Tuesday, August 27, 2019

PWCI This Week - #189 Kaiju Attack Wrestling

In light of the recent announcement that KAW was cancelling almost all shows for the rest of 2019, we are still going to showcase matches from the previous event in Bloomington! Women's action features Paloma Starr taking on Vanessa Azure and Delicious Danny Scott takes on The Pariah!


Mat Memory- 2012: LuFisto vs Leva Bates

Uncensored Rumble V - Women Superstars Uncensored - June 16th 2012


Mat Memory- 2010: LuFisto vs Sara Del Rey (JAPW)

JERSEY ALL PRO WRESTLING (JAPW) Saturday, December 11th 2010 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA


Survivor Match: Team Sorel (LuFisto, Kickmaster David LaRusso, Phil Guertin, Max Larosée) Vs Le Cartel (Pink Flash Kira, Xplicit, Karl Jepson, Jayden Cain)

WWE "Hidden Gem"? Yeah OK, So "Hidden" It's On YouTube (Fucking Idiots)

Every time someone reports a slew of 'Hidden Gems' added to the WWE Network, there's always one or two, or all on the list that's not as 'hidden' as WWE would like to claim. SSSOO, since I'm good for calling them on bullshit like this.. Look, at what is ahem..'Hidden', LOL!

Here's a pic from Paul Jordan's report at PWInsider of the 'hidden gem' in question.

And OH MY, what happens when one goes to YouTube and does a search for it? OOHHH, THIS comes up.

Well damn, this gem has been 'hidden' here on YouTube for OVER A YEAR NOW! AAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!

And if you doubt it's the same match? Well one click on the link there and OOHHHH, look what it shows..

Nice try WWE, just 'a little' actual research would go a long way for you here. You micromanage every other fucking thing here, why is it you keep fucking up when it comes to this? This is always too easy to bust em on.. To bad they'll never smarten up any time soon when it comes to this. Until they ever do? I'll be more than happy to continue making them look stupid. It's my pleasure. :)

Mat Memory- Davey Boy Smith vs. Don Muraco clips (ft. Harley Race) From Stampede Wrestling

Don Muraco defends the North American Title against British Bulldog on 3-24-89.


OVW TV #1045 - He Is Coming

-The show begins with an epic singles encounter between Dustin Jackson & Randall Floyd with a 60 minute time limit. However, things take an unexpected turn & the entire OVW roster is on notice. What happened? You'll have to watch & find out! -All this & MORE! Check it out now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRN5Q-qUvh4

Bruce Prichard shoots on Randy Savage vs Crush

I can definitely call bullshit on what Bruce said about "No chemistry' between the two as I saw this same match on a house show in Rosemont, Illinois and they sold each other's stuff in THAT match.

I was sitting front row ring side and there was a cage stacked up in front of me and Savage body slammed Crush on top of it and Crush sold the move like a champ. I had met Randy earlier that day at a GNC store in Skokie and asked him about the old ICW territory.. Savage saw me and recognized me after he body slammed Crush on the stacked up parts of the cage, then punched Crush in the face, looked at me and said "That's for you.. For what you asked me earlier today".

He punched Crush again and got a three count on top of the stacked up pieces of the cage. So yeah, I can call bullshit, easily. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CH47PTt1hA

Time To Correct A Writer For WrestlingInc (Obviously HE, Didn't Do Any Research On The Obvious)

Two people informed me about this little deal here, and since I am one who has knowledge on things like this, I took a look. Lo and behold, I do know more and this writer for Wrestlinginc, obviously talked out his ass more than actually looked to see if his claim was correct or not.. Guess what, it's not.

Here's the article/interview he posted.

Here's the quote/claim I'm easily going to dispute and correct him on, right here.

Most notable might BE, The Monster factory and the WWE's performance Center? UUHH no.. Try again.. Here's proof.. And since, you know... Proof IS.. A Mother fucker... You know the rest. :)

Other 'just as notable' wrestling schools, not one but TWO.. That have been around LONGER than the WWE's Performance Center.. ARE..

Jimmy Valiant's Training Camp has been around ALOT LONGER than The WWE's Performance Center and is a well known Wrestling school (Much like Harley Race;s school as well).

Then there's other 'very notable' wrestling school as well.

Dory Funk Jr.'s school has also been around  alot longer than the Performance Center, and.. If one were to do the very easy research on this.. The Performance Center's teachings go back to when.. WHO? was a part of it at the very beginning with the WWF "Training Dojo'? OOHH YES.. That would BE.. Dory Funk Jr..  HHMMMMMM..

This is what you get when you don't do any research and basically just talk out your ass. The shit you say comes right back, and slaps you in the face.. You can thank me now for doing the correction work.. Lord knows, nobody else would have the balls to do it.


Former WWE and WCW enhancement talent Barry Horowitz joined VOC Nation’s IN THE ROOM with Brady Hicks to talk about his career, what’s missing from today’s product, and how he wished to have done more in the WWE.  Here is what Barry had to say:

On training under Boris Malenko:  “I was trained by the best ever.  He built (my) foundation.  Between Boris and his sons Shelly and Jody, they taught me the fine intricate stuff that isn’t taught today; (things like) how to get into a ring and how to do a proper lock up.  If you don’t have those little pieces, the puzzle doesn’t come together.  He taught me respect of the business, the verbiage of the business, and the technical aspect of the business.  The rest is (learning from) on the job training.  Traveling with people like Ricky Steamboat, Bob Backlund, Greg Valentine…when you surround yourself with that kind of knowledge of pro wrestling and you’re listening and wanting to hone your craft, you can’t help but to do well in your life and your career.”

On his favorite promotion to work for:  Jim Crockett Promotions.  We traveled a lot by car.  We only used a plane to go to Canada once a month.  There are a lot of tiny towns in North and South Carolina.  I was wrestling five or six nights a week.  Tommy Young (referee) would drive, Boogie Woogie Jimmy Garvin man would be up front, and me and Rufus would be in the back.  We were what you call ‘straight edge’.  I would just sit there and listen and say nothing and learn.

On the science of being enhancement talent:  “Some people needed tutoring.  Take Ultimate Warrior; you’re not going to get over by running to the ring, jumping on the ropes, and looking good.  Imagine if I made him look like a fool.  He wouldn’t (have gotten over).  You can’t just have anybody (as an enhancement talent).  You have to have a guy with no ego, that can get a match over, not themselves.  Not everyone can be Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan, or HHH.  It doesn’t work that way.  To be an enhancement talent, there is a proper (formula).  You want people to feel like (the enhancement talent) put up a fight.  Otherwise people would be bored.”

On not getting a bigger push in WWE:  “I knew I was with the major promotion, I was making money, I was on TV.  People loved to hate me.  Even though they weren’t (going to push me) I made myself stand out.  I just wanted to show people that I had talent and I wasn’t just some fall guy.  I just wish after the Candido feud that I could have stayed there longer.  They could have put me with someone else or did something else with me.  I would have like to have gotten more respect or to have gotten more out of it, but I’m not complaining.  (I feel like) if you hit the gym hard, show up on time, do your part…if you do all of that (and still don’t get a push) then someone just don’t like you, period.  Maybe it was the way I combed my hair?  What else can I say?”