Thursday, February 21, 2019

Big B Pro Wrestling Bam Bam Show

Big B Pro Wrestling's Bam! Bam! February 9, 2019 Dugan Best Recreation Center Owensboro, Kentucky Intro. Bobby Wilson addresses the crowd for his birthday and anniversary. Interrupted by Cash Flo and Billy the P. 1. NVUS's Chad Stallings vs. Murphy Boyz's Carson Murphy 2. Coach Jimmy addresses the crowd. 3. 6 Man Tag Joker Jones & The Syndicate (Matt Austin & Steve Marino) vs. "Raw Dawg" Randy Wilson & S&M (Sexy Sydd & Justin Style) 4. Judah vs. JP Youngblood 5. Just John with Travis Sams vs. Eric Benjamin 6. Cash Flo with Billy the P, Travis Sams & Just John vs. Tracy Smothers 7. NVUS's Chad Stallings vs. The Murphy Boyz's Cameron Murphy 8. "The Natural" Chase Stevens vs. "Headliner" Chris Michaels

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