter in NYC, as an extra measure, made sure there was a Japanese speaking doctor in attendance so there would be no language barriers if there was an injury.


With AEW and WWE NXT going head to head starting this week, WWE's Triple H sat down with Brian Fritz of The Sporting News to discuss WWE NXT on the USA Network and discussed AEW

highlights from the conversation:
Growing NXT:
"It's a funny thing. I haven't had a day or a period go by in NXT over the last five years on Wednesday nights where it sat on the (WWE) Network that I haven't thought about making it better. I always want it to be better. I want the product to be better. You do things for a while, maybe that gets stale. You want to switch to something else. That's constantly about improving the product, but in this moment on USA, you continue down the same path of wanting it to be better but you also want to embrace the thing that it is that makes it different and makes fans engage with it on a different level.
There's a reason why the NXT brand, while we already have a large key demo of 18-34-year-olds, there's a reason why NXT resonates with that so heavily. You want to embrace that. And while the platform changes, I'm looking to run towards that difference, not away from that difference, and make it more of the same or more or something else. Any fears that it's going to become something that it isn't or shift or anything like that are unfounded because if anything, we're going to make it more of that. "
Whether there is a Wednesday Night War:
"It's a funny thing. I don't hear anybody going the Tuesday night sitcom wars are off the chart. It's just a genre of entertainment in a way and to say there's this war, first of all, for me, it comes down to putting on the best show and I've been saying this over and over. Since day one, we've been on Wednesdays on the network. Since day one, I have thought about trying to make each show better than the one before, trying to raise talent to another level, trying to make this product the best product it can be while embracing its difference from "RAW" and from "SmackDown" and everything else that's out there.
We have the opportunity five years, in or whatever it is, to stay in our time slot, go to the No. 1 cable channel on television and expand it so there's more opportunity for everybody, but the goal is the same. It doesn't matter to me if there's another show on that night. It doesn't matter to me if there's somebody else in the space. I'm not concerned with that, especially not yet given the fact that so far, they've held four, five shows. And they've been great. But they're one-off shows.
Fifty-two weeks a year, two hours live every week is a different animal. Totally different animal. So, until that's started happening and happened for a while, because an immediate splash ... People have asked me right now, we had tremendous success last week (the Wednesday, Sept. 18 edition) with the rating for NXT, over a million people watching. The rating was great. A 200 percent increase in the 18-34 demo. On every level. I'm happy with that, but to me, this is a marathon. It's not a sprint.
When we got this opportunity on USA, it was an opportunity to stand at the starting line of a marathon. I'm interested in the long haul. I'm interested in what this company has done for 50 years, with that they've done for 30 (years) with "RAW, what they've done for 20 (years) with "SmackDown" which is what this company does better than anybody else on the planet: week in, week out, live sports entertainment and doing what we do. And it doesn't matter what's out there.
There's competition that we've dealt with for years. You can look back and say a brief period with WCW, but the competition we've dealt with for years is the NFL, is Major League Baseball. It's large scale sporting events. It's political debates. It's everything that is out there and that's what we deal with. So, my goal is to put on the best show possible every single week and we'll see what the future brings because right now, it's just a bunch of speculation over two-week programming that hasn't even started yet and there's no track record of success long-term of a two-hour, weekly live event in any way, shape, or form."
What He Learned from WCW vs. WWE:
"I have learned something every single day that I have been in this business since the day that I got in it. It's a funny thing; sometimes people use the developmental comment. Everybody that's in this business is developmental because if you don't believe that this business changes on a day-to-day, week-to-week, year-to-year basis, you've already failed. It changes.
Fans’ opinions change, their thoughts change, what they're willing to accept changes. The way people view things, the way they talk about it through social media and everything else, the way they consume the product and the in-betweens of the product changes. That, in and of itself, means it's all developmental because you're trying it all on every single day and seeing what works and what doesn't. Anybody that thinks differently, they've already lost because it changes.
I've picked up things along the way and, you're right, we've been through this before. We've been through this with WCW. We've also been through it with TNA. I haven't heard that brought up a lot, but that's a fact. What is the level of what it is right now? I don't know. I don't know until we see, but I hope they bring the best product that they can for fans. I hope that they do and we'll bring ours and then we'll go from there. But until I see what the product is, it's hard for me to even comment on it because there is no product right now, not on a two-hour live basis every week."

Let Mikey Whiplash tell you why Brit Wres, isn't dead. (TNT Extreme Wrestling)

Reality of Wrestling TV: Episode 262

Matches: Diego de la Cruz vs Erik Lockhart Booker T announces Ryan Davidson's next opponent Terrale Tempo & Mysterious Q vs HAWX AERIE (Luke Hawx & PJ Hawx)

Continental Championship Wrestling - September 28, 2019

A dream match main event as Tracer X takes on Dominique Stuckey! New episodes air Saturdays at 11PM Central on WDHN in Dothan, AL and are uploaded to YouTube every Sunday at 10AM Eastern.

OVW TV #1050 - The Last Wednesday (Ryno is on this)

Joe Coffey video/promo- Kneel Before A God! (ICW UK)

Joe Coffey challenges Stevie Boy for the ICW World Heavyweight Championship at Fear & Loathing XII - Night 2, on Sunday 3rd November at SWG3 in Glasgow!

Mat Memory- 1981 06 07 The Battle With Brody (Vs Kabuki, Cage Match From Dallas Texas)

Smash Wrestling Episode 114 - Ladder Match - Facade vs Kevin Bennett

Episode 114 of Smash Wrestling Davey Richards vs Pepper Parks Brent Banks vs Mike Bailey vs Psycho Mike Well Oiled Machines vs TDT Ladder Match Kevin Bennett vs Facade

[INSPIRE PRO TV] EPISODE 14 (Thunder Rosa, Raychell Rose, Delilah Doom, Luigi Primo & More)

Rocky Mountain Pro- CHARGED; ep 205 (Too Cold Scorpio Is On This)

Ultimate Uce (APW California)



On this shortened version of WLW-TV, you'll see "The Legacy" Leland Race take on a newcomer to WLW - Colton Theron Vaught.

Ringside Addiction (Australia) September 30 2019

Wrestling Epicenter- Rocky Johnson Says He Came Up with "The Rock" Name, Talks Tony Atlas' Problems, more

WWE Hall of Famer Rocky Johnson steps into the Wrestling Epicenter for his first interview with our site ever. The legend, who also is the father of Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, talks his time sparring with Muhammad Ali, tag teaming with Tony Atlas and his mistakes that resulted in the end of the team, retiring, and why he never appeared with The Rock in a father-son role on WWE TV. Lots of interesting stuff.

RISE- Climbing The Rungs to LA ESCALERA - How The SUPERSTARS Aligned

At LEGENDARY in March 2019 "SUPERSTAR" Miranda Alize shocked the world when she attacked her longtime friend and tag team partner in Wily Smilies, Kylie Rae, ruining the moment for Kylie and fans in Chicago. There was a FIRE in the SUPERSTAR, one that seemingly could not be calmed. Was it random? When we look at the pieces in hindsight, it seems the formation of The Latina Superstars with "The Latina Sensation" Mercedes Martinez was a long time coming.

EP150 (Women of the WWA) | Dave Dynasty Show podcast

This episode has a special look at four of the most prominent women in the WWA: Cora Combs, Debbie Combs, Princess Jasmine, and Miss Bunny Love.

NWA Atlanta Press Conference

Eric Bischoff shoots on Arn Anderson retiring

Eric Bischoff Shoots on the end of the AWA