Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Trey Miguel MAKES A STATEMENT (And A Bad One At That) vs Acey Romero! | IMPACT Highlights Mar 23, 2021


Trey literally, walks right into a side slam, a blind man could see that one coming from a block awazy. Why couldn't trey stopo himself? DDUUHH!!

The least you can do? Is not make it, SO FUCKING OBVIOUS that you're gonna walk into a move. Logic, common sense, seems to be missing in most matches these days and right there, was a clear example of it. 

ANOTHER, example of how wwaayy too many kick outs dull the excitement of a match. And it's not just Impact that does this stupid shit, WWE, and AEW do it too. 

Tons of high spots by Trey with horrible 'selling'.. Gee, how did i know that was gonna happen? OH wait, it ALWAYS HAPPENS with small guys who think they're "Super Cena".

Booker Don Callis once said he didn't want Impact to look like "WWE Lite". Well, he hasn't.. He's made it worse, so I guess that's one thing he's kept his word on. 


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