Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Upcoming Indy Wrestling Shows.

Mat Memory- WWC Carlos Colon VS Ron Garvin 1988

Final Match for the WWC Universal Title between Carlos Colón and Hands of Stone Ronnie Garvin.

Mat Memory- AWA International TV Title Match: Greg Gagne (ch) vs. Ronnie Garvin 1988-09-17

AWA International Television Champion Greg Gagne vs. "The Man With the Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin. From September 17th, 1988 at the Fairgrounds Arena in Nashville, Tennessee. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVPJgRF8E98

Mat Memory- Greg Gagne v Ron Garvin Super Clash 3

Mat Memory- Ronnie Garvin and Buddy Roberts vs Giant Baba and Tenyru

March 4 1984, Chicago Illinois, The team of Ronnie Garvin and Buddy Roberts take on the team of Genichiro Tenryu and Giant Shohei Baba.

Mat Memory- Ronnie Garvin vs.Scott Steiner 1988-09-18 (AWA)

AWA International Television Champion "The Man With the Hands of Stone" Ronnnie Garvin vs. Scott Steiner. From September 18th, 1988 at the Louisville Gardens in Louisville, Kentucky. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mffpKeOYGG0

Matt Riviera: "Jerry Lawler Will Pay for His Sins" in Thunderdome Cage Match - 1/26/19

"The LVR Boy" Matt Riviera on his Thunderdome Steel Cage match with Jerry "The King" Lawler on Feb 16th, 2019 at the Oman Arena in Jackson, TN. Plus, we see the TWO brawls between Jerry Lawler & Matt Riviera from last week's episode of USA Championship Wrestling. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37r2B8Xzwcg

Thank You Trevor Lee | AAW Pro

Ohio Valley Wrestling TV- SocialMedia10

Rascalz & oVe vs. LAX & Doom Patrol | Beyond Wrestling

Part two of this week's "Twofer Tuesday" comes to us courtesy of the Beyond Wrestling "Looking California" event features an 8-man tag team war between four teams that change their name too much - oVe fka OI4K (Dave Crist & Jake Crist) teaming with The Rascalz fka Scarlet & Graves (Zachary Wentz & Dezmond Xavier) against LAX fka EYFBO (Santana & Ortiz) teaming with Doom Patrol fka Catch Point (Chris Dickinson & Jaka) - one of the most insane matches in Beyond Wrestling history!

PENTA EL 0M and Rey Fenix Comment on LAX and Title Match | AAW Pro

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO Pentagón 0M and REY FENIX comment on LAX and their tag title match on 2/8/19 in Austin, TX against AR Fox and Myron Reed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAS4mnGsRhY

PWCI This Week - #160 Zero One Supreme

Our feature matchup from Zero One in Mattoon has former ROH & Impact star The Zombie Princess Jimmy Jacobs taking on the Chainsaw Massacre Stephen King. Also a news update on multiple stories we have been following with the Mad Conservative Crimefighter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aakabKIw1yU

LAX vs. Crummels & Defarge | Beyond Wrestling vs. CHIKARA

Part one of this week's "Twofer Tuesday" comes to us courtesy of the Beyond Wrestling vs. CHIKARA "Clan Feuds" event and Impact Wrestling's LAX (Santana & Ortiz) aka Team Pazuzu's EYFBO (Mike Draztik & Angel Ortiz) vs. CHIKARA's tag team specialists Crummels & Defarge in an interpromotional fight.

Sammy Guevara Has Left MLW

Major League Wrestling has parted ways with Sammy Guevara,

A source close to the promotion claimed that Guevara had double-booked himself on certain MLW dates, including Superfight this weekend, and that there was no way to be consistent with how he would be used going forward, so the decision was made that each side would go their separate ways.

Ohio Valley Wrestling TV- OVWWEB1015


Impact Wrestling moved a number of talents to their alumni section of their website this week, including Caleb Konley, who is still technically under contract.  We are told that Konley's deal expires next month.  He's always been a solid hand, who, for some reason, the company never really found anything to do with.  Hopefully he lands somewhere and gets the opportunity to be utilized.  Konley had been under contract since April 2016.
Meanwhile, Matt Sydal's deal with the company is also up.    Sydal is slated for knee surgery shortly.  He had a nice run with Impact while he was there and will obviously be in demand when he's ready to return.

Dean Ambrose leaving WWE shortly after WrestleMania when his contract expires in April

Dean Ambrose, a main event wrestler for WWE since debuting with The Shield in 2012, has given his notice to WWE that he will be finishing up when his current contract expires at the end of April, according to three PWTorch sources. He broke the news to management this weekend, including directly in a meeting with Vince McMahon, after being offered a new contract and a raise weeks ago.
He is expected to finish up shortly after WrestleMania, although it’s possible WWE would write him out of storylines sooner. This could explain why he was rather unceremoniously eliminated from the Royal Rumble on Sunday night and did a clean job to Seth Rollins on TV on Raw last night.
Sources tell PWTorch that Ambrose has been long frustrated with the creative direction of his character and reached a breaking point recently. He’s indicated to WWE management this weekend he’s not interested in negotiating further and made it clear this isn’t about trying to get more money. One of his colleagues on the roster, when asked tonight about Dean’s demeanor lately and if there were any signs of discontent, said “he’s pretty much impossible to read.” He added, though, that Dean “hates hokey sh–” and, since so much of his character has been portrayed as hokey in the last few years, he’s not surprised that would have built up frustration leading to a breaking point.
Top management in WWE and a small circle of friends of Dean knew about his decision this weekend, but it wasn’t well known at the Rumble or Raw among most of his colleagues.