Wednesday, July 14, 2021

"Someone" Is Real F'N Delusional - Vrigil Claims HE, Made Hogan's Career And Is Responsible For The NWO (LMAO! Yeah Okay)


Someone please, PLEASE give Virgil back his meds. He's really off his fucking rocker with these claims that NOBODY, on God's green earth will ever believe. 

Former WWE Million Dollar Champion Virgil was on today’s episode of The Wrestling Inc. Daily. as WWE recently celebrated the 25th anniversary of the NWO, and Virgil made absolutely ridiculous claims to Wrestling Inc. Managing Editor Nick Hausman his role in the iconic faction.

Get a load of the blabbering bullshit ol Virgil spewed out here. 

“I think I made Hulk Hogan’s whole career,” Virgil expressed. “Ted Turner and I put together the NWO."

UUUUH no Virgil, YOU.. Didn't put together, shit.

He doesn't stop there, though he never really should've been allowed to get started in the first place. 

 "I got paid all day. I was like a moving reindeer. It was Too Sweet Meatsauce week. Olive Garden gave me a special order with Eric Bischoff because they love me that much. They put out a restraining order on Eric Bischoff because he followed me to Olive Garden. I guess he wanted a bunch more meatsauce or something. He’s obsessed with me because I’m the Meatsauce King.”

NOBODY is 'obsessed' with you, dumb ass. And if you were "paid all day" then come you're stil hustling garbage at a merchandise table that maybe three people come to? 

Virgil continued, “I was the original member coming in. It was Hulk, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Ted DiBiase, myself and X-Pac."

AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh sorry, he was actually SERIOUS when he said that? LMAO!

Let's hope Hausman realized he was getting 'worked' by a guy who had no influence in WCW what so ever. Or maybe WrestlingInc needed something to cover "Comedy Hour" at their site so Virgil filled the void.

Before joining WCW, Virgil spent nearly a decade in the WWF. He revealed a move that a future WWE Hall of Famer would be known for only in his head. 

“I kicked Alex Wright’s ass in a dance off in a parking garage, and I put my foot up in his ass,” Virgil recalled. “He was talking s**t like he could out dance me. I had the dance off, and I shoved my foot up his ass. I invented the dance called the Spinaroonee. Disco Inferno had a spin off. He spun on the ground like a donkey, and then I spanked his ass.”

Yeah, SSSUUURREE YOU DID Virgil, sure you did. And last checked it was Booker T, and not YOU, who originated the Spinaroonee, dumb ass.

Keep the Kool-Aid away from Virgil because it's obviously having a bad effect on him. 

Virgil then went on to talk about his new mobile game “Meatsauce Madness”. Discussing what fans can expect from the game.

“I’m the prototype ( yeah, I just BET you are). I played it for hours,” Virgil said. “I went into a food coma playing. I went to Olive Garden playing it. Fans can expect all of it when you guzzle the beef. I think you might have been guzzling some beef. Look at you. [Virgil does a horse impression]. I guzzled so much I got garlic nipples. I’m a unicorn. All the game is my favorite part, from the platform to the end. I love it all.”

Whatever he's been smoking lately he really needs to quit because every time he speaks, he shows what a complete moron and dipshit he really is. 

For the four people who may want to hear this lunacy, here you go.

Virgil is truly a man who's living on Fantasy Island, and apparently likes it there. 

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