Thursday, February 21, 2019

Mat Memory- Sgt. Slaughter vs Col. DeBeers (Boot Camp Match)

December 13, 1988. Chicago, Illinois.

Mat Memory- Stan Hansen vs Sgt. Slaughter (01/12.1986 AWA)

January 12, 1986. St. Paul, Minnesota. AWA World Heavyweight Champion Stan "The Lariat" Hansen defends his title against challenger Sgt. Slaughter. Pre match interviews with Stan Hansen included.

Mat Memory- Sgt. Slaughter vs Nord The Barbarian (AWA)

East Coast Syndicate vs Above The Rest (FTW Wrestling)

From Fight The World Wrestling: Raging in the New Year in a FTW Tag Team Championship Match East Coast Syndicate (Chris Barton & Dominick Denaro) take on Above The Rest (Cono & Tristen Thai)

Sgt Slaughter - Notsam Wrestling 226 w/State of Wrestling Podcast

Dave Scherer Of PWInsider Gets Checked, Again. Makes Threats & Then Backs Down, Again

It appears that the story I wrote earlier today about PWInsider's Paul Jordan and his lack of doing research when it comes to reporting about WWE's “Hidden Gems” that are already on YouTube hit a nerve with the very owners of PWInsider (Imagine that, LOL!).

For those who missed it, here's the story I wrote, which has almost become a monthly tradition because Mr. Jordan simply refuses, for whatever reason, to actually see if these are 'hidden gems' or not. Be it laziness or it's simply 'beneath him' to actually check out facts, your guess is as good as mine as to why he reuses to do it.

Be it as it may, a regular reader of this blog sent a link to this story right over to Dave Scherer who owns PWInsider. I knew he was going to do it and I encouraged him TO do it. I have nothing to be scared of and I told Jermy (who sent it to them) that they'll probably respond looking like total dumb fucks. WWEELLL? Guess what, I was right. They did exactly what I said they would do. They have a long habit of being as predictable as a rerun in how and what they'll say and do, and this was no different.

So since I knew he'd come back looking like an absolute moron I asked Jermy to send me a screen shot of the original email he sent to him and the first reply. Reason being as I knew, from the last time this happened that Scherer (not learning from the last time he did this and wound up looking like a complete idiot for it) would ASSume Jermy was me. Scherer always seems to have the guts to confront others who aren't me, claim they are me but when it comes to directly be in contact WITH ME? He won't do it because of the time I checked his ass publicly on Twitter and he quickly blocked me (Proof of that, will be posted later in this article). So here's Jeremy's email to them from his account.

Now here's a shot from MY email box, which is clearly a gmail one and not the one Jermy has.

 Now you can see like I do it's two totally different email accounts, places, etc. But.. Scherer seems to have trouble putting this simple kind of logic together. Here's another example of him responding to someone else thinking it was me, made a threat concerning me, got his ass called on it and he quickly backed down/punked out.

I didn't add anything to the exchange as Jermy was doing quite well putting Scherer and Johnson in their place. Of the other replies I'll post in alittle bit, THIS ONE, was my fave, and one that I can actually prove Scherer wrong on, right here.

He said nobody reads this blog? WELL. Time for me to slap some reality into him because as I always say, proof is, a mother fucker and since I'm a mother fucker who has proof? Boom. Dave Scherer, proven wrong by me, again.

That's the amount of viewers to this blog just for today, so yeah Scherer "NOBODY" reads this..Nice try stupid.

Now here's where Dave again, makes a threat, gets called on it and quickly backs down/punks out. Which is the usual M.O. Of Scherer, huff and puff, then run and block like a bitch when he knows he's about to get checked.

Yes, THIS is from THE Dave Scherer, 'well known' wrestling columnist and owner of PWInsider, acting and looking this pathetically stupid. Getting punked by a guy who he thought was me and in the end running like a bitch when he was getting called out on his idol threats that he'd never have the balls to follow thru on.

Since no other wrestling news site will ever have the balls to do a story like this, you can always.. Count on me to do it cause obviously, I'm the only wrestling writer who does have the balls, to do it. So you can thank me now for showing you, what a fucking moron Dave Scherer is, again. Pretty easy to show actually since he make sit real easy and obviously is too stupid to know when to just, stay silent.

Big B Pro Wrestling Bam Bam Show

Big B Pro Wrestling's Bam! Bam! February 9, 2019 Dugan Best Recreation Center Owensboro, Kentucky Intro. Bobby Wilson addresses the crowd for his birthday and anniversary. Interrupted by Cash Flo and Billy the P. 1. NVUS's Chad Stallings vs. Murphy Boyz's Carson Murphy 2. Coach Jimmy addresses the crowd. 3. 6 Man Tag Joker Jones & The Syndicate (Matt Austin & Steve Marino) vs. "Raw Dawg" Randy Wilson & S&M (Sexy Sydd & Justin Style) 4. Judah vs. JP Youngblood 5. Just John with Travis Sams vs. Eric Benjamin 6. Cash Flo with Billy the P, Travis Sams & Just John vs. Tracy Smothers 7. NVUS's Chad Stallings vs. The Murphy Boyz's Cameron Murphy 8. "The Natural" Chase Stevens vs. "Headliner" Chris Michaels

AWF on 45TV - Episode 131 (Wildcat vs Big Slick Willie, Nick Nelson vs Super Thunderfrog)

Original Air Date - February 16th, 2019 This week on the AWF, coming out of the events of The System's Chat Room Big Slick Willie finds himself one on one against the crime fighting feline Wildcat!! Plus, Super Thunderfrog is scheduled to do battle with the nefarious Nick 'The Natural' Nelson, but no one knows where Super Thunderfrog is!! Even worse, this scheduled contest is for the right to become the Number 1 Contender to the AWF Heavyweight Championship!! Can Super Thunderfrog make it on time, or will Nick Nelson find himself in a prime spot challenge JDX for the championship??

Supreme Wrestling (Madison, Indiana)- Supreme Last Word 34

The stars of Supreme Wrestling gear up for February's Final Friday as all Hell breaks loose between the Supreme Heavyweight Champion "Pure Evil" Nic Noble and his challenger this Friday in a lumberjack title match, "Custom Made" Eric Draven.

AWA New South Championship Wrestling Presents "Six Man Madness" 2/15/2019


Detroit, Michigan’s Cobo Center will have a name change this year.

Chemical Bank has bought the naming rights for the Center and the new name is expected to be TCF Center after a pending bank merger.  The original Cobo Center name comes from politician Albert Cobo who served as mayor from 1950 to 1957 with a reputation of racist and discriminatory policies.

The Cobo venues have had a rich history of hosting various pro wrestling events over several decades from Detroit’s Big Time Wrestling territory, to WCW and the WWF, and most recently the Detroit area indie group XICW.

One Of WWE's "Hidden" Gems Isn't All That "Hidden" When It's Right On YouTube (LOL)

Yes it's that wonderful time again where I, because no other wrestling news site has the balls to do it, get to show everyone once again how one of WWE's alleged 'hidden gems' they're adding to their network is so 'hidden', you can find it right on YouTube.

First, here's the announcement from PWInsider's Paul Jordan (who seems to lack what 'do research' means when it comes to these things (because I make him look stupid at least once a month when he makes these posts without doing any research behind it. Proving he's a lazy ass and a fucking moron if a guy like me can make him look very stupid, very easily).

And NNOOWW, look what happens when I do a simple little search on YouTube for the Heenan/Shiek vs Brazil/ Bruiser match.

Uh oh, uuhhh oohhh, UUUHHHH OOOOOHHHH! Lookie lookie, not one, not two, but THREE different people have the match. It's so 'hidden' it's been right here available on YouTube for TWELVE FUCKING YEARS! AAHH yep, sure looks hidden to me, LMAO!

Yeah, research would be PWInsider's friend but since they seem to insist that research is 'beneath them', I'll continue to make sites like that look stupid. Doesn't take alot of effort really when you see the obvious like I do.