Friday, March 22, 2019

AWA - American Wrestling Association - PART 1 - The Untold Story

Wrestling Epicenter- JJ Dillon Shoot Interview on the Four Horsemen, WCW's Demise, more

Once Again Meltzer Can't Post A Link Correctly (So I'll Do What He's Not Smart Enough To Do)

Some day he might take a lesson in how to post them the right way, but until then someone like me will always show what a dumb ass he is. because i am... "That Guy". So go ahead and thank me now. :)

The proof is in the pudding and proof will always be, a mother fucker.

From his "Daily Update comes this...

Click the wannabe link he posted? Anf you get... THIS, LMAO!

So since he's proven time and again to be incapable of getting a link posted correctly? here you go.. The link he couldn't get right.

Mat Memory- Bob Roop Boris Malenko Ron Garvin (PLAN B) Tennesse Wrestlers Shoot / Expose Wrestling Business


Jimmy Havoc says farewell to Milton Keynes but not before one last war against someone he may get to know very well in AEW! Also: KIP SABIAN vs RICKY KNIGHT JR ANTI-FUN POLICE vs OJMO & MYLES KAYMAN JAYDE vs ZOE LUCAS

Col Parker on Terry Funk

Col Parker on Terry Funk Former WWE & WCW Manager/Southern Wrestling Legend Colonel Robert Parker/Robert Fuller discusses working with WWE Hall of Famer Terry Funk over the years as well as having the best match of his life with Terry in Knoxville TN on a big show.

週刊WRESTLE-1(Japan) TV #102 2019.03.22

Van Harrison vs Ayden Cristiano w/ Reyna (Reality of Wrestling)

This match is from Reality of Wrestling's iPPV (The Last Stand 2019)

Insane Championship Wrestling (UK)- ICW Fight Club #120

PODCAST RECAP: The Notsam Wrestling Podcast with Jake Roberts on Andre’s dislike of Studd, the psychology of turning face or heel, his one man show

PODCAST RECAP: Jim Cornette’s Drive-Thru on title belts as props, wrestlers changing gimmicks, referee attire, and if social media existed in the 1980’s

PODCAST RECAP: Ron Fuller’s Studcast – moving on from Bill Watts Florida territory and starting his own promotion

PODCAST RECAP: 83 Weeks on Superbrawl III, the turmoil and promise surrounding one of WCW biggest events of the year

David Starr pulls promo critical of ROH and Sinclair ahead of match against Jay Lethal in Israel in April, ROH statement on who was responsible for getting it pulled

David Starr cut a promo that was heavily critical of Ring of Honor and Sinclair Broadcast Group, the parent company of ROH, ahead of his upcoming match against ROH World Champion Jay Lethal on April 21 in Netanya, Israel for Israeli Pro Wrestling Association. In the video, Starr was critical of ROH and called out Sinclair for being a right win propaganda machine.
I’ll tell you something else that’s a joke. It’s that Ring of Honor Wrestling used to represent pure, independent professional wrestling instead of representing a far-right wing extremist corporate propaganda machine, said Starr. Did you think it was kind of a cute publicity stunt? Let the little Jew boy get a flight to Israel to wrestle for your championship? Is that what you thought?
Starr ended up pulling the promo and issued a statement on his Twitter saying the “powers that be” asked him to remove the promo.

Starr did not mention who asked him to remove the promo, but has since released a shirt with his face on it that says censored over his mouth with Sinclair is Scared over it.  Starr tweeted out information on how to buy the shirt with the caption “Sinclair is Scared.” You can see the shirt below in a tweet from Starr:

Pro Wrestling Sheet managed to save the promo from Starr. You can see his entire promo here.
Starr is not under contract to Ring of Honor, but he has wrestled for the company several times in the past. He is currently one of the most notable free agents on the independent scene and has made a name for himself wrestling in the U.S. and internationally, especially in the WXW promotion based out of Germany and OTT recently.
Starr, who is Jewish, mentioned in the video that ROH would wake up to their worst nightmare if he won their championship. “You’ll have to wake up to the fact that your championship is now represented by a progressive Jew named David Starr,” said Starr.
Many News outlets reached out to Ring of Honor for a statement on the situation on whether or not they asked for Starr to pull the video. Ring of Honor responded by saying that this matter was handled by the promoter in Israel.
 If Starr hadn’t pulled his promo and Lethal did get pulled from the show, I think ROH would have had a PR nightmare on their hands and would have had to back down. The way things have gone down, Starr having to pull the video has proven him right in terms of the content of his promo.

ROH Star Unhappy With Booking (Then Leave, Dumb Ass)

Pretty easy solution, especially now with so many other places to go. But hey, easy concepts like that seem to fly over people's heads for some reason.

Sting On The One Opponent Who Could Bring Him Out Of Retirement (The Answer Won't be Surprising)

It's the same he always gives (yawns).

WWE Hall of Famer Sting recently spoke with Wrestling Travel and revealed that he would come out of retirement for just one opponent - The Undertaker.
"I mean, everyone knows who it would be. Taker, he's the only guy I'd come out of retirement for now. No one else," Sting said. "We could just never get it together to make it happen. When I started talking to WWE he was booked with Brock and then I did the deal with Triple H and he had another feud going on at the time, so it was just one of those things we couldn't make happen.
"But I don't regret it not happening either, I mean I got to face Triple H at my first WrestleManiaand then wrestle Seth for the world title, so I didn't do too badly out of that deal. But yeah, now, the only person I'm getting back in the ring for is Taker."
The 60 year old Stinger also confirmed that there were no concrete plans for his WWE run before he suffered the injury in the 2015 Night of Champions match against Seth Rollins, which led to his retirement.
"There weren't really any set plans for me after the Seth match if I hadn't got injured," Sting confirmed. "The idea was just for me to have one off matches here and there, but I didn't have any planned opponents or anything like that, we were just going to see what was best for business at the time."


Jeff Jarrett’s attorneys filed a motion asking for an extension in filing an extension allowing them until 4/12 to submit an update on where things stand with the lawsuit he and his company Global Wrestling Entertainment have filed against Impact Wrestling parent company Anthem.  

The request (which Anthem’s attorneys have agreed to) is due to Jarrett’s travel schedule, responsibilities his attorneys have on a matter not related to the lawsuit, and international travel required of Anthem’s attorneys preventing all sides from being able to meet for a conference on the case.  It was noted all sides are working on figuring out when they will be able to meet.


On 3/19, the United States District Court, Middle Division, of Florida shot down World Wrestling Entertainment’s motion arguing they should be dismissed as a defendant in the lawsuit brought by Cameraman Donald Anderson against the company and WWE performer Thaddeus "Titus O'Neil" Bullard.  Anderson has alleged he was injured by Bullard after the WWE star became upset while being filmed for a segment on WWE Network prank series Swerved.   The court did not provide details as to why they were denying the motion beyond noting the decision was made, "Upon consideration of all relevant filings, case law, and being otherwise fully advised."

WWE had argued they did not fall under jurisdiction of the court in Florida as they were a Connecticut-based company.  Anderson had specifically used quotes from Paul Levesque and WWE Executive John Saboor about the importance of the WWE Performance Center in Florida in an Amended version of his lawsuit, attempting to use those comments in order to prove that WWE would indeed fall under the court's jurisdiction as they do business regularly in the Sunshine State.
Anderson has been instructed by the court to file a supplemental response to WWE’s motion to dismiss by 5/10, at which point WWE will be allowed 14 days to respond and again argue for their dismissal as a defendant from the case. 

A mediation meeting in regard to the lawsuit was scheduled to take place on 3/13 in Tampa, Florida, but there is no word yet whether there was any movement towards the case being settled coming out of that scheduled mediation.
Anderson’s lawsuit against WWE and Bullard alleges Battery, Assault, Willful Misconduct, Negligence, Gross Negligence, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress.  As been previously reported, Anderson has alleged "he was injured by Bullard after the WWE star became upset while being filmed” for a segment on WWE Network prank series Swerved.   Bullard has counter-sued Anderson.

Anderson (who had been hired through a third party, Uranus Productions) was backstage at a WWE TV taping filming a segment where Bullard was shocked by WWE performer Paige.  Bullard became, according to the lawsuit, "enraged", alleging charging and kicking the camera out of Anderson's hand, injuring him.   Bullard has denied those allegations in his response to Anderson's lawsuit.  Paige is not a party in the lawsuit.

Anderson alleged that WWE placed him in an unsafe working environment and that they had a duty to protect him from being placed in such a situation.   Anderson claims in the suit that Uranus Productions were told that WWE, "would select their own representatives to organize, manage and direct the electric shock prank activity.  Consequently, WWE undertook the job of selecting specific WWE personalities as targets, on which to use the electric shock device."  So, he is placing all the blame for the incident taking place on WWE's shoulders.  Anderson also claimed in the suit that he was instructed by WWE that he was "not safe on the premises", that Bullard "could not be controlled" and would presenting an "ongoing threat" to Anderson.  Anderson claims he was instructed to leave the WWE venue out of fear that O'Neil might go after him again and was "whisked" away.   

The lawsuit also alleged that Bullard "was known by WWE as possessing significant anger management issues" and that Bullard's alleged assault lead to injuries on Anderson's hand, wrist and fingers to the point he could not work for six months.   In the lawsuit, Anderson claiming that he has faced "bodily injury, pain and suffering, mental anguish, extreme emotional distress, disfigurement, medical expenses, physical handicap, loss of income, loss of the capacity for enjoyment of life and loss of ability to earn money.

In a response filed on 6/19/18, Bullard stated he "acted out of necessity to prevent being assaulted" again by the cattle prod during the prank and that he "did not create the danger to be avoided and stopped his action when the danger was gone."  Bullard also stated that Anderson "knowingly and voluntarily assumed the risk when he intentionally conspired, planned and participated" to "film/record the assault and battery" of Bullard with the cattle prod.  Bullard's response also stated that he "used reasonable force that was not greater than necessary to end the threat of being cattle prodded repeatedly."  Bullard is also arguing that any damages to Anderson were caused by his employer, Uranus Productions and that he should be covered by workman's compensation through them.  Bullard is also arguing that since Anderson conspired with Uranus to assault him with the cattle prod, he should be barred from bringing any claims against Bullard.
Bullard's counter-suit is in the amount of $15,000, the same amount that Anderson is suing him for.  Anderson's lawsuit seeks in excess of $15,000 in damages as well as whatever punitive damages the Sixth Judicial Court of Pasco County, Florida may rule Anderson deserves, should they rule in his favor.  The original lawsuit filed by Anderson in California had sought $1.2 million in damages and cited that Anderson allegedly faced medical bills in excess of $150,000.  The newer lawsuit filed in Florida has not made any mention of that allegation since the case was transferred to the Sunshine State.
Bullard's counter-suit against Anderson alleges conspiracy to commit battery, conspiracy to commit assault, negligence, gross negligence, intentional infliction of emotional distress.   Bullard contends that Anderson was hired by Uranus Productions, who were hired to develop the Swerved TV series for WWE and "were responsible for generating storylines for each episode and for handling all aspects of physical production." 

Bullard's lawsuit states that WWE "contractually retained all authority over all significant creative aspects" of the series and had to approve each prank, but that Bullard was assaulted with the cattle prod "unbeknownst to WWE" in the scene Anderson filmed that is now at the center of the lawsuit.   In his counter-suit, Bullard included material showing that the prank was not included on a list of sketches and pranks approved for the episode by Brian Terwillinger, at the time the WWE Vice President of Development.  Bullard also alleges that Uranus Productions, including Anderson, "intentionally directed" Saraya Jade-Bevis (WWE performer Paige) to assault him with the cattle prod without any concern for his well-being.  Bullard also states that at no time did he "consent or otherwise approve of the wrongful, malicious acts" against him.

In the counter-suit, Bullard alleges that Anderson filmed Bullard being "harmed in an offensive and reckless" way, he suffered harmful, offensive, reckless and intentional contact that he did not consent to and was injured and suffered damages, including and not limited to bodily injury, pain and suffering and mental anguish."  Bullard alleged that Anderson should have known that the stunt would have caused severe and serious injury to Bullard but was negligent and disregarded Bullard's safety.

Bullard has previously reserved his right to sue Uranus Productions at a later time.

WWE discontinued the Swerved reality series after its second season.  The first season, where the alleged incident took place, saw WWE performers pranking each other.  The second season brought a slight change in the concept of the show, as WWE performers were now pranking other parties, including fans.

Bullard signed to a developmental deal with WWE in 2009 and was called up to the main roster in 2012.  He has been heavily involved in countless community outreach and charitable programs as part of his association with WWE as well as on his own in his local community.

WWE Bringing In A "Big Name" For Wrestlemania (Who Happens To Already Be ON, The WWE Payroll)

That "BBIIGG Name"? Is Hulk Hogan (rolls eyes).

WWOOWW, how convenient. Bring in a guy who's already on the WWE Payroll. How fucking original is that? Why not spend some cash and bring in someone who isn't already getting paid by Vince McMahon? What a concept that would be, but of course it's a concept that'd be lost on the WWE.