Sunday, September 3, 2023

Jim Cornette on CM Punk Being Fired By AEW

Terry Funk VS Dustin Rhodes w/ Special Referee Mick Foley (2005)


From CCW Carolina Championship Wrestling, Nov 2005 w/ Bill Apter & Jimmy Hart on Interviews/Commentary & a run in by Jerry Lawler!

(Updated 9-4-23 12;00 am) - It's Time Once Again Where We Play 'Smack A 'Mark' (And They ALWAYS Make it So Easy For Me)


What is it about 'marks' that they, every time they try and brace me, they always show what dumb shits they really are? Why is it when you give them facts they can't accept the fact they've been 'checked'? And why is it when you give the simple basic concept that they, are the ones that keep replying to a post I make, they just don't have the common sense God gave goats to grasp that simple concept? Also, why is it they just can't keep or control; themselves from replying? Most 'marks' just keep replying even though a blind man can see every time they do, they just show why they're the dumb fucks I say they are?

I don't have the answers to it either but here's yet another great example of a dipshit that, no matter how many times  ran rings around him, no matter how many times his bluff got called, he just kept on replying, doing the same ol typical shit 'marks' do when they know they've been 'checked'. Throw out every copout he can while he's back stepping from the fact he was owned, over and over, and over again.

I keep saying it, and I'll say it again. Some day, 'marks' will become a challenge, some day sure wasn't yesterday that's for sure, and I doubt it'll be today after this story gets posted.

So last night this dumb ass named Lee tries to brace me after I leave a link to this site somewhere. What ensues is the usual I go thru with EVERY dumb ass 'mark' I've come across since the 90's, can't scrape up much, tries and fails several times to come up with something credible and proves me right over and over when I say I have him going like a trained poodle, hopping thru hoops. 

I love it when he asks "why am I talking"? It's my post this dipshit is replying to but again, he can't seem to grasp the 5th grade concept that he's replying to me right from the beginning. If I'm such a 'nobody' then why did he spend so much time replying to me?

Again, 'marks' prove over and over why they are truly, dumb fucks, sand this guy Lee is no different as you're going to see. 

You'd think by now he'd get the hint he wasn't gonna get anywhere here with his limited I.Q. and very limited attempts at bringing something resembling a credible argument to me. BBUUTT no, he really did need someone smarter than him to tell him to quit because he was getting buried. 

There's a ton more of the same thing, he gets punked by me and he keeps trying to redeem himself and failing with flying colors. 

Like I said, if it's my post and you can clearly see you're losing the argument that YOU started, you leave and quit. But not this mental moron. He can't accept that he was no match for me like every other 'mark' that's tried me and lost. playing checkers against a chess master like me will have you get a verbal ass kicking every time. 

Maybe someone smarter than Lee, can dumb it down enough so that way he'll finally get it. 

Update 9-4-23 12:00 

Well it became obvious he STILL doesn't get it, but he sure did get it when I undoubtedly chumped him again. Just when you think they can't get fucking dumber.. Here comes a guy like Lee to show us, they can (smiles).