Tuesday, March 23, 2021

KENNY OMEGA is Inside the IMPACT Zone! (And is As Horrible As Ever) | IMPACT! Highlights Mar 23, 2021


Yeah, raising the AEW World title to the obviously piped in cheers sure made a ton of sense, dumb ass. 

PPSSTT, next time you have a camera follow a wrestler around the ring, try a less wider camera shot. That way it doesn't show even with the piped in crowd noise.. That there ISN'T ANY FANS THERE! Dumb shits. 

If you wanted to show that there isn't fans there, you accomplished it to a tee.

Callis proves again that people who have "Go Away" heat, or "God I wanna turn the channel" heat, shouldn't be on Tv with a microphone.

I guess he's taken the "Jeff Jarrett" mentality on this. You know you have the heat that doesn't get you over so instead of taking yourself off TV? You do the opposite and force yourself down peoples throats like Jarrett did when HE, was in Impact/TNA. Yeah, 'brilliant' booking idea, Mr Booker Don Callis (rolls eyes).

The best part of this whole segment? Were the advertisements YouTube thru in during it, LMAO!

Callis wants to 'insure' the legacy of Omega, so as booker of Impact, he'll simply book Omega to win the Impact world title. When it happens you'll hear me saying, "I told you so". :) 

Don Callis: No one has ever kicked out of the One Winged Angel, Does the name Kota Ibushi sound familiar? Nice try though... Nice try.

I can on and on as they give me so much ammunition on how horrible this was. Thank God the ECW TV show from 1994 I'm gonna watch later will be ten times better, than this shit. 


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