Friday, July 9, 2021

Scott Steiner Beats Up Indy Wrestler! (World Class Revolution) 

Cornette, Jericho And Others Put Fan Who Rushed The Ring On AEW's Road Rager In His Place (The Fan Got "Treated")


The fan who rushed the ring during Wednesday’s Road Rager edition of AEW Dynamite on TNT noted that he ended up going to jail after the incident at the James L. Knight Center in Miami on Wednesday night. For those who missed it, the fan rushed the ring during Chris Jericho’s entrance for his face-off with MJF, as fans were singing Jericho’s “Judas” theme song. MJF and Jericho both stood up as staffers and security wrestled the man from the apron and ramp area, to the floor. Jericho then walked over and briefly got physical with the man.

I covered this idiot getting punched by Jericho, here.

Regarding security, It should be noted that Atlas Security was not working the show and have not been working with AEW during the COVID-19 pandemic. Atlas was known for stopping unruly fans during the Original ECW days, and at times in TNA/Impact Wrestling.

The fan, who goes by Fat Bastard on Twitter, responded to a Vince Russo tweet on June 23, where Russo taunted Tony Khan for losing half of AEW’s audience. The tweet threatened Khan, Cody Rhodes, and Anthony Ogogo.

After getting back online this week, the fan has changed his Twitter bio to taunt Jericho and MJF. The fan went viral this afternoon following a tweet he sent to Jim Cornette and Cornette’s podcast co-host, Brian Last. He thought Cornette would side with him as Cornette often rips on AEW. He was wrong.

“@TheJimCornette @GreatBrianLast, how did you like my #AEW debut? I did this for all of us real wrestling fans, wrestling is no longer a safe space for friends to dance around and play dress up. Reality can hit at anytime, did they think it is going to be fucking playtime forever?,” he wrote to Cornette.

Cornette responded and said the man is lucky he wasn’t gutted “like a fish” and commented on how the ring is sacred ground for those in the business. He then blocked the man.

“Got news for you dipshit, the ring is sacred ground for US, and even if you and a lot of others THINK you can kick the s--t out of the Young Bucks, I would have turned you into a tennis racket popsicle, & you’re lucky someone there didn’t gut you like a fish. And you’re blocked,” Cornette wrote back.

Last also responded and said the man should be embarrassed. He then also blocked the man.

“Real wrestling fans don’t jump the rail. You should be embarrassed. You are blocked,” Last wrote.

You want to watch the video in the tweet right above, here's the link.

This ass clown even has a YouTube video calling out Cody Rhodes, Tony Khan, etc. And really, it's fourteen minutes and twenty five seconds of him trying to get himself over on people who won't even be listening to the video.

Remember how I keep saying "Marks" these days are dumb as fuck? Here's your latest example, right here. 

If you want or need a cure for insomnia you can listen, then laugh at this guy's ranting, right here.

"Marks", you gotta love em, they do get dumber and dumber by the week. This one says Jerichop pun ches like a bitch, but yet we didn't see him punch Jericho back, now did we, LMAO!

Nope, his punk ass was dragged off and he looked like he didn't know what hit him. 

Someone better give him back his medication, so that way he can take it and smarten up. 

Since Dave Meltzer Can't Supply A Link To This Story, I'll Go Ahead (Again) And Do it For Him


I don't how Dave Meltzer could do a story and not supply a link to it, especially when I, happened to find the link by accident and did the story BEFORE he did it.

But that's Meltzer for you.

Here's a shot of HIS story on Mike and Maria Bennet throwing out the first pitch at Wrigley Field. 

And now, here's a shot of the story I did, two hours before he did his "Daily Update".

It couldn't have been THAT HARD for him to actually DO some research and find a link, could it? 

One simple search for it on  Google brings it up, see? Right here is proof.

I guess Meltzer has difficulty using Google, LOL. 

So since he's again, incapable of producing a link unless someone hands it to him (and possibly puts it in the update for him since he's well known for not being able to even do THAT, correctly), Here you go. I'll do what he can't seem to do (or is too lazy to do, or simply too lazy to WANT to do it, you choose which one it is).

I'm sure the "Meltzer Marks" are gonna come whining at me again as they usually do when I show they're 'hero' is an idiot. But it's the principle, if you're gonna do a story and a link is available, provide the link. How hard is it for the ahem, "world's most well known wrestling writer" to come up with one? Better yet, why is it he can't come up with one but a "little guy" like me has it, and had it two hours BEFORE he did?

Makes you go, HHHHMMM.

As for me giving you the link Meltzer failed to do? You're welcome. :)

Can Mike Bennett Prove He's Pure?


Mike Bennett says his match against Jonathan Gresham at Best in the World is about much more than the Pure Title - it's also about his legacy and redemption!

Will Wrestling or Violence Win Out at Best in the World? (Ring Of Honor)


In a first-time-ever singles meeting, can Brody King prove that violence is the answer, or will Jay Lethal get the Foundation back on track at Best in the World?

ROH's Mike & Maria Kanellis Bennett Throw Out First Pitch at Cubs / Phillies Game 

MVP vs Chavo Guerrero Jr (World Class Revolution) 

Jay Lethal on his WOO Off with Ric Flair


Jay Lethal tells Chris Van Vliet about his viral moment with WWE Hall of Famer Ric Flair where they had a "WOO Off" during an episode of Impact Wrestling. He says it was a terrifying and funny moment because he didn't know what the plan for the segment was, Vince Russo simply told him to go out and cut a promo with the legendary wrestler.

Eli Drake vs Ken Anderson - No Disqualification Match | NWA High Voltage


Eli Drake vs Ken Anderson - No Disqualification Match NWA Powerrr December 17th, 2019 Hot off the heels of their match at 2019's Into The Fire pay-per-view, Eli Drake (currently NXT's LA Knight) and Ken Anderson would meet again in this brutal no disqualification match in the season 2 premiere of NWA Powerrr.

Jim Cornette on Eddie Kingston's Promo Calling Out WWE