Friday, January 18, 2019

Mat Memory- Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) vs. Lionheart (Chris Jericho) (December 13, 1995)

WAR Super J Cup 1995 Quarter Final Match - Wild Pegasus (Chris Benoit) vs. Lionheart (Chris Jericho) - December 13, 1995 - WAR Super J Cup 1995 2nd STAGE - Tokyo, Japan, Ryogoku Kokugikan (11.500).

Mat Memory- Chris Benoit vs Sabu (NWA Wrestling 02-19-1994)

Mat Memory- NWA 4/23/1994: Terry Funk vs. Chris Benoit

From National Wrestling Alliance April 23, 1994 in Woodbury, New Jersey.

Mat Memory- Jushin Thunder Liger vs. Chris Benoit (2-26-93 - Melbourne, Australia)

Credit: Russell Whitehead. AWF WrestleRiot. NJPW, Stampede Wrestling, and WCW stars collide as Jushin Liger takes on Pegasus Kid a.k.a. Wild Pegasus.

Mat Memory- Zodiac & Jason The Terrible vs Owen Hart & Chris Benoit

A very good tag team match featuring two strong teams.

Mat Memory- Chris Benoit vs. Biff Wellington Stampede wrestling 1987

Update on Statue of Da Crusher in Milwaukee Wisconsin

Yes... A Unicorn | The Journey Ep. 2 (INNOVATE WRESTLING- based in Tennessee)

Defiant ReLoaded Podcast #6: David Starr Earns Rampage’s Respect

Dave Bradshaw and James R. Kennedy are back for another edition of ReLoaded!

A Few Upcoming Indy Wrestling Dates

Booker T - Notsam Wrestling 221 w/State of Wrestling

Booker T talks to Sam Roberts about his last match, wrestling in ROW, the Royal Rumble, AEW, coming to WWE from WCW, and more. Sam talks about Finn Balor, Walter in NXT UK, Sasha Banks, and more, in the State of Wrestling.

EVOLVE- I am Darby Allin and I'm a superstar.

Despite a phenomenal showing against Kassius Ohno at EVOLVE 118, Darby Allin was overcome by emotion when he lost against the ring veteran making for an upsetting scene as Darby refused to leave the ring. While EVOLVE Officials were concerned about the state of mind of Allin at the time, the tone of this video submission from Darby is as confusing as it is indicting of his opponent, Fabian Aichner, as they prepare to face off at EVOLVE 119 in Brooklyn, NY.

Westside Xtreme Wrestling (wXw)- Absolute Andy vs. Ilja Dragunov - die Käfigschlacht (Hype Video)

WRESTLE-1 ( Japan) TV #093 2019.01.18

Supreme Wrestling (Based in Indiana)- Supreme Last Word 29

On this edition of a highlight filled Last Word, we take a look back at a weekend full of action at Supreme Wrestling starting with Pinnacle. Make sure you follow us on Facebook for more details about an upcoming event featuring WWE Hall of Famer Jerry "The King" Lawler!!!

The Elite Make Surprise Appearance at Bar Wrestling Event (Video)

This comes from Pro Wrestling Sheet's YouTube Channel.

Members of The Elite made a surprise appearance at Bar Wrestling in Los Angeles on Wednesday night and we've got the footage of what went down.

Gail Kim On Which Former TNA Star Wants To Return To Wrestling, WWE Signing All Available Talent

Current producer for Impact Wrestling and former WWE star Gail Kim took on a media call this week. During the call, she revealed that Taryn Terrell wants to make a return to wrestling. Kim also went in depth on the demanding WWE schedule, the women she would like to sign to the Knockout's Division before they get "scooped up" by WWE, and whether she thinks the Knockouts Tag Team Titles would benefit the current Knockouts division.
Former Impact Knockout, Taryn Terrell last competed in a match on August 20, 2017 when she teamed with Sienna & Taya Valkyrie to defeat Kim, Allie, & Rosemary in a six-woman tag team match. It was announced that Terrell had departed from Impact Wrestling on October 20, 2017 but Kim revealed that Terrell wants to make a return to the squared circle.
"She is not wrestling, she is doing stunt work but I know she wants to come back to wrestling," Kim stated. "She does miss it, just like everyone else that enters this business, I think. I always tell everyone wrestling is like the mafia, once you get in, you can't get out."
Kim has been scouting out talent to potentially join the Knockouts Division, however, she expressed how frustrated she is with WWE as they continue collecting talent and leaving the "slim pickings" for everyone else. Kim hopes to find the gems among what remains and add more talented international girls to the Knockouts Division.
"There's a couple of girls, I guess, but I almost don't want to say it because WWE signs everyone - is snatching up everyone, and making slim pickings for everyone," Kim explained. "I just heard that Viper just got signed. I don't know if that's a rumor or not, I don't know if it's been made in an announcement, but I loved Viper in the UK. There's a girl named Shotzi Blackheart here in the indies that we used once, but then she got injured straight after that. I see a lot of potential in her. There's a girl in Mexico, Keira, that I really like.
"Like I said, it seems like now everyone is kinda getting scooped up and I just want more of a pool to pick from," Kim continued. "If there are good girls internationally, let me know. I think all the Japanese girls are pretty much taken, it seems like."
With WWE's introduction of the Women's Tag Team Championships, Kim explained how there's been an influx of people asking for the return of the Knockouts Tag Team Championships. Kim sees potential for the Championships to return somewhere down the line but thinks they need to reinforce the division with plenty more Knockouts before Knockouts Tag Team Championships return.
"At the moment, the state of the Knockouts, I feel like they don't necessarily need the tag team titles right now because the story is interesting enough," Kim said. "But I have seen a lot more tweets about that since WWE has introduced the tag team titles to their women's division, but they do have a lot more girls than us, so i think that if we added some more girls, I think that could maybe be a discussion that could come up."
Kim saw quick success in WWE, winning her very first televised match, a seven-woman battle royal, on the June 30, 2003 episode of RAW to become the WWE Women's Champion. On August 5, 2011, Kim announced over Twitter that she had quit WWE but was forced to stay with the company until her contract officially expired on September 30 of the same year. Kim thinks that experiencing WWE is something that every wrestler should try once in their career, especially athletes starting out in the business, or those in the prime of their career who can handle the demanding expectations.
"Despite my experiences there, I always tell every wrestler, you need to experience it if you have not," Kim said. "You do have to give your life to them. They literally want you to eat, breath, sleep it, so I think it's great for people who are entering the business and maybe in the prime of their career. But I always try to remind people who have been there a long time that I still speak to, that sometimes, they forget there's a real world out there. Because you live in this bubble and you're constantly on the road, and when you come home you're so exhausted and you have to get your errands done in a day, and then you're back on the road, so it's very hard. I give it to them for sticking to that schedule."

Maria Kanellis Fact Checks The Marks And Other News Sites Over False Reporting

I thankfully am not one of the ones who got fact checked, LOL!. I actually DO some research unlike other Wrestling News Sites I can name.

Maria Kanellis took to Twitter today and responded to the report on she and husband Mike Kanellis requesting their WWE releases. The report noted that they asked for their releases a few weeks back as they are not happy with how WWE is using them.
"Everyone thinks they know everything. Hahahahaha.... it's social media not an autobiography," Maria wrote in response to a fan who asked why was she tweeting excitement over being in the WWE 2K19 DLC as she asked to leave the company.

Cody Rhodes Interview On ESPN

Will AEW be recruiting experienced wrestlers or up-and-comers or amateur or a mix:"Probably a mix. My favorite word here is fresh. I want fresh. People who haven't ever been seen. One thing that has surprised me about independent pro wrestling is the amount of quality men and women on the scene. The stars are just waiting to be under the big lights. Obviously there is a great deal of veterans, but I don't want to make the mistake of putting that talent on the forefront versus featuring up-and-coming wrestlers. Fresh is everything and nothing is better than when you have a balance. You add to that one of the greatest wrestlers of all time in Chris Jericho, who continues to reinvent himself -- he's wrestling's David Bowie -- you put him in the same ring with somebody who's fresh and hasn't been seen, it just ups that individual's profile. It's what we call in the business "the rub." That's how I really want to balance it out. I don't want to lean towards one side. You've seen in wrestling, the worst thing you can do is abuse and overuse your legends. You have got to keep it amongst your core contract young and fresh guys

Specific job responsibilities as an Executive VP: "I am the executive vice president of talent, live events and creative. And that is the job I share with Matt and Nick. It's basically an extension of All In. I don't want to hang out in the past, but it is what we did for All In. It's recruiting talent, it's licensing talent, it's coordinating everything from stage design to scaling the MGM Grand Garden, which is what I was doing on my phone right before we started speaking. This is my dream job. I am doing it all currently. Recruiting talent, talking to talent, making deals, underwriting the contracts -- everything that is under the purview of that job and more because we are a startup."

How his approach to creative will be similar or different to Dusty: "My dad was executive producer at WCW and was the booker for Jim Crockett Promotions. I learned so much from being his son. I'll be honest -- I don't like when other people say it, but I can say it -- I learned from the things he did right and I also learned from the things he did wrong, because he had to live with them for a good portion of his career. A lot of it is on the board criticism, but I've seen that and I feel like I know what to stay away from and know which direction to go. One thing we are trying to do here is let guys go out there and play their music like they are going to play it. If I invest in a talent like, let's say MJF [Maxwell Jacob Friedman] for example, it's not my job to micromanage you. My job is to put a spotlight on you. I've seen your set of skills. We looked into you. We recruited you. I'm just using him as an example. Somebody like that, if you are paying them to be on your show, let them go out there and play their own song. Don't give them a new lyric sheet. Don't give them a new instrument. And that's the type of wrestling I grew up on.If we look at the heyday of WWF in the late '80s and the type of wrestling that I love dearly, those were grown men who knew what the direction was, they got a finish, they got a time, and they went out there and delivered what they delivered. It wasn't something that was micromanaged. Maybe slightly consulted or massaged, but they were the stars, so why micromanage them? We will not be micromanaging anybody."

How many revenue streams they are looking to develop: "Unfortunately due to the legality in all of this, I can't speak on the potentiality of a television deal, but I can say we've got Tony and the world that Tony comes from with his business acumen and providing consistent content and what that means for a consumer. I can also speak to the fact that Dana Massie, who is going to be heading up the merchandising arm of All Elite Wrestling, is a frigging genius. She is responsible for Killing The Business [The Young Bucks' merchandising empire]. She is the secret weapon behind that and pretty much, without being dramatic, has changed the independent wrestling scene and I think she knows it. We're looking at all different avenues but we also have a less-is-more approach. We want to match sizzle with substance, so right now we only have Double Or Nothing happening at the MGM Garden Arena on May 25 and in the following months we are going to have the Jacksonville show, with gate money going towards the victims and families and people affected by the recent shootings in Jacksonville at the Madden tournament. That was something Tony felt strongly about.