Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Alberto Del Rio, Sounding Like A Bitter Dumped Ex-Boyfriend, Sends A Warning To Paige


Former WWE Champion Alberto Del Rio (aka Alberto El Patron) recently appeared on Hannibal TV and issued a message to his ex-fiancĂ©e, former WWE Women’s Champion Paige.

Take note, making threats on video against an ex-girlfriend does rank as one of the DUMBEST things one could do. 

Paige and Alberto went public with their relationship in May 2016 (Like they had any choice since many already knew). They were engaged in October 2016 after Paige popped the question in the middle of the ring during a WWC event in Puerto Rico, right after Del Rio’s match with Carlito. Paige dropped to one knee and asked Del Rio to marry her, and he said yes. Del Rio was still married at the time, but was going through a divorce to his estranged wife in Mexico, Angela. The relationship played out in the media and over social media, and was full of ups & downs, until they confirmed their split in December 2017.

Del Rio spoke to former WWE commentator Hugo Savinovich back in April and revealed that he and Paige had a $1 million confidentiality agreement, to safeguard his interests and future. In this new interview, Alberto claims he and Paige lied about their domestic incidents, to protect their jobs, and that there are 3 arrests, with 7 total police reports related to their domestic troubles. He threatened to expose Page and the fake stories they told the media and the fans to protect her WWE job, if he’s not left alone.

Right about now most people are saying "Who cares, who gives a fuck.. Shut up and go wrestle somewhere".

There were at least three arrests/incidents that were rumored or confirmed during the relationship – a 2016 incident in Las Vegas after WWE Money In the Bank, an incident in San Antonio where Paige lived with Alberto, and the infamous July 2017 incident at the Orlando airport, where Alberto chose not to press charges against Paige. Alberto claimed back in April that Paige was arrested in San Antonio, Vegas, and Orlando, and had 6 or 7 police reports in just San Antonio. Del Rio also reiterated comments he made back in April, saying once he signed the $1 confidentiality agreement, he then found out that Paige didn’t own a house or a car, and had just $60,000 – $70,000 in her bank account. Alberto continues to say “enough is enough” and warn Paige to leave him alone, but it remains to be seen where these threats are coming from. He previously stated in that same April interview that he wants the best for Paige.

Yeah, we can tell by all the threats he's making. 

Still employed by WWE, Paige has been in a relationship with Falling in Reverse singer Ronnie Radke since late 2018, and is focused on her Twitch channel these days. And once she sees his videos she can be reminded why, and be glad she dumped Alberto.

Here is Del Rio's Rambling. 

Alberto has recently expressed interest in a return to WWE (Conveniently where his ex-girlfriend Paige happens to work, Can we say "stalker behavior" here?), apologizing for past mistakes. He also made it known he wants another WWE Title reign, as noted here. You can click here for his recent comments on WWE and past mistakes, or click here for his recent comments on the major criminal charges he’s facing in August. Alberto is scheduled to return to the ring on Saturday, July 31 in McAllen, Texas at the Payne Arena for the loaded Hecho en Mexico indie event. He will work the Triple Threat main event that night with Andrade El Idolo and Carlito. Alberto is one of the promoters of the event.

Here's the video where he addresses his domestic assault charges.. he says "trusts his lawyer" but for a guy who claims that he sure is sounding a bit paranoid and scared.

And here's the video where he makes threats to Paige.

He sounds like a bitter ex-boyfriend who has to make threats so that way he can make himself feel better about himself. Yeah, make threats to a woman who's moved on from you.. "OOOOO" real tough guy, aren't you. 

Supreme Wrestling Highlights 7/10/2021: CM Squared vs Custom Made Tag Team Title Match


Highlights from Supreme Wrestling's 7/10/2021 show features CM Squared taking on Custom Made in a match to determine the rightful Supreme Tag Team Champions

ACW LIVE! Episode 12: Shane Douglas vs D-Lo Brown


ACW LIVE! Episode 12: Shane Douglas vs D-Lo Brown Pro wrestling icons collide as the ACW Heavyweight Champion Shane Douglas squares off with D-Lo Brown…in a street fight!?!

Mike Graham & Jerry Lawler vs Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr. (July 14th, 1981)


40 years ago today! July 14th, 1981 - Fort Homer Hesterly Armory Mike Graham & Jerry Lawler vs Terry Funk & Dory Funk Jr.

"Someone" Is Real F'N Delusional - Vrigil Claims HE, Made Hogan's Career And Is Responsible For The NWO (LMAO! Yeah Okay)


Someone please, PLEASE give Virgil back his meds. He's really off his fucking rocker with these claims that NOBODY, on God's green earth will ever believe. 

Former WWE Million Dollar Champion Virgil was on today’s episode of The Wrestling Inc. Daily. as WWE recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the NWO, and Virgil made absolutely ridiculous claims to Wrestling Inc. Managing Editor Nick Hausman his role in the iconic faction.

Get a load of the blabbering bullshit ol Virgil spewed out here. 

“I think I made Hulk Hogan’s whole career,” Virgil expressed. “Ted Turner and I put together the NWO."

UUUUH no Virgil, YOU.. Didn't put together, shit.

He doesn't stop there, though he never really should've been allowed to get started in the first place. 

 "I got paid all day. I was like a moving reindeer. It was Too Sweet Meatsauce week. Olive Garden gave me a special order with Eric Bischoff because they love me that much. They put out a restraining order on Eric Bischoff because he followed me to Olive Garden. I guess he wanted a bunch more meatsauce or something. He’s obsessed with me because I’m the Meatsauce King.”

NOBODY is 'obsessed' with you, dumb ass. And if you were "paid all day" then come you're stil hustling garbage at a merchandise table that maybe three people come to? 

Virgil continued, “I was the original member coming in. It was Hulk, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase, myself and X-Pac."

AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh sorry, he was actually SERIOUS when he said that? LMAO!

Let's hope Hausman realized he was getting 'worked' by a guy who had no influence in WCW what so ever. Or maybe WrestlingInc needed something to cover "Comedy Hour" at their site so Virgil filled the void.

Before joining WCW, Virgil spent nearly a decade in the WWF. He revealed a move that a future WWE Hall of Famer would be known for only in his head. 

“I kicked Alex Wright’s ass in a dance off in a parking garage, and I put my foot up in his ass,” Virgil recalled. “He was talking s**t like he could out dance me. I had the dance off, and I shoved my foot up his ass. I invented the dance called the Spinaroonee. Disco Inferno had a spin off. He spun on the ground like a donkey, and then I spanked his ass.”

Yeah, SSSUUURREE YOU DID Virgil, sure you did. And last checked it was Booker T, and not YOU, who originated the Spinaroonee, dumb ass.

Keep the Kool-Aid away from Virgil because it's obviously having a bad effect on him. 

Virgil then went on to talk about his new mobile game “Meatsauce Madness”. Discussing what fans can expect from the game.

“I’m the prototype ( yeah, I just BET you are). I played it for hours,” Virgil said. “I went into a food coma playing. I went to Olive Garden playing it. Fans can expect all of it when you guzzle the beef. I think you might have been guzzling some beef. Look at you. [Virgil does a horse impression]. I guzzled so much I got garlic nipples. I’m a unicorn. All the game is my favorite part, from the platform to the end. I love it all.”

Whatever he's been smoking lately he really needs to quit because every time he speaks, he shows what a complete moron and dipshit he really is. 

For the four people who may want to hear this lunacy, here you go.

Virgil is truly a man who's living on Fantasy Island, and apparently likes it there. 

Michael Elgin Arrested For Violation Of Protective Order


Former ROH World Champion Michael Elgin (Aaron Frobel) was arrested last month for violating a protective order. Elgin was arrested on Tuesday, June 29 by police in Belleville, Illinois and charged with Violation of Protective Order. The order of protection was filed and served to Elgin on May 12 of this year, by Elgin’s ex-fiancĂ©. She alleges that he violated the order multiple times between June 7 and June 14, using alias names and email addresses to try and make contact, and even attempting to contact her through her mother, and other third parties.

The woman stated to police that she left her home on April 21 because she was “being abused physically, mentally, verbally, and emotionally. She also stated that Elgin tried to contact her over 30 times, violating the order as backlash for leaving and getting the Order of Protection. The woman says she was in a relationship with Elgin from June 2020 until April 21, 2021, and engaged to be married. They lived together at an address in Belleville.

The woman also stated to police that she was never injured, nor was any property damaged during any incident with Elgin, and she never called 911, but she was abused by Elgin “many times in the past but never reported it.” She stated that while in the relationship, she felt she was sexually abused. She stated she was never restrained, battered, abused, or choked during the relationship, but she felt intimidated by Elgin due to his size. She also said she felt that she could not say no to Elgin during sexual encounters. She described some of those encounters and said she felt like she always had to perform sexual favors for Elgin, or he would ignore her and be visibly upset and make her feel guilty. It was also stated that Elgin never harmed her, but she is fearful of potential violence due to his use of steroids.

The police report includes the following statement:

You may remember back in late June how there were claims made by people close to Elgin, that he had disappeared under suspicious circumstances, and that they were concerned for his well-being. He surfaced a few days later. Elgin’s ex said this disappearance was actually when he was arrested for violating the order. She stated that Elgin has been claiming he has mental health issues as his defense. She noted that she wants her story out to prevent this from happening to someone else.

The woman issued the following statement.

“I respect everyone’s sexuality but it should be noted that men and women are people he goes after, not only women. The warning is for everyone, not just for women. He used threats of suicide many times after I left. A couple of girls have reached out to me since I left and told me the same stories, as [Frobel’s ex-wife] Rachel can tell you as well. He’s continuing to threaten suicide as a manipulation tactic.”

The report was filed to the Investigations Division by the officer who took the statement, Officer Jensen. That apparently led to Elgin’s arrest on June 29. There is no word yet on Elgin’s court case, but we will keep you updated.

Elgin was suspended by Impact Wrestling on June 22, 2020 due to sexual assault allegations coming out of the “#SpeakingOut” movement on social media. He was then fired by the company on June 26, 2020. He worked a IWA-MS event back in February, but has been away from pro wrestling for the most part since the allegations were made last summer.

Jim Cornette on Wrestlers Who Messed Up Their Spot 

CWA (Memphis) May 27, 1989 

Pre-Show Battle Royal | Wrestlution 15 (XWA) 

Arn Anderson on getting underpaid to lose to Sam Houston 

All Japan Match Highlights From 7-13-21 

Jim Ross recalls Lex Luger's relationship with Ms Elizabeth