Tuesday, March 23, 2021

KENNY OMEGA is Inside the IMPACT Zone! (And is As Horrible As Ever) | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 23, 2021


Yeah, raising the AEW World title to the obviously piped in cheers sure made a ton of sense, dumb ass. 

PPSSTT, next time you have a camera follow a wrestler around the ring, try a less wider camera shot. That way it doesn't show even with the piped in crowd noise.. That there ISN'T ANY FANS THERE! Dumb shits. 

If you wanted to show that there isn't fans there, you accomplished it to a tee.

Callis proves again that people who have "Go Away" heat, or "God I wanna turn the channel" heat, shouldn't be on Tv with a microphone.

I guess he's taken the "Jeff Jarrett" mentality on this. You know you have the heat that doesn't get you over so instead of taking yourself off TV? You do the opposite and force yourself down peoples throats like Jarrett did when HE, was in Impact/TNA. Yeah, 'brilliant' booking idea, Mr Booker Don Callis (rolls eyes).

The best part of this whole segment? Were the advertisements YouTube thru in during it, LMAO!

Callis wants to 'insure' the legacy of Omega, so as booker of Impact, he'll simply book Omega to win the Impact world title. When it happens you'll hear me saying, "I told you so". :) 

Don Callis: No one has ever kicked out of the One Winged Angel, Does the name Kota Ibushi sound familiar? Nice try though... Nice try.

I can on and on as they give me so much ammunition on how horrible this was. Thank God the ECW TV show from 1994 I'm gonna watch later will be ten times better, than this shit. 


Trey Miguel MAKES A STATEMENT (And A Bad One At That) vs Acey Romero! | IMPACT Highlights Mar 23, 2021


Trey literally, walks right into a side slam, a blind man could see that one coming from a block awazy. Why couldn't trey stopo himself? DDUUHH!!

The least you can do? Is not make it, SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that you're gonna walk into a move. Logic, common sense, seems to be missing in most matches these days and right there, was a clear example of it. 

ANOTHER, example of how wwaayy too many kick outs dull the excitement of a match. And it's not just Impact that does this stupid shit, WWE, and AEW do it too. 

Tons of high spots by Trey with horrible 'selling'.. Gee, how did i know that was gonna happen? OH wait, it ALWAYS HAPPENS with small guys who think they're "Super Cena".

Booker Don Callis once said he didn't want Impact to look like "WWE Lite". Well, he hasn't.. He's made it worse, so I guess that's one thing he's kept his word on. 


MASSIVE Main Event (Not Really), as Karl Anderson and Eddie Edwards Collide! | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 23, 2021


THIS? was considered a 'main event'? (yawns).

Just about everything that's wrong with today's wrestling, happened in this match.

"Selling" was atrocious at best. 

Way too many kick outs, to the point it loses and takes any 'excitement' out of the match over making it more exciting. Something current era wrestlers can't seem to comprehend, OORRR, don't want to comprehend it.

All these punches and forearms to the face, but no blood? HHHHMMMMM, guess that logic was taken out when putting this match together, eh? 

Another great example of why the only way Impact could get a 'TV Deal' was if their parent company bought a network, LOL. 


ECW Hardcore TV | 03/22/1994


On this edition of Eastern Championship Wrestling, chaos breaks out when J.T. Smith challenges The Tazmaniac for the ECW World Television Championship in the main event. Plus, Jason shows footage of The Pitbull and The Rockin' Rebel in action, Shane Douglas goes one-on-one with Pat Tanaka, and much more!


Can't Make This Shit Up- But Some "Communities" Really Need To Consider Renaming Themselves


Someone posted one of these pics that I took a screen shot of in a group that I'm an 'Admin' in, on Facebook. I cracked up laughing that a 'community' naming itself after WWE is posting AEW, Impact and ROH stuff. 

"Someone" didn't think their plan all the way thru when they created that community, that's for sure, LOL. But even Stevie Wonder can see that maybe whoever the idiot was that created this community, should really consider a name change for it. 

Or, they can continue to look stupid, they can choose. :)

Arn Anderson Talks Wrestling Today Having Too Many Kickouts After High Spots


Too bad Arn doesn't have the balls to tell the roster of the company he works for (AEW) all this. I guess it's just easier to say it on a podcast, than to actually say it toe faces of the roster, bookers and owner who's giving him a paycheck.

Or maybe, the roster, bookers and the owner are just too ignorant to listen to a voice of experience, because they feel that they 'know better', when they really don't.

I wonder which one it is.. Maybe someone can tell me.

During the latest episode of the ARN Podcast, Arn Anderson answered questions from fans about his current role with AEW.

Over the years, there have been more and more false finishes and high spots that don’t end matches. Anderson spoke about the amount of false finishes we see in wrestling today and why he’s not a fan of it. Arn said he loved when guys hit their finish, used it, and the match was over.

“Brock Lesnar got over on the fact that if he hit one F5, you were beat,” Arn said. “We spent 10 years telling the public that if John Cena hooked you in the STF, you might be able to get to the ropes and save yourself the first time but if he drug you back to the middle of the ring before you got there, that was it. We set up finishes for a reason so that you can build drama, work towards that finish. The drama is you don’t quite get to hit it and that’s why you didn’t win that night. Had you hit that particular move, you would’ve won. Not that you hit it 4 or 5 times and the guy kicked out because guess what, it’s no longer a finish.

“Don’t try to beat me next week with something that Joe Blow kicked out of 5 times the week before, I won’t be laying there. There’s only so much you can do in this business, that’s the reason you don’t see something new everyday because pretty much everything has been done. Once you take away a guy’s finish and he’s got to find something else as a finish, there’s not a lot of stuff laying around. I think guys are burning the business out by doing all this high impact stuff because once you use it as just a high spot, that’s all it will ever be afterwards.”

Anderson noted that he felt that finishes needed to be kept sacred. He said the reason we’re seeing this difference in the business is because of the lack of mic work, and talent trying their best to maximize the minutes they’re receiving.

“If someone power bombs you over the top rope onto the apron outside and you hit it half way between your shoulder blades, you have no idea how bad that hurts,” Anderson said. “I see that and that’s not the end of the match, that’s not a count out? What is? That would’ve been in my day a stretcher job. Had somebody done that to me, I’m going out there in an ambulance. It’s just the difference of the way the business is.

“I think the kids are all trying to do the best they can and go higher and further, so they can get over with you guys. They haven’t had an opportunity to get a microphone and week in week out, for 52 weeks a year, have something to say to the audience, compound that out year after year, that’s how you get over. They’re trying to bum rush it by doing a high wire act. As you know, you get to a point where you are desensitized to it as a fan, now what?”

Stan Hansen & Bruiser Brody vs Tiger Jeet Singh & Mike Shaw (Makhan Singh)- Japan 1984


ECPW Adrenaline TV Episode (2/19/21) Episode 3
