Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Want something better than scripted promos and bad gimmicks? CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Ep. #140: Trevor vs. Wilkins / Royal vs. Adler (1/17/18)

Published on Jan 17, 2018
CWF Mid-Atlantic Worldwide Episode #140 (1/17/18):
-Arik Royal vs. Worldwide Television Champion Jesse Adler
-Roy Wilkins vs. Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion Trevor Lee in a First Blood match

Cody and Brandi Rhodes creating legacies of their own post-WWE by being themselves

Fox’s interest in WWE programming could sharply drive up price for NBC Universal to retain rights, but ownership interest complicates story

Former WWE Diva On Being An Alcoholic And Spending Months In Jail For DUIs

Shane Douglas On RAW's 25th Anniversary, Memories Of His First Show In 1995, Exhausting TV Tapings

Episode 31 of The Triple Threat Podcast in NOW AVAILABLE. This week The Franchise comments on the huge upcoming WWE RAW 25th Anniversary and shares some of his memories of wrestling's flagship television program including how long a RAW TV taping was back in the early years of production and his re-debut on the show as Dean Douglas. The full episode can be downloaded at this link.

WWE's upcoming RAW 25th Anniversary:
"Raw has been a major staple of professional wrestling (whether Vince wants to call it that or not) and a major part of that history over the last 25 years and as you talked about earlier with the cultural impact of wrestling and how far reaching they are I think it is a hell of an accomplishment that they've been able to get to twenty five years. Albeit the last couple of years may be a little sketchy but it is pretty rare that you'd find anybody or any red-blooded American that wouldn't know what you are talking about if you said to them the phrase "Monday Night RAW". So in that respect and all of the names mentioned are the certain kind of names that wrestling fans are going to want to tune in to it. "
First memories of RAW when re-debuting as Dean Douglas:
"My first recollection of RAW as Dean Douglas was the episode that was shot in Lansing (Michigan) where we had Bob Backlund involved and X-Pac and I wrestled Scott Hall for the Intercontinental Title. But by that time it was already highly evident that to me anyway that the character (Dean Douglas) that had been explained to me was not the character that they were going to go with on air. So it kind of took on a life of its own and I have very negative memories of my time there in 96. The money was the sh*ts, the travel was brutal even though I was working my ass off every night 28 days on average per month while getting paid peanuts compared to the people I was wrestling. So you won't hear me say much positive about my time there as Dean Douglas in the RAW days other than I enjoyed a lot of the guys I was on the road with like Dustin Rhodes and many others like Bret Hart, Curt Hennig, Undertaker and I really enjoyed working around those guys and being around those guys."
The hours of work that went into a monthly RAW TV taping:
"It was actually more like hours and hours and hours and hours. The crowd got dead after about two hours and there were multiple times and it was a big running joke among the boys that was that you'd go out to the ring and have a match where you might have missed a spot or there was something that Vince wanted that you didn't put in and they'd stop you behind the curtain and have a towel there for you to towel off and turn around hit the music and send you right back out to do the exact same match you just had finished but including what Vince wanted in the match. So imagine you are sitting as a fan and you see Shane Douglas and Scott Hall go to the ring and have a match and they come back and ten seconds later the music hits and out comes Shane Douglas and Scott Hall to have the exact same match that you just watched with one or two differences that you probably don't remember because you are so bored of watching the same match you just watched. It was just a crowd killer. I remember the first and second hours usually had a decent crowd response but by the end of that second hour you could hear it draining off and by the third or fourth hour the crowd was just flat. Vince would pipe in the music on the TV show so you'd hear a roar of the crowd but you'd see the crowd sitting there motionless with bored looks on their faces and it was pretty evident that it was piped in sound. To me it was a death-knell and one that I didn't see the reason for nothing other than overkill to just keep putting on more and more and more matches and sometimes like the old saying goes less is more. To go out there and lose the crowd after two hours on their feet and wanting more is far better than having a crowd going and looking at their watches saying that they are glad to be getting out of there already which was my recollection of a RAW taping back then. They were brutally long and I believe unnecessarily so."
For this and every other episode of The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling and The Triple Threat Podcast featuring "The Franchise" Shane Douglas please subscribe to us on iTunes, Spotify, iHeartRadio, Podomatic, and Player FM. Also follow us on Twitter @TwoManPowerTrip

Chris Jericho On Proving He's A Money Draw With NJPW Ticket Sales And New Subscriptions

Chris Jericho recently appeared on Busted Open, joining Dave Lagreca and Bully Ray, to discuss the success of NJPW's Wrestle Kingdom 12 "Alpha vs. Omega" match. The event took place inside the world-famous Tokyo Dome on January 4, 2018. During his appearance on Busted Open, Jericho talked about how his captivating battle with Omega was the biggest example in his career of him being able to draw money.

"You have to draw money. And this to me, is probably the biggest example of Jericho drawing money," Jericho said on the increase of ticket sales for this year's Wrestle Kingdom. He elaborated, "WWE and WrestleMania for example -that's a brand. People are going, no matter what. I think in this day and age, WWE is the biggest draw. With Wrestle Kingdom, that wasn't the case. There was certain goals that New Japan had that were blown out of the water with the announcement of 'Alpha vs. Omega.' And that was completely on me. I'm a numbers guy, I was calling every day. 'What's the updated tickets? What's the updated tickets?' We sold, 35,000, paid. Last year, they did 26,000."

The former multi-time world champion took on Bullet Club member Kenny Omega in what many fans considered a dream matchup. Bullet Club became a part of pop culture in America, with their merchandise often being one of the top-sellers for the retail company Hot Topic. The popular group, headed by Omega, constantly makes headlines for their rebellious behavior in the professional wrestling world.

The subscription numbers for went up significantly; in addition to thousands of foreigners who traveled to the Tokyo Dome to see the match in-person
"I'm taking it credit for it. I don't think the subscriptions would have been there," Jericho stated. "That's 2,500 people that flew from America, England, wherever. Show me any independent show in the United States that draws 2,500 people in your home country, nowadays. It's pretty rare."


Former Impact Wrestling Knockouts champion Sienna (Alyssin Kaye, 30 years old) announced on Facebook last night that she is hospitalized in Orlando, Florida and has been diagnosed with a blood clot in each lung:

Can't sleep? Here's something for you to watch. Rocky Mountain Pro Charged Season 3 Episode 8 - One Last Ride

Published on Jan 16, 2018
This week on Charged, the issues between Humphrey Jacobs & Curtis Cole come to a head as Cole sits ringside for the Main Event between Humphrey Jacobs and Big Vig. Danger Dean, after months of issues, finally gets his hands on Tremaine Island one on one with a huge stipulation added to the match. Showing his true colors, Severino Corrente has some words for Charged Champion, Anaya, and makes a challenge that seems unbelievable. Jason Noel vs Vlad Balashov & a six man tag between Hunter Grey, Filter & Anthony Andrews vs Kaiden Koyama & Alpha Omega round out the evening. Visit for more full episodes. Brought to you by This episode originally aired on on December 27, 2017.