Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dutch Mantell vs Kevin Sullivan w Jimmy Hart (5-9-81) Memphis Wrestling TV Title Match


So, Now That Ryback Got Punked By Mark Henry On Twitter, Ryback's Now Crying To An Attorney. (Talk About A Bitch Move)


Former WWE Superstar Ryback says he’s going to talk with his attorney about potential legal options for the recent public debacle with WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry.

As noted, Ryback and Henry went back & forth over Twitter and Busted Open Radio earlier this month. You can click here for a recap of the lengthy statements from both wrestlers.

The Big Guy tweeted this week and claimed he was slandered by The World’s Strongest Man. He previously accused Henry of cutting a “paid advertisement” for WWE. Ryback now says he will be talking to his attorney about potential options.

“Going to be speaking with my attorney concerning my options for the recent @wwe @themarkhenry @bustedopenradio situation of outright slander. Luckily enough people know me to know the truth, but can’t sit back and allow WWE to further do this. Thanks for the support,” Ryback wrote.

Henry has not addressed the latest tweet by Ryback.

When you can't take the heat on Twitter? Run to a lawyer like a little bitch. Gotta love it.

Florida Heavyweight Title Match: Cowboy Bill Watts (c) vs Dick Murdoch (January 25th, 1975)


January 25th, 1975 - Bayfront Center Florida Heavyweight Title Match Bill Watts (c) vs Dick Murdoch


Pro Wrestling Plus November 1987


Ed Whalen of Stampede Wrestling hosts  this which is like a Canadian version of Pro Wrestling This Week.


Jake the Snake on Being a Heel
