Friday, July 9, 2021

Since Dave Meltzer Can't Supply A Link To This Story, I'll Go Ahead (Again) And Do it For Him


I don't how Dave Meltzer could do a story and not supply a link to it, especially when I, happened to find the link by accident and did the story BEFORE he did it.

But that's Meltzer for you.

Here's a shot of HIS story on Mike and Maria Bennet throwing out the first pitch at Wrigley Field. 

And now, here's a shot of the story I did, two hours before he did his "Daily Update".

It couldn't have been THAT HARD for him to actually DO some research and find a link, could it? 

One simple search for it on  Google brings it up, see? Right here is proof.

I guess Meltzer has difficulty using Google, LOL. 

So since he's again, incapable of producing a link unless someone hands it to him (and possibly puts it in the update for him since he's well known for not being able to even do THAT, correctly), Here you go. I'll do what he can't seem to do (or is too lazy to do, or simply too lazy to WANT to do it, you choose which one it is).

I'm sure the "Meltzer Marks" are gonna come whining at me again as they usually do when I show they're 'hero' is an idiot. But it's the principle, if you're gonna do a story and a link is available, provide the link. How hard is it for the ahem, "world's most well known wrestling writer" to come up with one? Better yet, why is it he can't come up with one but a "little guy" like me has it, and had it two hours BEFORE he did?

Makes you go, HHHHMMM.

As for me giving you the link Meltzer failed to do? You're welcome. :)

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