Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Ace Romero vs. Mac Daniels - Limitless Wrestling 

Jim Cornette Reviews Konnan Confronting Tully Blanchard on AEW Dynamite 

Eddie Kingston Seems Too Scared To Fire Back On Bully Ray As He Speaks On Criticism He Received For Post-Dynamite Promo Against WWE


What's the matter Eddie? You wanna be "all gangsta" but when Bully Ray punks you on social media, instead of firing back on him? You bitch up. 

I guess, that says it all, eh? 

Here's the story where you see him in a way, trying to walk back what he did. And not mentioning Bully Ray even once. 

Guess he knows, Bully Ray punked him. :)

AEW star Eddie Kingston recently appeared on WrestleZone’s “2 Dynamite Dudes with Attitude” podcast to discuss the anti-WWE promo that he cut in front of the crowd following Saturday’s AEW Dynamite show at Daily’s Place in Jacksonville.

Kingston told podcast hosts Dominic and Marcus DeAngelo that he loves the AEW locker room, and expects people in WWE to do the same thing he did, if they’re allowed to.

“Let’s get this question out of the way,” Kingston said. “Let’s all calm down. You think I’m going to go bury the locker room that I work for? No, plus I love our locker room. I love AEW. What do you want from me? They’re paying me! They’re putting me on national television after – it’ll be 20 years in October. Of course I’m gonna rah-rah AEW. Relax. Relax.

“I expect people from the other joint if they’re allowed to mention our names, they’ll probably do the same thing cause you know what I mean? They want their home team to win. It’s just like the NFL or Major League Baseball, man. You wanna go with your home team, AEW’s my team. That’s my squad.”

Kingston also talked competition and how it’s good for the business. Regarding the post-Dynamite comments, Kingston said some people got “butthurt” while some didn’t, but everyone needs to relax.

“Man, competition’s good. Watch pro wrestling. I don’t care,” he said. “I grew up during days in the ’90s where you had guys in ECW calling out everybody. You had WCW doing everything they could to beat World Wrestling Federation at the time. They did too! It’s good! Competition’s good y’all! Because then everybody watches pro wrestling. When everybody watches it, for those who are into it for this, this happens [indicates making money].

“I’m into it because I love it, I never want to do anything else, but anyway I digress cause I could keep talking, but for what happened, for the after-show, let everyone go home happy, people got butthurt and some didn’t, everyone relax. Let’s love it. Let’s love this. Let’s relax.”

As noted earlier, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray appeared on Busted Open Radio this week and had some harsh words for Kingston over his WWE comments. You can click Below for the story on Bully’s comments.

Ted Dibiase vs One Man Gang (Houston) 

"Mr. Electricity" Steve Regal Full Career Shoot Interview 

The Great Muta vs Kenoh - 6.27.21 

Keiji Muto vs. Dr. Death Steve Williams w/ promos (All Japan) 

Dr. Death Steve Williams Drops F-Bomb In Promo (All Japan) 

Bully Ray Puts Eddie Kingston In His Place (Eddie Got "Treated")


WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray has come down hard on AEW star Eddie Kingston for taking several shots at WWE last Saturday night after AEW Dynamite went off the air. Addressing the crowd at Daily’s Place, Kingston said that unlike the competition, AEW loves professional wrestling, listens to its fanbase and respects its legends.

Ray prefaced his criticism by praising Kingston’s promo skills.

“I love Eddie Kingston to death,” Ray said on Tuesday’s episode of Busted Open Radio. “If we were having promo wars and I was the captain of the team, and somebody says, ‘you get to pick one person to do the promo for you,’ I’d most likely pick Eddie – because of his believability, tone, inflection and everything about him.

“But in this case, Eddie needs to shut the f–k up and stay in his lane. And his lane is [of] an AEW guy speaking about AEW, and flying the flag for AEW. Then, I’m completely onboard. Tell me how great AEW is, fly the flag for your company, show me that you wear your heart on your sleeve.”

Ray said that unlike former WWE Superstars such as Cody Rhodes and Chris Jericho, Kingston had no reason to take shots at a company he never worked for.

“You were indie guy for the majority of his career until this company [AEW] took a chance on you. You’ve learned to love it and everything about it. Don’t take the easy way out and knock the WWE. If Cody wants to destroy a throne, I get it. If Jericho wants to say FU, I get it. But, Eddie? Why? There’s no reason for him to say [such stuff].”

Ray also pointed to the fans at Daily’s Place not giving Kingston the desired reaction.

“If you go back and listen to the fans, they really didn’t pop that hard when he took a jab at WWE,” Ray said. “You didn’t get the reaction you were looking for. People were most likely thinking, ‘alright, Eddie, stay away from that… there’s no reason to go there.'”

You can hear Bully raer say all this, here.



AEW announced the following:



Now if you don't want to be one of the dumb morons who'll spend $700.00 for those over priced 'replica' title belts? You can simply go to eBay and ghet one for WWAAYY cheaper, than what AEW is scamming the "Marks" for.

I showed this example with this story right here.

So why be a dumb ass and waste $700.00 when you can get the same kind of "replica" tiotle belt for much cheaper over on eBay?

Only a real moron, or dumb ass, would do that. 

Don Muraco & Mr. Saito vs Barry Windham & Reggie Parks (1980 Championship Wrestling From Florida) 

The American Wolf Davey Richards returned to Pro-Wrestling at #GSWCatalyst


The American Wolf returned to the ring for the first time in several years at #GSWCatalyst on May 22nd live on FiteTv.

Jacob Fatu ATTACKS Michael Elgin and Issues a Challenge! (Global Syndicate Wrestling)


During GSW Inception, right after Michael Elgins BIG win over Wrecking Ball Legursky, Jacob Fatu makes a shocking debut attacking the first man to be undefeated in GSW!

GSW High Voltage 7: Allysin Kay vs Hyan 

DDT Pro-Wrestling (Japan)- Video From Summer Vacation 2021 TOUR in OSAKA (6-26-21) 

Jim Ross On Why Vince McMahon Would Not Book Hulk Hogan Vs. Terry Funk PPV Match


On the latest episode of the Grilling JR podcast, former WWE commentator Jim Ross spoke about the great career of Terry Funk, who debuted in 1965.

Ross discussed Funk’s run in WWE in the late 80s and how he never faced Hulk Hogan for the championship at a major pay-per-view outside of Saturday Night’s Main Event in 1986. The current AEW commentator spoke about Vince McMahon wanting Hogan to only face competitors in major feuds who looked realistic to beat Hogan in terms of size. Ross also mentioned how he brought in Mick Foley to feud with The Undertaker for that reason.

“Terry could’ve been a great opponent for Hogan because Terry would’ve known how to work with Hogan to embellish Hogan’s skills,” Ross said. “McMahon was very cautious to not book Hogan with average sized guys. He wanted him to sell for a guy that was bigger than him.

“It’s the same concept I used when I hired Mick Foley to use for the Undertaker. You’re looking for an opponent and Foley was 6’4″, 300 pounds and I think that’s the same theory that we’re talking about in this topic. Vince was going to make sure, and I don’t blame him for this, that Hogan was booked with the right guy that can create the right visual and right dynamic so that when the Hulkster sold, it had more believability. I think there’s a lot to say for that, protecting your golden goose that’s now spitting out these golden eggs in the form of tickets sold.”

On a recent episode of Grilling JR, Ross mentioned how he still has a relationship with Vince McMahon despite joining AEW. Ross continued to talk about Vince, saying he holds no hard feelings towards his former boss and still respects the 20+ years he spent working for him.

“People think I’m still mad at him for some f***ing reason,” Ross said. “Only spent 26 years there, made a lot of money, why would I be mad? Come on. ‘Well, he had something pulled out of your ass.’ Okay, he also had me beat up several times, it’s pro wrestling. Sometimes it’s the theatre of the absurd, that’s what it is.”

Although Ross stated he has no hard feelings towards Vince, the AEW commentator said he was also upset with how WWE runs the Hall of Fame, specifically the amount of time each Hall of Famer is given to speak. Funk was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2009 along with brother Dory, and Ross said seeing them both get only two minutes to speak was ridiculous after the careers they had.

“That was a b------t deal too because they got no time,” Ross said. “Everything was time, it’s all a T.V. show and I detest that. The organic nature of the Hall of Fame, it should be objective in the selection, it should not be over-selected by having too many people that can’t speak. I know a couple of Hall of Famers called me this year and asked me to help them with their Hall of Fame speech in WWE. I said how much time do you got? ‘2 minutes.’ Maybe they stretch it to three, but it’s become too corporate from that respect for my taste.

“I’m sure they don’t care what my tastes are anymore, which I get, I don’t care what their tastes are either, it’s their deal. I thought him and Dory had no time. Dory was not the great orator that Terry was. There are very few men that can talk as effectively and as memorably as Terry Funk. I thought they got jobbed a little bit on that presentation. I didn’t like the way that went down, they deserved better cause I’m sentimental, it’s my story and I’m sticking to it.”